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Anyone Heard Of Dan Hill?


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Mooove over you old Cow and don't give us an Bull coz I'll be ridin' my ole Nag YEEEHAAAA!


Come on down for a rite ole shindig pardners coz tiz gona be a WILD one!


Thoght you might need reminding! - see you there...



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Flippin eck, you got home quick Mups!


Now prepare yourselves people, I ACTUALLY HAD A GOOD NIGHT IN BREEZE YAY!!!!!!!!!


Expect to see me in there more often, Busby and 2Orangy4crows.........was nice to meet you both tonight :D



Hello Kitty was nice to meet you too and glad you had a good time :D



What a night..... mad for it.....great set Dan :thumbsup: Bring it on tonight !!!


Emma hope your ok now :blink:

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