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Manx Tt / Jester Interactive


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Just got mine from woolies, and my brother was already playing it when I got home this morning.


Looks fab, I think it's better that you have to unlock stuff because it'd get very boring very quickly I suspect.

As you've only really a couple of courses to use compared to shedloads on the likes of GT4 they have to do things like that to give the game some lifespan I suspect.


It's lager and virtual bike racing for me and a couple of the lads tonight though! :D

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I'll be the first to bleat (as usual!)


It's good, but it's not fantasticly good.


The good:


-Feeling of speed

-Recreation of the entire circuit and most of it is recognisable

-Very challeging

-Handling is fairly realistic


The bad:

-Graphics are average at best

-The opposition riders are just rubbish, they bump into you, rarely crash, follow the same lines every time, rubberband. Rubbish.

-Very repetitive challenges. Arcade mode and challenge mode are virtually identical

-Repetative graphics, same houses and trees appearing over and over, etc.

-Very silly programmer images in the crowd

-Everything is static, there's no animation in the backgrounds at all

-No explanation of the controls, doesn't tell you anywhere what the weight balance does or what the front and rear braking does etc

-Rubbish music


It's far better than sega tt as a representation of the manx tt, but it's not going to take down Moto GP II as the best bike game of em all. As for the representation of the course, they've cleverly picked out landmarks on the way, like the pubs and stuff that people will recognise. Most houses just use the same look, and stuff. Pretty good, but not really that authentic.


Fek me those challenges are hard too.

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Personally I think its a fantastic game, music is dodgy and the front wheel steering in the replays but the rest has been done very very well and a nice compromise of simulation and arcade, and to fit the size of the course into the system without any mid flow loadups can only be commended.


I personally think there's no comparison between this and MotoGP as they're totally different in every way other than the fact they both include motorbikes, its like comparing an F1 game with a Rally game.


I like how you put handling is fairly realistic??? based on what experience???


The whole of the circuit is recognisable if you've lapped it enough times you'd know this.


I understand your comments Slim but think they're a little harsh at best, it leaves me feeling a sense of I'd like to see you do better???



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Personally I think its a fantastic game, music is dodgy and the front wheel steering in the replays but the rest has been done very very well and a nice compromise of simulation and arcade, and to fit the size of the course into the system without any mid flow loadups can only be commended.


I'm glad you like it. I'm pretty sure most locals will be giving it bonus points simply becuase it's the TT. If it was a bike game on another circuit you'd probably not give it a second glace.


I've not seen it do the whole course without loadups yet, everything so far has been in little sections. I'm sure it can do it though.


I personally think there's no comparison between this and MotoGP as they're totally different in every way other than the fact they both include motorbikes, its like comparing an F1 game with a Rally game.


F1 and Rally games use different kinds of cars. TT features racing bikes, Moto GP features racing bikes. The control mechanism is virtually identical, left, right, front & rear brake and weight distribution, it's very similar to moto gp. The graphics are lots worse though.


I like how you put handling is fairly realistic???  based on what experience???


I mean the handlines realistic compared to arcade games like Sega Manx TT. Are you saying it's not realistic then?


The whole of the circuit is recognisable if you've lapped it enough times you'd know this.


Heh, I've lapped it lots of times. Hell, I drive a fair section of it every day twice into work and back. They've done a good job of the road layout, but there's loads of repetition in the rest. Check out the houses coming out of hillberry corner and cron-ne-mona, they're identical each side all the way down to govs bridge. They've put things like sulby pub in, then the rest of sulby is just generic houses and trees.


I understand your comments Slim but think they're a little harsh at best, it leaves me feeling a sense of I'd like to see you do better???


I'm not in the business of writing games. If I was, and I sold it for 35 quid, I'd expect people to critisize it if they don't consider it good value for money. I didn't say it was a bad game, its ok. It's just not brilliant. It's an average racer at best, wouldn't be of interest at all if I didn't live on the Island.

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One thing I'd like to say, I'd never noticed the church in Kirk Michael before (I knew it was there, just not noticed it from the road before). Having watched the demo in HMV on Monday, I thought, "I've never noticed that church spire before now" (and I've travelled that road so many times). I had to pick someone up from the airport the other night and as it was pretty much rush hour, I came that way back into Ramsey instead of going through Douglas and over the mountain and, sure enough, I spotted the spire for the first time as I passed through Kirk Michael. :)

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I'm glad you like it. I'm pretty sure most locals will be giving it bonus points simply becuase it's the TT. If it was a bike game on another circuit you'd probably not give it a second glace.


I've not seen it do the whole course without loadups yet, everything so far has been in little sections. I'm sure it can do it though.


Being a biker and loving the TT circuit is a big bonus to me yes, and the part that I really loved about it is that I simply know what corner is coming next without even thinking about it.


F1 and Rally games use different kinds of cars. TT features racing bikes, Moto GP features racing bikes. The control mechanism is virtually identical, left, right, front & rear brake and weight distribution, it's very similar to moto gp. The graphics are lots worse though.


TT and MotoGP also use different kinds of bikes, just because they've got two wheels does not make them the same. If you find a MotoGP bike in the TT I'll buy you a pint ;)


I mean the handlines realistic compared to arcade games like Sega Manx TT. Are you saying it's not realistic then?


I'd say its a good compromise between simulation and arcade in terms of handling.


With regards to the track layout I'd say its near on spot on, they've also done a good job of creating the dodgy road surface on the run up to Ramsey.


I think that bikers will always have more of a soft spot for this game and I wasn't expecting it to live up to my expectations and I really am impressed with it. Mainly due to the size of the course. I played it last night with a mate on 2 player and once you've done a full lap of the course you will get hooked. Spending 22+ minutes just for one lap is simply amazing and guaranteed to give you playstation thumb :D.


They are following this up with more versions so it can and will only get better, I have spoken to the director of Jester on numerous occassions and he has "unofficially" confirmed this. I'd also imagine this will undoubtedly mean the next version will be on another platform as he did say that they really hit the limits of the PS2.

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