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My bedroom decor is really nice too, the capacity isn't that big and it doesn't have a late license so its the shittest nightclub in the world.

My front room's got a 24 hr license, you can drink the bar dry, and the music is second to none over here B) its a top nightspot fo'sho'!!

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lets compare a nightclub to some lovely clogs from holland.


they may have arrived by normal post in a carrier-bag with stretched handles but they are the nicest yellow clogs i have ever warn.


It's the product that counts, take Nation in Liverpool... The shittest venue i have ever been in but have had some of the best nights clubbing in my life in there!

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I haven't been to any of the current clubs (wayyyyy too old!)..

Ever tried Paramount upstairs? I remember the er..wiser part of the clubbing population used to frequent there (that's why the tips were always better upstairs than downstairs - grr :( )

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I guess it depends what you are there for really.


In my clubbing days, the only criteria were:-


1. Shit hot DJ's

2. Big Dancefloor

3. Loud soundsystem

4. Good lightshow


Platforms/stages were nice, but always too cramped - I like a bit of space so the bigger the floor, the better.


Anything else was a waste, I was there to dance and that was it.


The Escape in Brighton was as barebones as could be but it was a great night out from a dancers perspective.

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A wise man once said "Make the most of your toast"



Mr Mission, i was lucky to visit the 'Escape' in Brighton in the early 90's in my yoof, it was baron but a great experience all the same.

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As said by someone else "nation" in liverpool was at best, a dump, but i have had some of the best nights out in that place, maybe it was because most, if not all other folk going to the place had a positive attitude to have a good night, and not expect other to make the night good for them. If you get what im saying.

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