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George W Bush Is Evil


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Whether it's for his views on abortion, stem cell research or capital punishment George Bush is one of the most hated people on Earth (and probably elsewhere). He has successfully started two wars which he hasn't completed at the cost of 5,000 US troops and numerous other nationalities. He's ordered the killing of an estimated 100,000 Iraqis.


He's incarcerated hundreds of people for several years in degrading conditions, without charges and without access to legal representation. He's taken advantage of many countries by using their terrortory to torture and interogate suspected illegal combatants. He's authorised the execution of dozens of people including at least one with a mental illness. He's made clear his support for only giving aid to countries who don't provoke birth control to counter the threat of aids.


He's also maintained the internationally condemned embargo against Cuba whilst supporting the terrorist Israeli regime. He's used every opportunity to attack the UN and pressurised countries wanting US money to 'open' their markets so American companies can put yet more locaol workers out of work.


This man is pure evil.




* edited to create nice, wee paragraphs so you can all read it better*

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HAVANA (Reuters) - President


Fidel Castro has given the go-ahead for Cuba to play in the World Baseball Classic next March, vowing a clash between Cuban amateur sport and American professionalism that has lured away many Cuban stars.


The 16-nation World Cup-style baseball event is the first international tournament to include major-league players and will begin on March 3 in Tokyo and end in San Diego three weeks later.


Cuban involvement had been in doubt for an event that will be played mainly in the United States, Castro's ideological foe and a magnet for the defection of communist Cuba's best players attracted by multimillion-dollar contracts.


Talent scouts and Cuban exile community go-betweens are expected to contact the better prospects on the Cuban team, raising the risk of new defections.


"We can do it better and take on the major leagues. ... For each player that leaves, 10 better ones arise," Castro said on Wednesday night about the drain of Cuban talent


The list of defectors includes such big-league stars as pitchers Jose Contreras and Orlando "El Duque" Hernandez of the World Series champion Chicago White Sox and Hernandez's brother Livan Hernandez, who pitches for the Washington Nationals.


Olympic champion Cuba has dominated international baseball because the best American professional players seldom go to bat for their country, so the unprecedented tournament in March could decide which country is king of the sport.


Baseball was introduced to the Caribbean in Cuba a century and a half ago by American sailors loading sugar. The sport is a national passion on the island.


Cuba's communist government does not allow professional sport and even the top Cuban players earn meager wages. Many dream of playing for big money in the United States.


A Cuban team last played in the United States in 1999 in an exhibition game in Baltimore against the major-league Orioles. None of the Cuban players defected.




"Yes, of course, we accept the challenge ... count on us at the party," Castro said in a television appearance.


The World Baseball Classic is being organized by the International Baseball Federation, Major League Baseball and the Major League Baseball Players Association.


Cuba was preparing its team with players that were "better than those who left," Castro said.


He said that "some could not resist the millions of the major leagues" and that baseball was the Cuban sport most hit by desertions to the United States.


The last major defector was switch-hitting first baseman Kendry Morales, Cuba's best up-and-coming slugger who left Cuba in June 2004 by crossing the Florida Straits in a motorboat packed with other emigres.


Morales, 22, who had been dropped from Cuba's national team after an earlier attempt to defect, was quickly signed by the Los Angeles Angels organization where he is playing in the minor leagues.


Despite the constant loss of talent, Cuba took the gold medal for baseball at the 1992, 1996 and 2004 Olympics, falling only to the United States in the finals at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney. It has won every IBAF World Cup since 1984.


Besides the United States and Cuba, the other countries playing in March are Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, China, Canada, South Africa, Australia, the Netherlands, Italy, Mexico, Venezuela, Panama, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico.

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HAVANA (Reuters) - President


Fidel Castro has given the go-ahead for Cuba to play in the World Baseball Classic next March, vowing a clash between Cuban amateur sport and American professionalism that has lured away many Cuban stars.


Despite the constant loss of talent, Cuba took the gold medal for baseball at the 1992, 1996 and 2004 Olympics, falling only to the United States in the finals at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney. It has won every IBAF World Cup since 1984.


Besides the United States and Cuba, the other countries playing in March are Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, China, Canada, South Africa, Australia, the Netherlands, Italy, Mexico, Venezuela, Panama, the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico.


I love seeing someone beat the Americans at their own game. Fidel Castro is in no way perfect but he's not the evil-doer that the neo-cons portray him as. Hopefully the sportspeople playing in this event will realise that there's more to sport than money.

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Yeah, Castro is a nice guy.....





Castro's crimes against Humanity


Fidel Castro's regime is guilty of numerous documentable crimes stretching from the jungles of Peru to the deserts of Ethiopia. Documented reports exist of Cuban troops in cahoots with the Ethiopian government denying food to starving Ethiopians because of their political ideology. In Latin America, Castro funded guerrilla groups throughout the hemisphere generating terror and fear for decades.


