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Mea Probs


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It looks though the IOM Government are up the creek without a paddle, as the MEA loans debate looks to be going into the legal courts and the treasury minister is now stating that the costs could exceed £10million and he described it as the dripping Roast on the Advocates Table :lol:

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Whats going on with the MEA, looks like Mr Profit was doing all the deals himself and just telling the board to approve things.


No wonder he jumped ship and all his m8's on the board aswell.


Looks like this MEA cock up will the biggest cock up to date.


I think the Tax man is going to have to start asking for more from us.


What i would like to know is why the police have been called in, no smoke without fire, i reckon there is proof back handers were goiing on.


£300+million in loans how on earth alarm bell were not ringing is beyond me.


£166 million for a £60million power station is what i call value.

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