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Gary Glitter


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Serious question, why not castrate sex offenders?


I'm all for that. Won't do it again then will they.


Whilst it may sound like a good idea justice is not just about prevention. Criminals should also be rehabilitated. Many sexual offenders are simply going to reoffend but many of these have a medical condition and can be weened off their addiction. By cutting off their bollocks it won't stop them offending as they will carry on abusing and molesting people with bollocks or bollockless.

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Has anybody heard of the (and I can't remember the name, but I think its Herschel's) hierarchy of needs? This theory says that once you have satisfied the basic tier of needs (shelter, food, progeneration) you move on to the next, (admiration, respect, recognition), then the next (domination, dispassion) etc?


In other words once a basic need has been satisfied, the human condition is that it needs another need and hence we have these rather unpleasant examples, particularly of those in the public spotlight, of extreme excesses.


Just a thought, but in my own ruminent way I think Herschel (if it is he) is not far wrong!


Apart from trying to undertand the cause, (and, please, I am not excusing him, just trying to rationalise this behaviour) the remedy is really immediate prevention.

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By cutting off their bollocks it won't stop them offending as they will carry on abusing and molesting people with bollocks or bollockless.


Fair enough let's just kill them.


Seriously though I doubt these guys can be "weaned off their addiction". It goes far deeper than that. And let's be honest do we want to take a chance that you might cure them and hope they don't ruin another child's life? How can you tell if they're getting better? "Ah sure he didn't rape this time, it was only a quick feel and a grope - he's doing much better - give him a gold star".


IMHO, one strike and you're out when it comes to kids. The kids don't get a second chance - their life is usually f*cked up from there on in. The only way to stop the circle of abuse from continuing is to remove these offenders from society permanently - jail or the noose - either is fine by me. Sex offenders list? Waste of space. The PC brigade on the march again. These guys just disappear off to Ireland or Europe or the Far East and re-offend there.

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IMHO, one strike and you're out when it comes to kids. The kids don't get a second chance - their life is usually f*cked up from there on in. The only way to stop the circle of abuse from continuing is to remove these offenders from society permanently - jail or the noose - either is fine by me. Sex offenders list? Waste of space. The PC brigade on the march again. These guys just disappear off to Ireland or Europe or the Far East and re-offend there.


Kids don't get a second chance and there are stats that show that a high percentage of those who molest and abuse children where themselves abused as a child. So yes, something needs to be done to stop the cycle but I don't think that simple justice like chopping of peoples' balls is the solution. Maybe in Saudi Arabia or the United States, yes.

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Well ive repeatedly made my opinions on the death penalty quite clear, in t hat its totally wrong + anyone who orders or carries out the death penalty is also guilty of murder.

However in the case of this bastard garry glitter, I can make an ecception 2 my rule + wouldent loose any sleep if he was sent to the chair!

Just to look or think of him makes ya skin crawl, dirty evil bastard!!! :angry:

But as already said by the messiah I don’t think it’s a suitable punishment to bang a beast like him up, as he would propabaley enjoy the expereience of being buggered/raped by men in Prison.


But id like to highlight the issue of some different ages of sexual consent in a few different countries?

Argentina 15

Canada 14

Hungary 14.

Peru 12



How on earth can a country allow sexual intercourse + marrage for 14 or 12 years olds?

There little children for heavens sake!!! :(

This veriation in the age of consent in different countries is often put down to + accepted as the result of different cultural + religious beliefs ect.

UTTER NONSENCE!!! these “arguments”/“excuses” are made by men who want to have sexual access to children !!! :angry:


Having sex with a girl of 12, even if she "consents", is rape.


Its basically a case of "leagalised" rape +sexual abuse of children going on in these countires. :(


Time somthing was done + changed here!!!

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Well ive repeatedly made my opinions on the death penalty quite clear, in t hat its totally wrong + anyone who orders or carries out the death penalty is also guilty of murder.

However in the case of this bastard garry glitter, I can make an ecception 2 my rule + wouldent loose any sleep if he was sent to the chair!

