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George W Bush Is Evil


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Guantanamo Bay is an illegally held "territory" by the US, they are supposed to be paying Cuba a fee to be here, but Cuba basically want them to go home.


There have been numberous cases of Americans shooting Cubans that go anywhere near, and there are quite a few photographs of the US soldiers baring their arses and generally being offensive to Cubans.


Guantanamo Bay was leased to the Americans whilst the country was US territory. Apparently it can only be given back to the Cubans at the will of the Americans - very democratic?


The USA is using the base for torture and illtreatment which is far worse than anything happening elsewhere on the Cuban island.


God help Cuba when Castro dies. I really hope they manage to resist American influences.

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Regarding Kyoto - T. Blair is not going to enter into the updated one.....


Apparently not. Don't think Gordon Brown will either. He's a business man and he aint going to do anything which will affect business - little git. I'd heard that Britain met the last Kyoto targets which is at least bettern than some countries who haven't met them or made no attempt to.

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