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Brits Moan Re The New Haka


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if it's a childish prance - then why the fuss? seriously.


Because it's uncecessary and highlights a complete lack of respect for the opposition. It cheapens your traditions and history.


IYO - i guess we will have to agree to disagree :P



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Perhaps the English team should do a little 'Morris Dance' - complete with little bells and the very camp waving of handkerchiefs - then their opponents might be nervous of what's going to happen in the ruck! The French could do an 'Apache,' the Scots could do a reel, or a highland fling, the Irish could do a jig.....

To be honest, I think the opposing team should just ignore the haka and carry on with their warm up!

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To be honest, I think the opposing team should just ignore the haka and carry on with their warm up!


Campese did that once. He just stretched and jogged under his goal area while they danced away. The NZRU complained about a lack of respect. Fancy that eh?

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The Haka, has always been respected by all of the British sides.

Its the New Zealanders that always seem to take offence if it is challanged in any way, as Ans said they didn't like it When Cockerill fronted up, and particulary when the Irish team linked arms and slowly moved towards them.


The difficulty this time around for the AB's is the increasing provocative nature of the Haka, married with some highly questionable tackling.


Quite simply they are making few new friends....and begining to lose them too.


Leave the Haka as it is.


As for NZ winning the RWC 07, unless they learn how to peak at the right time and how to play under pressure, they won't do it.


The AB's hate it when you take it to them, they become very ordinary (Dan Carter excluded)


The mistake they have made on this tour is to show their cards too early, as regards the RWC.

The Aussies will have noted, as many other sides.

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i don't believe that other teams are intimidated by it no - yes it is theatre to a degree - but it means alot to the kiwis as a nation - it's what makes us stand out in the big bad world, and reminds us of who we are. You ever watched Whale Rider? That film shows you just what it means to the Maoris, and to some of us who aren't. I for one feel very proud when i see them perform the Haka


Including the 11 players in the current All Blacks line up who were born elsewhere (1 Fijian, 1 Tasmanian, 2 Tongans, 1 American Samoan and 6 Samoans) :P:lol:

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Including the 11 players in the current All Blacks line up who were born elsewhere (1 Fijian, 1 Tasmanian, 2 Tongans, 1 American Samoan and 6 Samoans) :P:lol:


what's ya point?! :P hey - we're just a big old melting pot in kiwi-land.

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Including the 11 players in the current All Blacks line up who were born elsewhere (1 Fijian, 1 Tasmanian, 2 Tongans, 1 American Samoan and 6 Samoans) :P:lol:


what's ya point?! :P hey - we're just a big old melting pot in kiwi-land.


Very interesting discussion.

I personally think the AB's are dirty sods for doing that spear tackle on O'Driscoll and then having the cheek of doing it again to an Irish player a couple of weeks ago. I know the tackle is perfectly legal, but to do it again the next time they played Ireland. :angry:

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this sort of stuff happens in Muay Thai. during the ram muay (a dance acknowledging the heritages of the art and paying respects to the camp etc), its quite common place for opponents to act out killing each other with bows and arrows, then digging the grave and casting a curse upon it. i personally find this part of the dance rude and disrespectful to your opponents abilities; our gym omits to use this part of the dance. some gyms dont however, so if they do it, we usually respond by giving them a good pasting, not by complaining to a sanctioning body. for gods sake, thats even more childish.


have these rugby poofs never heard of fighting your own battles?

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this sort of stuff happens in Muay Thai.


This is Rugby, not a fight. Sorry if you can't determine a difference there, maybe you should stick to girlyslapping other people while wearing frilly shorts, which is all Muay Thai looks like.

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this sort of stuff happens in Muay Thai.


This is Rugby, not a fight. Sorry if you can't determine a difference there, maybe you should stick to girlyslapping other people while wearing frilly shorts, which is all Muay Thai looks like.


You pair down the Gooseneck at 3:30 then? :lol:

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Very interesting discussion.

I personally think the AB's are dirty sods for doing that spear tackle on O'Driscoll and then having the cheek of doing it again to an Irish player a couple of weeks ago. I know the tackle is perfectly legal, but to do it again the next time they played Ireland. :angry:


yes, interesting indeed. It's funny how people view things differently depending what side you are from.


Personally, with the whole spear tackle thing - the one in NZ was not deliberate IMO, but not really the way a tackle should be done admittedly, but the Irish one was accidental and very unfortunate - i dont believe they do it intentionally, and if they did, then it IS out of order. But it's time to move on from this now.

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Lonan!! :o


I was speaking to my mum back in NZ about all of this and she's really surprised about it. She's also surprised about what you were talking about ans re the annoyance about standing up to the Haka - she's never heard anything about it - same as me - you sure it's not just a media thing? She said that they all love it when the challenge comes back, and i have to say, i didn't recall anything about O'Driscoll and the grass thing when i was in NZ when the lions were there.

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