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Gary Glitter


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Scary thought! If all these people on Pitcairn island continue to have sex with each other, are they not going to end up like banjo players out of the film Deliverance. Imbreds! Without new DNA they will pass on abnormalities within the families genes.



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sod it, i say kill them. no ceremony, no funeral, no send off. just barrel-head-bang. remove them from the planet. they gave up their basic human rights as soon as they took away someone elses. dont waste time, just get rid. the sooner the better.


Finally it's the bleading-heart liberal's time to speak.


Firstly we don't even know if Glitter is guilty of these charges. We know in the past he's been guilty of other charges but this time he's denied the charges and we should wait for justice to be served.




why wasnt justice served the first time?


and i aint getting on no boat to nowhere. this is my damn country.

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why wasnt justice served the first time?


Because one day his girlfriend stormed through their apartment shouting at him and saying "You f*****g a***hole!" She then stormed through to the bedroom.


Gary walked toward the bedroom wondering, "Now what have I done?"


Inside the bedroom he found the girl furiously packing a suitcase. He asked her what was up. She said with a hiss, "My therapist said that I should leave you and that you're a paedophile!"


Gary responded, "Wow, you're quite smart for an 8 year old."



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IMHO I don't think any kind of prison sentence will change what he "is". (Not that he shouldn't be busted big time!)


But TBH from what I've heard about places like Thailand & Vietnam (haven't been to either, so this is pure speculation on my part) - that it's easy to find minors will to commit sexual acts for money.


I kind of think that this is a bit of a publicity stunt more than actually trying to make a statement that these countries really actually care about peadophilia - there seem to be rumours of many German tourists visiting these countries for that very reason, but don't seem to get busted (or make the newspapers) because they don't carry the same alleged celebrity "status" that Garry Glitter does.


- Or maybe I could be wrong thinking that the UK press would pick up more on GG being busted than a bunch of unknown tourists?


Or am I being cynical by thinking newspaper sales are more important than kids being f***ed up the ass???

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The excellent Bazza's take on it:

THE QUESTION of whether or not the police should be armed has caused much debate in recent days. My opinion is definitely yes … as long as they’re stood in a line facing Gary Glitter.
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Chemical castration needs to be researched further. If it can prevent urges then that would be a good move I think. I think, for now, we should leave Glitter alone as he's not been convicted of this crime yet. I'm also not sure how fair his trial will be - does anyone know anything about Vietnamese justice?

Chemical Castration has been researched quite a lot in the past, and is being used in quite a few countries around the world - and rightly so. I think that the term itself might often not be understood in the right way, many people still associating the term "castration" in any context more with a knife, rather than with pills and injections...


The chemical snip is nothing else than the administration of certain hormonal drugs, such as Depo Provera, which act on the brain and prevent your body from producing testosterone - basically, your male sex drive is experiencing an emergency stop, and nothing moves upwards once you've taken this stuff.... (funnily enough, Depo is manufactured by Pfizer, the same company that produces Viagra - one way to stay in business, I guess...)


Many US states use it to punish sex offenders on a "voluntary basis" - voluntary in so far, that you can either choose to go to jail for a long time, or get a shorter jail term and have this drug administered on a regular basis in order to keep you under control...A fair deal if you ask me, but the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union) still seems to disagree, calling it an "unusually cruel punishment" - it seems, in the land of the free, even the lowest of the low have rights and supporters...


As to Vietnamese justice: I'm sure it will be very fair - I mean - a convicted paedo, in a foreign country, having been seen with under-aged girls and being accused of molesting them - yeah, definitely: The Vietnamese judges will have a fair cut, preferably with a big sword.... If he should really be convicted, then I hope he get's 12 years and the firing squad....

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26th December 2005: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/4559658.stm


Is it possible? Is he going to join the 'Hall of Infamy' currently occupied by OJ and Plastic Jackson?

Hopefully not:


Glitter charged with obscene acts


BBC News Friday, 6 January 2006


British former rock star Gary Glitter has been formally charged with committing obscene acts with two girls in Vietnam, a prosecutor has said.


The prosecutor in the southern province of Ba Ria Vung Tau, where 61-year-old Glitter lives, said the charges carry prison terms of three to seven years.


Admittedly, it's not the rape-charge everyone would have liked, but 3 to 7 years in a Vietnamese jail won't be fun, that's for sure... No cushy paedo-wings or special protection there, I assume - just nice cell mates who love letting you pick up the soap...


Let's hope the Vietnamese authorities use this opportunity to set a sign and an example for all the other sickos out there...

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But TBH from what I've heard about places like Thailand & Vietnam (haven't been to either, so this is pure speculation on my part) - that it's easy to find minors will to commit sexual acts for money.


Spot on the mark unfortunately


- Or maybe I could be wrong thinking that the UK press would pick up more on GG being busted than a bunch of unknown tourists?

Or am I being cynical by thinking newspaper sales are more important than kids being f***ed up the ass???


Brit Newspapers seem a bit confused about a lot of things. I think you might be spot on again.

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Not specifically about GG, but related:




A depraved hobby shop assistant was jailed yesterday after becoming the first British sex tourist to be brought to justice under new laws designed to catch paedophiles operating abroad.

Alexander Kilpatrick, 56, a “dangerous, devious and predatory” monster, filmed himself abusing young boys in Africa and Britain in a specially converted van, complete with mattress and high-tech video equipment. He was caught with more than 5,000 “harrowing” child pornography pictures and homemade snaps and videos, to some of which he had added a soundtrack of love songs. Judge Roger Chapple, who rebuked him for a “catalogue of manipulation, corruption, depravity and degradation”, said that the minimum term Kilpatrick must serve is six years.

Kilpatrick was banned from working with children, being in the company of anyone under 16 or travelling to Africa, Thailand, Cambodia, Goa or Costa Rica. He will sign on the sex offenders register for life.


In all honesty, the sentence doesn't seem anything like enough, especially when you consider that:


Kilpatrick pleaded guilty to a total of 17 counts between October 1, 2004 and May 8 last year involving children in Africa and Britain. They include three rapes, three attempted rapes, two assaults, one assault by penetration, causing a child to engage in sexual activity, administering a substance with intent, taking indecent photographs of children, possessing them, and importing porn. Many were specimen charges.


But I suppose it's better than nothing and at least it let's these disgusting creatures know that they're breaking the law no matter where in the world they perform their perverted acts.

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