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Douglas Corporation Is Going To Spend £100k Of Ratepayers Money On A Piece Of Concrete Slab!


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I dont have a problem with domes as long as there used in the right way?


The worlds largest butterfly dome in chiswell green, st albans, was on monday gven the go ahead :)

It will cost just £15 million, will be home to some 300 species of butterflys along with lotsa trees, plants + flowers to provide the corect conditions, for these little friends :)

Underground will be a caves full of spiders, scorpions, tropical insects ie leaf cutting spiders ect!

A similar dome in avon attracts 90,000 visiters a year, this one is espected to attract 250,000 a year.


Its gunna be pure magic!!! :)


Ive been saying this on the isle of man for goodness knows how long, that we need the largest public aquarium on earth or else some other kinda natural history museum or wildlife dome or santuaray ?

They vertually pays for themselves within its first year, the next it makes huge profits for the well being of the comunitey ect!



But no one will listen, its wasted on crap!!! ie £100,000s on goverment reports into this, that + the other, all totally irrelevant + of no use to anyone or anything + of which we already know about!!! :(

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you might well find that the slab is "procured" from another government department so although £100,000 is a lot of money for a concrete slab, the money is only really being moved from one government department to another less the cost of materials and labour.

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but I don't think so Jim 'cos its Douglas Corpn and Douglas ratepayers money so I goddam hope they aren't going to pay the Govt £100grand for laying a concrete slab - (unless of course someone can persuade all the Tynwald mafiosi to get underneath it) - surely all the Corpy have to do is mix a bit extra and go fix the wonkey steps at the same time - but guess that's too intelligent and logical for Corpy works department....doh:-(

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but I don't think so Jim 'cos its Douglas Corpn and Douglas ratepayers money so I goddam hope they aren't going to pay the Govt £100grand for laying a concrete slab - (unless of course someone can persuade all the Tynwald mafiosi to get underneath it) - surely all the Corpy have to do is mix a bit extra and go fix the wonkey steps at the same time - but guess that's too intelligent and logical for Corpy works department....doh:-(


douglas corp is local gov i.e. part of gov it is all just gov money getin pushed about the place at the end of the day

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well done Biker boy / girl - Douglas Corporation gets its money from Douglas ratepayers and Govt money is from all taxpayers and those taxpayers who are also ratepayers. Governemnt doesn't have its own money....and neither does Douglas Corporation...its just that some people like to know who is spending their money.. what on..why..and is it justified.....

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El Jim - its what its spent on and the priorities attributed that matter.....and in my book £100 grand for a piece of concrete on which your going to stick a big pile of compost comes nowhere near making sure places are well lit at night and that elderley people are safe and that antisocial behaviour is stamped out....etc..etc...

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I agree, all I was trying to point out is that although £100,000 sounds a lot the money may just be moving from one gov pot to another, in this instance it will be to the detriment of Douglas ratepayers.

Humm is that what you were saying all along?

best I shut up

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  • 1 month later...

the idea of the slab is a way of getting of waiste from the corpy gardens hedge/grass cuttings ect, which will be chopped then left on the slab to rot then after a few months it will be a valuble compost to go back to the gardens .. the south amienity tip has a simaler system ..

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why not get the corpy to buy a skip wagon to take there waste to the southern site thus saving money and time.


All they have to do is put thier waste in skips and a driver can take it to the southern amenity site for processing.


But hang on isnt the sothern amenity site 15 miles from douglas OOOooo no we cannot have that.

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  • 4 weeks later...

the "lowest tender" winner to lay the concrete slab per the Corpy minutes is Tooms Brothers...but the minutes don't say who the other five firms were that tendered...is that open enough??


Does anyone know if the contract is fixed price or cost plus??? ....cos if its not fixed price then the lowest tender could easily turn out to be the most expensive!!!!

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