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24/7 Booze  

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Well, the new 24 hour licensing laws are now in force in the UK, and the media are already going into overdrive. Reason enough to see what drinking habits there are over here - I guess sooner or later, the discussion to follow the UK on this will arise..


Personally, I think it would be great if the whole of Britain could adapt to the so-called "Continental Cafe Culture", but I'm sure it will take some time...

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He means have you puked through drink?

..and seen your last meal again as a result :)


Sorry if that wasn't clear - Germans and trying to be funny, doesn't always work... :rolleyes:

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Driving for a living pretty well eliminates the opportunity to drink to excess. I used to drink fairly heavily when I was younger, but only rarely got drunk. Nowadays, I may have a beer or two on my days off - or a shot of Jameson's - or a few samples of the local brew when I'm away on holiday, but that's about it.

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I never drink to excess (whatever that is!) but I do get very merrily pissed on a Wednesday and Sunday night. But then I have the very good fortune of being a happy soul with a super family, great friends and colleagues and a wonderful woman. If you are on your own, lonely and sad then I'm sure drink can be the only relief from a world of misery. Which is why the new laws are a double-edged sword.


But having said that from what I have seen those with a problem always ensure continuity of supply. So I guess if the pub is open later the illusion that they're having a great life just lasts a little bit longer than before.


Phew! It's Thursday morning as well!

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He means have you puked through drink?

..and seen your last meal again as a result :)


Sorry if that wasn't clear - Germans and trying to be funny, doesn't always work... :rolleyes:


Ah, diner / dinner. I thought it meant people doing a double take at the cafe :D


I generall have two bottles of beer on a friday night after work when I have a pizza with friends but I also enjoy beer, wine or whisky at home with my wife in the evening. I'm rarely drunk but I sometimes think I drink a bit too often.

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I was going to tick the 'probably drink more than I should' one but I didn't understand the diner thing.


We're already incontinental here, no need for lock-ins any more!


We may have continental licensing laws but people are in no way continental in their attitudes. Even now most people drink to get drunk in Britain, Ireland and Mann. It's like we started doing it when we were in our teens but never grew out of it. Programmes like Men Behaving Badly and current sitcoms even make light of people getting drunk for fun.


The new licensing laws are a good idea and mean people can drink when they choose but this will undoubtably be abused by many people. Visit any bar on a Friday or Saturday in Douglas and most people there will be drinking to get wasted.


I checked the box marked 'I drink a little but never...' although I would have prefered a box saying that I 'drink regularly' as I probably drink every day. Although I never drink to get drunk.

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I have to admit that I never drank as much in Germany as I did over here, so I very much think that the majority of people "over here" (Britain, IOM, etc) really do only go out to get drunk, not to have fun and maybe have a few drinks... In fact, I got so worried about being "taken in" by local drinking habits, that I pretty much stopped drinking at all - but then, I'm worried when I have to take two Aspirin...


I remember the point was raised in a previous thread, but I think that the fact that many clubs/bars/etc in so-called "Cafe Culture" Europe also serve food during the night has a great impact on how you go out and how drunk you get.


Pubs here are really only watering holes, geared towards maximum booze sales with the occasional bag of crisps or peanuts thrown in (I mean Fr/Sat nights with that..), while I remember that loads of bars and clubs back home always offered some kind of food as well - it wasn't always the best and usually overprized, but it fills your stomach and lessens the effects of alcohol a bit - maybe just enough to avoid being sick or starting a fight - who knows...


The routine over here seems to be: Get sh*tfaced, fall all over the place and then grab a kebab on the way home, and it would probably take many years to change such drinking culture and make people behave more reasonable...


Which is a shame, really, as less excessive drinking would make everyone a winner: You could remember what you actually spent all that dosh on last night (you know that "check your trouser pockets the next morning and only find some coins" syndrome), the Police would have less trouble, and so would the paramedics and the health system...

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I was going to tick the 'probably drink more than I should' one but I didn't understand the diner thing.


We're already incontinental here, no need for lock-ins any more!


We may have continental licensing laws but people are in no way continental in their attitudes. Even now most people drink to get drunk in Britain, Ireland and Mann. It's like we started doing it when we were in our teens but never grew out of it. Programmes like Men Behaving Badly and current sitcoms even make light of people getting drunk for fun.


I have to admit that I never drank as much in Germany as I did over here, so I very much think that the majority of people "over here" (Britain, IOM, etc) really do only go out to get drunk, not to have fun and maybe have a few drinks... In fact, I got so worried about being "taken in" by local drinking habits, that I pretty much stopped drinking at all - but then, I'm worried when I have to take two Aspirin...


I remember the point was raised in a previous thread, but I think that the fact that many clubs/bars/etc in so-called "Cafe Culture" Europe also serve food during the night has a great impact on how you go out and how drunk you get.


Pubs here are really only watering holes, geared towards maximum booze sales with the occasional bag of crisps or peanuts thrown in (I mean Fr/Sat nights with that..), while I remember that loads of bars and clubs back home always offered some kind of food as well - it wasn't always the best and usually overprized, but it fills your stomach and lessens the effects of alcohol a bit - maybe just enough to avoid being sick or starting a fight - who knows...


The routine over here seems to be: Get sh*tfaced, fall all over the place and then grab a kebab on the way home, and it would probably take many years to change such drinking culture and make people behave more reasonable...


Which is a shame, really, as less excessive drinking would make everyone a winner: You could remember what you actually spent all that dosh on last night (you know that "check your trouser pockets the next morning and only find some coins" syndrome), the Police would have less trouble, and so would the paramedics and the health system...


I noticed that when I went to visit by bro in Spain last year there was a definate difference in the culture of drinking. We drank a lot of wine, although generally they top it up with lemonade (same with beer sometimes) and don't tend to drink as much. But also they have wonderful places like Museo de Jamon where you can get a lovely ham baguette and a glass of beer. Over here you either have non-alcoholic cafes or pubs, there's no middle ground. Is this the kind of 'looking to change habits' you all talk about?


I'm all for changing people's attitudes about alcohol (I think I've started to realise I do drink too much) but that won't happen if all there is are pubs to get pissed in.

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I noticed that when I went to visit by bro in Spain last year there was a definate difference in the culture of drinking. We drank a lot of wine, although generally they top it up with lemonade (same with beer sometimes) and don't tend to drink as much. But also they have wonderful places like Museo de Jamon where you can get a lovely ham baguette and a glass of beer. Over here you either have non-alcoholic cafes or pubs, there's no middle ground. Is this the kind of 'looking to change habits' you all talk about?


I'm all for changing people's attitudes about alcohol (I think I've started to realise I do drink too much) but that won't happen if all there is are pubs to get pissed in.


That's kind of it, yes. Food should be available everywhere that alcohol is sold. Soft drinks need to be reasonably priced also. Sure the Brits aren't the only ones who like to get pissed - Germany and Poland seem to like it too but there seems to be less violence involved.

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If it's any consolation, I'm not violent when drunk. I agree with the food comment - I love food and would buy it to go with a drink more if it was available. If I'm ever not drinking and I'm in a pub I just get a pint of cordial as it seems to be the cheapest thing on the list. Also it isn't horrible and fizzy like coke, etc.


More choice and the ability to take your time are what is needed for it all to work I think.

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