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What Does Everyone Think About The Situation With George Best?


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It's very sad and I hope that he now has some peace. Alcoholism is a terrible thing, it is not a question of personal choice.. it would be simple if it was.


I went to one of his after dinner speeches when I was in Australia, it was quite a small, intimate venue and he came across very well, he was very funny with a very genuine air.


He has clearly battled long and hard against a condition that I think was largely created by the public's thirst for celebrity icons - I rather think of him as a victim really as he was one of the first football icons being so young at the time... anyway, I could go on and on but won't.


A great shame, regardless of the fact that he was a very gifted football player.

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He was the greatest footballer ever. This term they use of 'arguably the greatest' annoys me. Anyone who saw him in him pomp would agree he was the best ever.


He burst into our consciousness at the same time as the Beatles, and all the music that followed, Peter Cook and Dudley Moore, Jimi Hendrix, Monty Python and a whole culture that brightened up and coloured post war life.


Before that it was DRAB and he was very much a part of of giving us technicolour lives.


The last time I had a tear in my eye was when George Harrison died, and it happened again today. It is probably a regret for passed youth, but he was magnificent in every way.


He died because of an illness, alcoholism, which most people who have it sucumb to. I have seen a lot of people die that way. It does not make him a bad person, even though his disease did on occasions.


The goods news is that we will see lots of clips of his skills in the next 48 hours.


Cheers George. All the best.

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Its always difficult when a death is seen to be directly attributed to a drug i.e Alcohol.


As its something most people use, i think it brings up many emotions within ourselves.


An often asked question is 'Why don't they just stop?'


Alcohol dependency is a complex issue, socially acceptable, often encouraged, its only when it starts to cause problems for others, do people become concerned.


George Best meant so much, for so many, a poor boy from Belfast who went onto play for the biggest club in the world.


He had his reasons, his demons, for using alcohol as a coping stratagy we will probably never know, and don't have a right too.


Rest in peace Mr. Best your name says it all.


Lets just remember him for his football, the joy he brought to millions.


And for his death not to be in vain........ that how powerful and an addictive drug, Alcohol really is.

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He was the greatest footballer ever. This term they use of 'arguably the greatest' annoys me. Anyone who saw him in him pomp would agree he was the best ever.


Its only English people ( oh and pele if you believe the sun ) that think Bestie was the greatest footballer ever.



Best was a legend on and off the pitch, the man had more action than Hugh Hefner! Gotta respect the man for that.



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I have sympathy for his family and friends as it's horrible losing someone you love. But he was given a 2nd chance in life with a new liver, drugs to stop him drinking yet he continued to do so. He was also a wife beater - so no I have no smpathy for him.

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Such a huge talent, it seems his competitive streak on the pitch was what drove this success, and sadly off the pitch this competitiveness seems to be his weakness. Everything in excess it would seem.


His Mum too was an alcoholic - and died in her early 50s. Did you see his Father on TV today, dignified and lovely man.


RIP Georgie - you have been relieved of your worldly pain x


(I smile when I remember that quote "I spent my money on booze and women, the rest I squandered' )

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