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Gary Glitter


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Extracts from report in yesterday's Times:


Gary Glitter could face a firing squad or decades in a squalid jail if he is found guilty of raping a 12-year-old girl in Vietnam.

The girl is said to have admitted having sex with the 61-year-old former glam-rock star, allegedly for £5.50, but police in the ... city of Vung Tau said yesterday that it was still considered rape under Vietnamese law.

If he is imprisoned.... will find Vietnamese jails very different from Horfield Prison in Bristol where he served two months in 1999 for possessing "hardcore, sick and degrading" images of children. Vietnamese jails are notorious for their squalor, harsh treatment of prisoners and lacl of attention to sanitation, hygeine and food.

Prisoners in Vietnam are allowed only 12kg of rice or a rice substitute each month and this is often reduced to 9kg for minor infringements of prison rules or showing disrespect. As well as being made to undertake hard labour, prisoners are expected to repent their crimes frequently and in writing. Beatings with bamboo canes are common, as are the use of stocks and electric shocks.


All we have to do now is sit back and wait for some bleeding-heart to say that he shouldn't be treated like that and that he ought to be brought home to serve his sentence. Personally, I favour leaving him there to rot.

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Yes i agrea cret, this monster IS persistant!

This beast commted these vile crimes against innocent children time + time again, yet hes continually ALLOWED to get away with it!!! :angry:

Ive just googled google + gary glitter has even got a bloody web site up!!! :(


But anyways just another case unfortunatley to mention + expose!


The trial of 7 men (half the male population) from pitcairn island, which is a tiny

island just off the coast of new Zealand + peru, got underway on Monday.

They stand accused of sexually abusing + rapeing children.

The accused include the mayor + his son!


Prosucuters + child protection agencies say there is an ingrained culture of child abuse using children as young as 12 for sex on the island, an offence under british law- which judges have ruled applies to the island.

All the 7 men denie the charges + cliam they are under perus jurisiction/law which allows them to have sex with 12 year old children + so are 2 mount a defence based on a challenge to britians authority over the island.


Judges, lawyers court staff ect are on there way from new Zealand to pitcairn to reside over the trail.


FEMALE residents wives, daughters, sisters + mothers of some of the accused have

Spoken out to defend the mens innocence.

They claim it is customary on the island 4 girls as young as 12 to have consetual sex + that this trial stems from ignorance of it culture.


These men are "leagally" trying to get away with child abuse.

There are some really strange, twisted, sick, evil, + perverted people on this planet, i can tell ya that much!!! :(


I GIVE UP!!! :(



As far as I know the Pitcairn Island is an old British colony, (correct me if I am wrong) so surely British laws stand, not Peruvian ones. :huh:

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Yes i agrea cret, this monster IS persistant!

This beast commted these vile crimes against innocent children time + time again, yet hes continually ALLOWED to get away with it!!! :angry:

Ive just googled google + gary glitter has even got a bloody web site up!!! :(


But anyways just another case unfortunatley to mention + expose!


The trial of 7 men (half the male population) from pitcairn island, which is a tiny

island just off the coast of new Zealand + peru, got underway on Monday.

They stand accused of sexually abusing + rapeing children.

The accused include the mayor + his son!


Prosucuters + child protection agencies say there is an ingrained culture of child abuse using children as young as 12 for sex on the island, an offence under british law- which judges have ruled applies to the island.

All the 7 men denie the charges + cliam they are under perus jurisiction/law which allows them to have sex with 12 year old children + so are 2 mount a defence based on a challenge to britians authority over the island.


Judges, lawyers court staff ect are on there way from new Zealand to pitcairn to reside over the trail.


FEMALE residents wives, daughters, sisters + mothers of some of the accused have

Spoken out to defend the mens innocence.

They claim it is customary on the island 4 girls as young as 12 to have consetual sex + that this trial stems from ignorance of it culture.


These men are "leagally" trying to get away with child abuse.

There are some really strange, twisted, sick, evil, + perverted people on this planet, i can tell ya that much!!! :(


I GIVE UP!!! :(



As far as I know the Pitcairn Island is an old British colony, (correct me if I am wrong) so surely British laws stand, not Peruvian ones. :huh:



Scary thought! If all these people on Pitcairn island continue to have sex with each other, are they not going to end up like banjo players out of the film Deliverance. Imbreds! Without new DNA they will pass on abnormalities within the families genes.