At home Castro's regime has created the most repressive police state apparatus in the Western Hemisphere. Cuba is an Orwellian nightmare set in the tropics with Big Brother sporting a beard and cigar. Cuba has refused to ratify any major international law enshrining fundamental human rights. It has refused to sign the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.


Castro formed Committees for the Defense of the Revolution(CDR) which operate on almost every block in Cuba. Spying on neighbors and reporting back to the regime. Negative reports can land one in jail. Talking to foreigners invites questioning into your loyalty to the regime. Large numbers of individuals are incarcerated in Castro's prisons for political crimes ranging from speaking against the regime to trying to leave the island.


In June 1991 at a meeting between Fidel Castro and several members of various communist organizations, it was agreed to set up the infamous Rapid Response Brigades. Their principle aim is to "defend the country, the Revolution and Socialism in all circumstances, by confronting and liquidating any sign of counter-revolution or crime." Trying to leave Cuba without government sanction is a criminal offense punishable by prison. Due to this Cubans are unable to build larger more seaworthy crafts, and resort to innertubes, and in some cases fiberglass cannisters in search of freedom.


The Castro regime's response to the AIDS crisis has been mandatory nation-wide testing with forced incarceration for anyone who tested positive for the HIV virus. In addition, Castro has had a long tradition of imprisoning homosexuals and transexuals as "undesirables." Imprisonment is often based on mere suspicion and rumor. Recently it was reported that young people in Cuba are purposely "shooting up" with HIV infected blood so that they can go to these camps to avoid forced labor.


In a letter dated 14 September 1992 that was smuggled out of the same prison by a group of political prisoners, it was reported that a number of prisoners with AIDS rioted on 19 August demanding better food and medical attention. Guards used rubber batons, wooden sticks, and other blunt instruments and an unknown number of prisoners were injured. Several of the AIDS sufferers were transferred to the maximum security area of the prison. Two months earlier a prisoner with AIDS sent to this area had his food quota cut in half and the diet reccomended by doctors withdrawn. The prisoner died three weeks later. The fate of the others is unknown.


Castro's achievements bear mentioning and we shall list them here. First, his regime has had the longest serving political prisoner in world history: over 28 years. Cuba, in 1959 was economically self sufficient, and did not have the tourist-Apartheid of today. Tourist-Apartheid is the situation in which Cuban citizens don't have equal access to certain beaches or restaurants that Tourists do. Reminiscent of the system of segregation of the South, or of Apartheid in South Africa these conditions have been labeled "tourist apartheid."


In forty years Fidel Castro took an island with pre-existing progressive healthcare and drove it into the ground. In 1959 Cuba had 337 hospitals in 1989 the number had decreased to 264. Increases in other areas of Cuban healthcare did not manifest themselves on a per capita basis. Disease in Cuba has steadily increased since 1959. Suicides in Cuba more than doubled from a 1,011 figure for 1970 to 2,220 in 1989.

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Fidel Castro's regime is guilty of numerous documentable crimes stretching from the jungles of Peru to the deserts of Ethiopia. Documented reports exist of Cuban troops in cahoots with the Ethiopian government denying food to starving Ethiopians because of their political ideology. In Latin America, Castro funded guerrilla groups throughout the hemisphere generating terror and fear for decades.


equally the US denies aid to countries based on their political views and views on matters such as abortion.


At home Castro's regime has created the most repressive police state apparatus in the Western Hemisphere. Cuba is an Orwellian nightmare set in the tropics with Big Brother sporting a beard and cigar. Cuba has refused to ratify any major international law enshrining fundamental human rights. It has refused to sign the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.


I could point you to many UN resolutions which the US has either voted against or not voted on concerning Palestinians. He's also condemning many people to an early death by refusing to adhere to Kyoto.


Trying to leave Cuba without government sanction is a criminal offense punishable by prison. Due to this Cubans are unable to build larger more seaworthy crafts, and resort to innertubes, and in some cases fiberglass cannisters in search of freedom.


The US makes visiting Cuba without express permission a punishable offence. Similarly US companies and aids groups are forbidden to trade or operate within Cuba. International companies can also fall foul of the law if they trade with the US and Cuba.


The Castro regime's response to the AIDS crisis has been mandatory nation-wide testing with forced incarceration for anyone who tested positive for the HIV virus. In addition, Castro has had a long tradition of imprisoning homosexuals and transexuals as "undesirables." Imprisonment is often based on mere suspicion and rumor. Recently it was reported that young people in Cuba are purposely "shooting up" with HIV infected blood so that they can go to these camps to avoid forced labor.


Meanwhile the USA has withdrawn funding from AIDs organizations which promote the use of condoms. The USA also continues to jail hard drug users rather than provide medical treatment which will simply lead to further drug abuse and the risk of infections.


