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Children In Need!


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I donated £100 on BBC 2 Music Marathon to play Stairway to Heaven.


Why did you post this?


Do you think that everyone who has had their head shaved, given 25p to their office collection, etc., should boast of their generosity? Or are you just trying to be a nice guy, after the Ballaclarkson tantrum?

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Why did you post this?


Do you think that everyone who has had their head shaved, given 25p to their office collection, etc., should boast of their generosity? Or are you just trying to be a nice guy, after the Ballaclarkson tantrum?


Probably because the original post asked what people had done to raise money. It's actually the only proper answer to the question so far.


Maybe you need to put aside discussions from other threads....

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Was it just me that noticed the very "odd" choices of backing tracks on the little awareness film things they do. For example playing "i'll stand by you" by The Pretenders whilst a load of children in wheelchairs are on. And playing "Fix You" by Coldplay when a girl with some incurable disease as on (the one where the girl looked after her sister with her mum, i didn't hear what the problem was called)

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You've actually cost them money. At least one kid will go blind because of you, maybe it will even die.


Errrr, no, the cost off production is covered only, then everything else is profit for the said charity.


The whole charity thing is a con


OK' do you have first hand expieriance do you ? What a pillock you must be to come out with that statement.


We pay our taxes and elect a Govt.


But the Government you elected has nothing to do with the UK and Children in Need. So yet another wrong one.


Charity lets them off the hook and deflects from the real issues and responsibilities involved.


Wise up and enter the real world. Anyone with an once of common sense would see that's bollox. Due you see all the Charitable Orgs blame the Gov, no, i don't think so. Wake up and smell the coffee.


Actually, with inflation it will be 1.7 children who will die.


And then the other 0.3 child will also die because it will only have a tiny part of a lung and no mouth.


And you think that's funny? I hope, and really do hope, that when or if you have kids, you will never regret posting something as tasteless as that.


What annoys me is that the Queen has all that money and doesnt give a bit of it to charities


Sorry, I didn't know you had personal liason with the Royal Household, maybe you should write a book.


Bollocks to Children in Need, Comic Relief and the rest. They are just an excuse for so called celebrities to boost their fading careers.


Maybe they are using the Celebrities Status to bring more money to a need they could not sponsor themselves. But then you need brains to work that one out.


If you want to give to charity give your money to one that provides visible results like sponsoring a child of the one that sends children from Chernobyl over here for a bit of respite.


I do and have done but that doesn't mean i can't give somewhere else. Do you contribute to bringing the kids over from Chernobyl ? If you do, Well Done, if we had more money we could bring more. If you don't then keep you opinions to yourself because if you don't put your hand in your pocket, you have no right to say what you did.


Couldn't agree more with most of the posters so far.


And you're just a prick imo.


In finishing I'd just like to say that so far this is the most disgusting post i've ever seen on Manx Forums but then i'm open to be proved wrong.


To the people who i've highlighted , I will only say one thing. And that is I hope, and trually hope, that one day you never have a problem with your children which will be outside the NHS budget or understanding. I trully hope you have the funds to put in place the medical care or otherwise at hand to pay for private health care.


If you don't, remember that there's always a Charity out there that could help you without any questions asked. I just hope that they arn't all like thats been said and just tell you to FUCK OFF.


IMO. A child is a gift, an honour, a privlidge. Any child in anyones life.

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IMO. A child is a gift, an honour, a privlidge. Any child in anyones life.{QUOTE]


No, anyone can have a child, thay are not an honour or privalige.I'm sure you think yours are, but sorry. They're not. They're just the same as anyone else's children, little beasts that no - one likes except you.

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I donated £100 on BBC 2 Music Marathon to play Stairway to Heaven.

Hmm..a TV show with loads of silly acts and Stairway to Heaven - what does that remind me of?


Wayne's World, Wayne's World, Party Time! Excellent! :)



Garth Algar: Okay, pop quiz. Cassandra is not interested in Benjamin because...

A: Chicks think he's handsome,

B: has cool car,

C: has lots of cash,

D: has no visible scars,

E: does not live with parents.

Wayne Campbell: Okay, how about, F: you're a gimp.

Garth Algar: Well, you know what? you can take a metal pole and...

[a passing jet liner mutes out most of what he says]

Garth Algar: ...till the handle breaks off and you have to get a doctor to pull it out again!


I've actually seen two music shops that had "No Stairway to Heaven" signs in the guitar department - always feel sorry for the guys working there..still a nice song, though...


Bollocks to Children in Need, Comic Relief and the rest. They are just an excuse for so called celebrities to boost their fading careers.


To a certain extent, sadly, that is probably true - although I doubt that people like Madonna are in it purely for the money - she's earned enough dosh by now. Not so sure with some of the other acts (Hello, Pussycatdolls..)


If you want to give to chaity give your money to one that provides visible results like sponsoring a child of the one that sends children from Chernobyl over here for a bit of respite. Don't let it disappear into a vast pot of cash never to be seen again


My thinking when it comes to charity is simple: I first care for the people in front of my door (country of residence), before I send money to Africa or support things like Live8. Charities like Shelter or FairShare may be worth mentioning as well. Children in Need does support some of these charities (as far as I understand), but I think it's still more important to tackle problems like starvation and homelessness, before 48k are given away towards a play scheme. So yes, I do somewhat agree with the "vast pool of cash" argument, and prefer to give small amounts to different charities during the year, instead of getting the credit card out on one evening only...


As long as any funds reach the people in need, it's ok anyway...

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lectro how naive


They can't even fund the Health Services never mind anything else.


I don't fancy 90% tax.


Why should the Queen give up her dosh? It's her money. Should someone who earns double the amount I do be forced to give double the amount to charity? I think not!

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No, anyone can have a child, thay are not an honour or privalige.I'm sure you think yours are, but sorry. They're not. They're just the same as anyone else's children, little beasts that no - one likes except you.

You should've stuck to watching if that's the sort of cack you're going to post.

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I don't have any problem with 'celebrities' giving their time to a good cause - no matter what the cause and regardless of whether they're 'A' list or 'Z' list celebs - their time is often far more valuable to them than pure cash - and if it happens to give flagging careers a bit of a boost, so what?

I do have a problem with giving to charities whose administration fees soak up a huge percentage of donations (a scandal about some RSPCA executives a few years ago comes to mind) and I don't like donating to 'catch-all' funds that all too often support causes I have no time for.

There are also some charities that, I believe, should not be necessary. For example, if a country is willing to send it's young people to fight in a war, it ought to be prepared to bear the full cost of looking the ones who come home maimed or crippled - they simply should never have to rely on charitable donations.

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No, anyone can have a child, thay are not an honour or privalige.I'm sure you think yours are, but sorry. They're not. They're just the same as anyone else's children, little beasts that no - one likes except you.

You should've stuck to watching if that's the sort of cack you're going to post.

Spot the parent who thinks her little horrors are one of the seven wonders of the world. wake up love, theres 6 billion people in the world just like them

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