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One In Three Blames Women For Being Raped


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There are times when we believe that we're making progress towards becoming a civilized society - but then something like this comes along and tells us that we still have a very long way to go.


Guardian: 21/11/2005


One in three people believes that women who behave flirtatiously are at least partially responsible if they are raped, a report published today reveals. A similar number think that women are partially or wholly responsible for being raped if they are drunk, and more than a quarter believe women are responsible if they wear sexy or revealing clothing.

The Amnesty International report was described as "shocking" by the group's UK director, Kate Allen. "The government's policies on tackling rape are failing and failing badly," she said. Nearly 15% of respondents thought a woman would be partly responsible for being raped if she was known to have many sexual partners, and 8% totally responsible.

Men are marginally more likely to blame the victim than women, although in the case of drunkenness 5% of women thought a woman would be totally responsible if she were raped, compared to 3% of men.

Police recorded nearly 13,000 rapes last year, a figure thought to amount to only 15% of the true total since most rapes are never reported. The conviction rate for rape is 5.6% - the lowest ever recorded, with 741 cases resulting in conviction last year.

A study in 2002 found that one in 20 reports of rape led to conviction, compared to one in three in 1977. "There's pretty much a rape crisis in this country," said Amnesty spokesman Neil Durkin. "It's up to the government to change these attitudes, and look at to what extent they permeate the criminal justice system."

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There are times when we believe that we're making progress towards becoming a civilized society - but then something like this comes along and tells us that we still have a very long way to go.


Guardian: 21/11/2005


One in three people believes that women who behave flirtatiously are at least partially responsible if they are raped, a report published today reveals. A similar number think that women are partially or wholly responsible for being raped if they are drunk, and more than a quarter believe women are responsible if they wear sexy or revealing clothing.


I'm not suprised by those statistics which is pretty sad. So many men equate skimpy clothing or drunkiness with being 'up for it'. Maybe this will change in the future but I wouldn't hold my breath.

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I remember reading once how a rapist got off because his lawyer totally ridiculed the victim in court by claiming she was "asking for it" because of the way she dressed and that she was big chested.


The system stinks.


It certainly does, but i very much think alcohol as a part to play, unfortunatly the female victim trying convince a jury is going to struggle, if there is evidence she was highly intoxicated.


Likewise for the male who has been accuesed.


Alcohol very much lowers inhibitions, i think females and males are finding themselves in situations they are not actively seeking, when they commence their evening out.


Along with increased STD'S, violence etc, the main feature is alcohol excess.

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It certainly does, but i very much think alcohol as a part to play, unfortunatly the female victim trying convince a jury is going to struggle, if there is evidence she was highly intoxicated.


The problem there, surely, is not the female getting drunk - but rather the predatory male who thinks he's entitled to have sex with her because she isn't really aware of what's happening.

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It certainly does, but i very much think alcohol as a part to play, unfortunatly the female victim trying convince a jury is going to struggle, if there is evidence she was highly intoxicated.


The problem there, surely, is not the female getting drunk - but rather the predatory male who thinks he's entitled to have sex with her because she isn't really aware of what's happening.


I certainly don't have a problem with women getting drunk, im trying to say that a lady that is intoxicated is going to have some impairment of judgement, thus increasing her risk.


The majority of guys are pretty sound, unfortunatly there are a few that will take advantage of a vunerable female.

Its about safety, things that you wouldn't dream of doing if sober, the slimeballs are out there always will be, but its easy pickings whilst so many of our young girls are putting themselves at risk.


The lawyers are having a field day, whilst the currant trend is skimpy clothing and boozy nights out they will come up with pathetic assumptions.

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What dontlookbehindyousays


A woman cannot be "friendly flirty" anymore....its sad!!


More-so when the male interprets this as "yes I want sex with you"




Tell me, how can a female "ask for it" by the way she dresses or because of her chest size...


This is male imagination for you (NOT ALL MALES I HASTEN TO ADD, JUST THE MALE-BEAST TYPE)

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I remember reading once how a rapist got off because his lawyer totally ridiculed the victim in court by claiming she was "asking for it" because of the way she dressed and that she was big chested.


Once? It happens in practically every rape case. And juries fall for it more often than not.


Women who have been raped often become cold and unemotional about it, it is their way of coping with what has happened, a switching off. This is a normal reaction to the trauma.


Then when they appear with that image in court, they are often not believed, especially when the defendant in his smart suit often seems so reasonable.


Women who have gone through all the ordeal of getting as far as a court case have always actually been raped - to put themselves through that ordeal is not lightly done.