In forty years Fidel Castro took an island with pre-existing progressive healthcare and drove it into the ground. In 1959 Cuba had 337 hospitals in 1989 the number had decreased to 264. Increases in other areas of Cuban healthcare did not manifest themselves on a per capita basis. Disease in Cuba has steadily increased since 1959. Suicides in Cuba more than doubled from a 1,011 figure for 1970 to 2,220 in 1989.


Castro may be partially to blame for this but the GOP and neo-cons must share some of the blame. Without access to medicines produced by US companies what can they do. And of course International companies are reluctant to supply them to the Cubans for fear of falling foul of the US laws.


You're right Castro is a dictator and freedom of speech is a huge problem - I never said he was perfect. Geroge W Bush is much worse because of his huge spear of influence.

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Who really knows what is true and what isn't true IN ANY GOVERNMENT?


For instance, Castro declined aid from the US until:


Cuba agrees to accept U.S. aid for first time


WASHINGTON (AP) — In a rare show of cooperation, Cuba will allow three American aid officials to make an onsite assessment of damage from Hurricane Wilma, the State Department said Thursday.


Cuba has routinely turned down American offers of assistance during disasters over the years.


Waist-deep water coursed through the streets of Havana earlier this week, and chunks of the city's famous Malecon seawall were ripped off.


On Tuesday, the United States offered to send the three U.S. Agency for International Development experts to the island. Cuba accepted on Wednesday.


The display of U.S.-Cuban cooperation was not expected to produce any easing in the friction between the two countries. The official U.S. policy is to seek a democratic transition in Cuba once President Fidel Castro, 79, is gone, rather than accept a regime-orchestrated succession. The U.S. trade embargo dates back more than 40 years.


For his part, Castro has waged a 46-year struggle against U.S. interests.


According to the collective memory of the State Department's Cuba hands, this was the first time the Castro government has accepted a U.S. offer of emergency assistance, department spokesman Sean McCormack said.


"Cuba has not solicited international aid," Castro said Thursday on Cuban television. "It shares, however, the point of view" that countries in the region should "provide each other with mutual assistance in situations of disaster."


On Thursday, the three U.S. aid experts were making travel arrangements to go to Cuba. Any aid offers would be based on what that team found, and all aid would be distributed through independent groups, McCormack said.


After Hurricane Dennis pummeled the island in July, Castro expressed gratitude for Washington's offer of $50,000 in aid but rejected it.


Havana offered 1,600 doctors to help victims of Hurricane Katrina. The State Department said the Cuban help was not needed because enough American doctors had offered their services.


It is not unusual for the United States to offer aid to adversary countries. Iran accepted U.S. aid following an earthquake in 2003. Also, there have been frequent humanitarian food shipments to North Korea over the past decade.

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Im a bit confused, are these postings your work or that of a right wing prop sheet you are cutting and pasting?


By the way, does the USA still prosecute its citizens for having the temerity to visit Cuba?


Yes they do (trying to find sources...). Since Bush was elected and relected they have been firmer about the rules. I can understand why - because they rely on the votes of the exiles living in Florida.


The USA can also deny foreigners entry to the USA if they have a Cuban stamp in their passports (ask the Cuban authorities to stamp a piece of paper - they will). Similiarly Cyprus will refuse people with Macedonian (because of the controversial country name) stamps or Northern Cypriat stamps.


I think we'll see the embargo lifted pretty swiftly if they find oil in Cuban waters!

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I've spent two weeks in Cuba, and can honestly say it's one of the most amazing countries I have ever visited.


One of the main reasons it is such a beautiful place is because it doesn't have McDonalds / KFC's on every street corner and it isn't full of annoying loudmouth yanks (I know I shouldn't stereotype - but many of them are).


There is some oil in and around Cuba, they actually produce about 50% of their needs by themselves.


Their health system is actaully pretty good (and it's available to everyone - poor as well as not so poor) - far superior to anything the US can do for it's poorer citizens. (National Health - most yanks would probably say " ooh that's a nasty communist thing")


They have some of the best eye surgeons and surgeries in the world.


I would certainly recommend that if you ever get the chance to visit - do so in the next few years before Fidel "pop's his clogs" as once he is out of the picture it will be totally screwed up by America.


It's an amazing country with an amazing culture and amazing friendly residents (the older generations talk about "the enemy" when ever referring to the US).


Guantanamo Bay is an illegally held "territory" by the US, they are supposed to be paying Cuba a fee to be here, but Cuba basically want them to go home.


There have been numberous cases of Americans shooting Cubans that go anywhere near, and there are quite a few photographs of the US soldiers baring their arses and generally being offensive to Cubans.


Fidel may not be perfect, but TBH I would prefer him to be running the US rather than the twisted sick goon who is presently in power!

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