Just to look or think of him makes ya skin crawl, dirty evil bastard!!! :angry:

But as already said by the messiah I don’t think it’s a suitable punishment to bang a beast like him up, as he would propabaley enjoy the expereience of being buggered/raped by men in Prison.


But id like to highlight the issue of some different ages of sexual consent in a few different countries?

Argentina 15

Canada 14

Hungary 14.

Peru 12



How on earth can a country allow sexual intercourse + marrage for 14 or 12 years olds?

There little children for heavens sake!!! :(

This veriation in the age of consent in different countries is often put down to + accepted as the result of different cultural + religious beliefs ect.

UTTER NONSENCE!!! these “arguments”/“excuses” are made by men who want to have sexual access to children !!! :angry:


Having sex with a girl of 12, even if she "consents", is rape.


Its basically a case of "leagalised" rape +sexual abuse of children going on in these countires. :(


Time somthing was done + changed here!!!


You don't have to go that far away to find kids whose lives have been destroyed by sexual predators.





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You don't have to go that far away to find kids whose lives have been destroyed by sexual predators.



And that's before you count the Christian Brothers who were sadistic with it. Although to be fair there were and I suppose still are some good men who are being tarred with the same brush

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You don't have to go that far away to find kids whose lives have been destroyed by sexual predators.



And that's before you count the Christian Brothers who were sadistic with it. Although to be fair there were and I suppose still are some good men who are being tarred with the same brush


Gary Glitter and all people like him deserve the worst punishment around. At first I agreed that death by a firing squad would be ideal, but now I think a slow agonising punishment would be best. Lets face it, how long do the victims suffer for? :(

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i hope he gets what he deserves and then shot!!

and while the justice system decides what to do with these people, kids are going to have to have it drilled into their heads about strangers and to tell someone if they think something is happening to them that should not be. (it should not be that way but there are some sick bastards around) :angry:

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Agree with all the sentiments here, but I do look forward to the Sun headline that refers to GG in a Vietnamese jail, something along the lines of:


"Gary Glitter gets it up the Council Gritter, again, and again, and again...."


Or are they mixed metaphores?

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Whilst it may sound like a good idea justice is not just about prevention.


Eh? How can you do that without a time machine?!


I don't think that simple justice like chopping of peoples' balls is the solution. Maybe in Saudi Arabia or the United States, yes.


Howcome they're allowed to and we aren't?


That twisted tool seems to go from bad to worse and whilst I wouldn't necessarily believe everything that's in the media it seems he's fairly proficient at incriminating himself in these revolting acts. Off with his nuts!

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Yes i agrea cret, this monster IS persistant!

This beast commted these vile crimes against innocent children time + time again, yet hes continually ALLOWED to get away with it!!! :angry:

Ive just googled google + gary glitter has even got a bloody web site up!!! :(


But anyways just another case unfortunatley to mention + expose!


The trial of 7 men (half the male population) from pitcairn island, which is a tiny

island just off the coast of new Zealand + peru, got underway on Monday.

They stand accused of sexually abusing + rapeing children.

The accused include the mayor + his son!


Prosucuters + child protection agencies say there is an ingrained culture of child abuse using children as young as 12 for sex on the island, an offence under british law- which judges have ruled applies to the island.

All the 7 men denie the charges + cliam they are under perus jurisiction/law which allows them to have sex with 12 year old children + so are 2 mount a defence based on a challenge to britians authority over the island.


Judges, lawyers court staff ect are on there way from new Zealand to pitcairn to reside over the trail.


FEMALE residents wives, daughters, sisters + mothers of some of the accused have

Spoken out to defend the mens innocence.

They claim it is customary on the island 4 girls as young as 12 to have consetual sex + that this trial stems from ignorance of it culture.


These men are "leagally" trying to get away with child abuse.

There are some really strange, twisted, sick, evil, + perverted people on this planet, i can tell ya that much!!! :(


I GIVE UP!!! :(

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