The conviction rate is about 8% in the UK, a little higher here.


Juries are so easy to manipulate and feed red herrings, and unfortunately female jurors are more ready to be judgemental of women than male jurors.

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This kind of thing really annoys me in that, us women cant enjoy ourselves, wear what we want, or now even flirt without people thinking that we are "up for it", oh and apparently we are just asking to be raped?? How angry am I! :angry:


These days women are top earners, we work hard, we have families, we are independent, but in the end all of that dosent matter cause the minute we put on a short skirt and have a few drinks we are automatically whores asking to be raped? I mean where is the logic, this survey hightlights the backwards mentality of some men (and women) and that we all thought we had come a long way in regards to equality, yet we have not at all!

It scares me in the fact that many men out there think on them lines, that women if drunk, or sexily dressed or flirting are fair game to be raped and that its someway our fault and not the fault of the man - it makes me feel quite creepy to be honest. The men who answered these questions, i think need to be questioned on their attitude towards modern women!


Why is it that time and time again, women are attached to their sexuality like a curse and the fact is we cant win. We are told from young nowadays to be independent, compatetive, that we can do everything a man can do, yet on the other hand we are not allowed to express ourselves - if we do we are seen as overtly sexual and fair game for predatory men? If we are not feminine we get slated for being butch and then ultimately being called a lesbian - so were is the middle ground?


I must admit, yes women are now getting drunk more and in many cases yes we do stupid things, although its ok for a man to get drunk etc, but I think that this is a huge male issue not a woman issue. IF a man sees a woman out of it drunk for which I have seen it many times with my mates where they ahve been plastered, there are so many men out there just waiting like vultures for this opportunity to pick a woman up with little effort. To me this is like an opportunist theif - preying on vunerable women. Many a time I have had to warn fellas off from my mate who has had far too much to drink - yes the woman should be more responsible, but hey the men should also know better?


In an ideal world men would enjoy the fact that women dress sexily, flirt and get drunk with them, and endeavour to look after their women, not pick them up and rape them at the first opportunity, cause she was "asking for it"


If anything this issue has made me look at my own behaviour and I get drunk out of it with the best of them and I ahve been lucky that I have had many male friends to look after me etc, although one time a male "friend" -who I genuinly thought was a friend, a couple of year ago made a move on me when i was drunk and the next thing I knew I was in bed with him on top of me and things were hurting, although I was so out if it, I didnt have a clue what was going on - didnt even know how i got undressed and in bed with him. Now im NOT cryin rape here, cause apparently I was flirting with him and we had been mates for a long time and things that night just got out of hand,but the thing that bugs me is that I was totally totally hammered, he was sober, if he had been a gentlemen, no matter what I was doing he should have had the respect for me and realised i was drunk and just put me to bed and if he still liked me he could have made a move when i was sober, that would have been the more couragous thing. Ultimately I couldnt really face him properly ever again, we spoke the next day, had a bit of a "chuckle" about it, but the more I look back, the more I think, what a wanker - cause there is no way I would have even kissed him if I was sober and I think he knew that.


I just hope that women can carry on enjoying themselves and not have to be scared that the minute they get a bit pie eyed that some man will rape her then claim it was her fault as she was asking for it?

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We've been here before:


MORE THAN a third of young women claim they have been sexually assaulted after getting drunk. Well excuse me, but how would they know?


If the respondents to this survey were representative of some of the addled specimens on view in any market town High Street on a Friday night, it’s remarkable that they can remember their names, never mind being mauled by a fellow inebriate.


And where do they draw the line between sexual assault and drunken fumbling? If they’re willing to engage in a spot of back-alley rutting with some anonymous bloke as long as the act isn’t vigorous enough to make them drop their chips, is that assault?


What these girls are really reporting is not assault but regret. Just because they can’t control themselves after half a dozen Bacardi Breezers, that’s no reason to put the blame firmly on the male of the species.


Anyway, I’ve seen the way they dress. Most of them are just asking for it.

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Although it's not such a common occurence or so publicised, I'm sure in cases of male rape, other blokes wouldn't say stupid things like "well his jeans were too tight, or his t-shirt was showing off his muscles". Rape is rape - it must be a terrible thing for somebody to go through.

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While I would never condone rape, there is an element of truth in this. It is not so much the male predator, but more the loss of judgement on both sides that gives rise to problems. Each may be reading totally wrongly the other's signals and there you go!


So, the best thing is don't put yourself in that situation, don't be so out of it that you can't recognise when things are going too far that you are no longer in control of yourself (and I mean that for both sexes) ! Its simple, just be in charge of yourself!

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