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Which Other Financial Services Firms On The Iom Are Headquartered In Jersey?


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Which firms in the Finance Sector are head-quartered in Jersey with Jersey based senior management who effectively control what happens to their operations offices here on the IOM??


Can we have a head-count and names please???


When it comes to the rub lets be honest no-one based in Jersey is going to say "hey lets close this office down and move to the IOM - its colder there, the cows aren't brown, the potatoes aren't small and sweet, they have VAT, expensive electricity, their restaurants and shops aren't as good, and we can't just pop over to France for the day... but otherwise its a good idea"


Do turkeys vote for Christmas if bird flu is on the way??

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I'm so glad they put you in charge of re-branding the Island!


Why move to the Island?


- Staff costs are less.

- Housing is less of a problem.

- Availability of staff.


Do the changes to the Coporation Tax give the Island an advantage.

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It doesn't seem to be about the corporate tax rates... but the personal preferences of where the top dogs want to live....and where their wives can shop etc...


As the Treasury Minister said on Manx Radio, in the case of Abbey National they are more comfortable in Jersey.


In Jersey there must surely be less corruption, less dodgy goings on, less £millions being apparently wasted and filched away (MEA, Hospital, IRIS, Mount Murray etc.) And an example of the Manx Justice system . . the chap who more or less got away with it after his car killed the (financial sector) lady on the bike. Good Justice? Not if you ask 99.99% of the people on the Island.


All these things leave a rather sour taste and unfortunately paint the Island as quite grubby.


If I can see some of the awful things that happen on this Island and which are usually based on £greed, then I am sure the directors of the financial companies can also. Given a choice, in what sort of environment do they really want to live with their families.

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I'm so glad they put you in charge of re-branding the Island!


Why move to the Island?


- Staff costs are less.

- Housing is less of a problem.

- Availability of staff.


Do the changes to the Coporation Tax give the Island an advantage.


We also:


- Have highest suicide rate of any comparable rural area

- Came in top three for glue sniffing and under-age drinking.


Bet that won't feature in re-branding.

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We also:


- Have highest suicide rate of any comparable rural area

- Came in top three for glue sniffing and under-age drinking.


Bet that won't feature in re-branding.


What a good idea!


Let's tell everyone about the most negative things about the Island - and let's not mention any of the positives. That must be the best way to market the Island, and get rid of as many jobs as we can.




I am not into marketing, but, in the interests of keeping jobs here, we need to advertise the benefits of living here. This does not mean that we do not need to fix problems, but we do not need to broadcast them.

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its even better to get the IOM's dirty washing on the line for even more people to see now that ManxRadio is tied up with providing the BBC with news for the BBC's IOM web-site and also now that the BBC have set up the message board dedicated to IOM topics which any body logging on to the general BBC message board will be able to view - Great!! thanks to those who bleated on about the IOM not getting value for money from the TV Licence Fee...now the dirty washing can be got out to far more people than might otherwise just use these local forums:-)

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We also:


- Have highest suicide rate of any comparable rural area

- Came in top three for glue sniffing and under-age drinking.


Bet that won't feature in re-branding.


What a good idea!


Let's tell everyone about the most negative things about the Island - and let's not mention any of the positives. That must be the best way to market the Island, and get rid of as many jobs as we can.




I am not into marketing, but, in the interests of keeping jobs here, we need to advertise the benefits of living here. This does not mean that we do not need to fix problems, but we do not need to broadcast them.


I'm not the least bit interested in marketing the Island - in fact I'd like a lot of the people who've come here to go back from whence they came, taking their attitudes with them.

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We also:


- Have highest suicide rate of any comparable rural area

- Came in top three for glue sniffing and under-age drinking.


Bet that won't feature in re-branding.


What a good idea!


Let's tell everyone about the most negative things about the Island - and let's not mention any of the positives. That must be the best way to market the Island, and get rid of as many jobs as we can.




I am not into marketing, but, in the interests of keeping jobs here, we need to advertise the benefits of living here. This does not mean that we do not need to fix problems, but we do not need to broadcast them.


I'm not the least bit interested in marketing the Island - in fact I'd like a lot of the people who've come here to go back from whence they came, taking their attitudes with them.





hear hear - too much of the "we know best, we came from across don't you know..that's how we do things over there" Well HEY go back and get on with it... 'cos we know what is best for US - we can look after ourselves and we don't need you to tell us what's best 'cos we can work it out more to our advantage than you could....I'd go on but its late and this could turn into a menopausal rant....

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'cos we know what is best for US' - I don't think you do or you wouldn't tolerate the manner in which this Island is governed and legislated; how do you account, for example, how or why our 'local' administrators are allowing amorphous anonymous UK housing estates to blot the Manx landscape apart from the massive 'political' clout the local developers appear to weald over DLGE.


'we can look after ourselves and we don't need you to tell us what's best 'cos we can work it out more to our advantage than you could'. It would be an interesting 'what if' exercise to see where the Island would be now were it not for the expertise imported to the Island over the past 20 years.

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"the manner in which this Island is governed and legislated; how do you account, for example, how or why our 'local' administrators "


half the goverment are fucking comeovers thats why, as for " expertise " imported here, haha! experts at paper and pen pushing maybe. we dont need any of you.

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