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Castration doesn't work. I know a criminal psychologist who told me that sex crime is more often than not a violent crime of aggression/control. Offenders who have been castrated will still commit crimes but use something else (the example that was given to me was, sickeningly, a broom handle) as the crime itself is not driven by a sexual urge.


Maybe that's not the case with child sex offenders, I don't know.

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Castration doesn't work. I know a criminal psychologist who told me that sex crime is more often than not a violent crime of aggression/control. Offenders who have been castrated will still commit crimes but use something else (the example that was given to me was, sickeningly, a broom handle) as the crime itself is not driven by a sexual urge.


Maybe that's not the case with child sex offenders, I don't know.


What did they do with the broom? Clean? Dirty Bastards!!

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sod it, i say kill them. no ceremony, no funeral, no send off. just barrel-head-bang. remove them from the planet. they gave up their basic human rights as soon as they took away someone elses. dont waste time, just get rid. the sooner the better.


Finally it's the bleading-heart liberal's time to speak.


Firstly we don't even know if Glitter is guilty of these charges. We know in the past he's been guilty of other charges but this time he's denied the charges and we should wait for justice to be served.


Secondly, we abandoned archaic punishments long ago for many reasons including that fact that we shouldn't be degrading to someone just because they were degrading to someone else as that would make us just as guilty. Also this type of punishment can't be reveresed if the person is later cleared of the charge - remember the Birmingham Six?


If you'd like to live in a society which carries out these inhumane punishments then go and live in an Arab state or the USA. There's a boat in the morning and a direct flight from Manchester or London.

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Some of the comments here are a bit extreme. Glitter has so far 'only' been convicted of having indecent photographs on his computer, (which is horrendous), not actual child molesting.


He is a low level offender compared to dozens of people living here amongst you on this Island. Your children have much more to fear from them.

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Castration doesn't work. I know a criminal psychologist who told me that sex crime is more often than not a violent crime of aggression/control. Offenders who have been castrated will still commit crimes but use something else (the example that was given to me was, sickeningly, a broom handle) as the crime itself is not driven by a sexual urge.


Maybe that's not the case with child sex offenders, I don't know.


A local man who was a persistent attacker of women and young girls was chemically castrated here in the 60's. There was some suggestion that it was not a full castration, but however full it was....


It made no difference. As soon as he got out of prison each time, (and there were lots of times over a 40 year span) within a couple of days he perpetrated another attack, usually by breaking into houses and assaulting girls around the age of 12.


The only thing that eventually stopped him was his death about 10 years ago.

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While I think I would agree with you in terms of most other crimes, I can't agree with you in this context. Most convicted paedophiles seem to be conniving, manipulative bastards that, even when caught, are quite clear in their own minds that they will re-offend when able; they rationalise it as just another expression of love. There is something else going on beyond "normal" criminality.


As for castration, very satisfying, but unless it is chemical castration it may not work to suppress that particular sexual urge. I had a friend whose boyfriend had testicular cancer and both testes had been removed and replaced by prosthetics. They had a normal sex life including erection and ejaculation. So, perhaps, the desire is in the head rather than the gonads?

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While I think I would agree with you in terms of most other crimes, I can't agree with you in this context. Most convicted paedophiles seem to be conniving, manipulative bastards that, even when caught, are quite clear in their own minds that they will re-offend when able; they rationalise it as just another expression of love. There is something else going on beyond "normal" criminality.


As for castration, very satisfying, but unless it is chemical castration it may not work to suppress that particular sexual urge. I had a friend whose boyfriend had testicular cancer and both testes had been removed and replaced by prosthetics. They had a normal sex life including erection and ejaculation. So, perhaps, the desire is in the head rather than the gonads?


You are right. Many paedophiles admit their crimes and freely acknowledge that they will re-offend unlike most criminals.


Chemical castration needs to be researched further. If it can prevent urges then that would be a good move I think. I think, for now, we should leave Glitter alone as he's not been convicted of this crime yet. I'm also not sure how fair his trial will be - does anyone know anything about Vietnamese justice?

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