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Ive got one coming from Gameplay on the 2nd.


Project gotham 3 in hd will keep me going for a long time to come!!


Viewtiful joe, the cube ran out of juice the day it came out!

complete nintendo disaster IMO and the Revolution is not looking upto much either. I reckon Nintendo will go the way of Sega soon.


PS3 will be a definate purchase too as its going to be a bluray player as well. Which is worth it in my book.

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Viewtiful joe, the cube ran out of juice the day it came out!

complete nintendo disaster IMO and the Revolution is not looking upto much either. I reckon Nintendo will go the way of Sega soon.


Unfortunately, you appear to be right in some respects. But, this seems to be due to marketing and customer relations rather than the quality of what they have on offer.


I have a 'Cube and a PS2. As much as I love my PS2, the 'Cube gets a LOT more usage. You know why? Its the games exclusive to the console. Wind Waker, Four Swords, the superb new Fire Emblem game (which not enough people will have the oppurtunity to enjoy, cos' hardly anyone knows it exists!), the Metroid Prime games, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Tales of Symphonia, Baiten Kaitos, a great selection of Mario games (though admittedly, they do seem to be sticking that name in a lot of sub-standard, gimmicky rubbish recently). The list goes on.


These games basically embody what I've always loved about Nintendo. The system has seemed doomed to struggle since its release. And thats a shame. 'Because a lot of people are missing out on a lot of great games.


I can see why you think Ninty is gonna go the way of Sega but I disagree. The Game Boy Advance is still selling as strongly as ever and the DS has been a roaring success. Its a struggle- but they still have a lot of life in them yet.


Anyway, thats my rant over. Not gonna comment on the Revolution just yet, 'cos we still know next to nothing about it. Not liking the look of the controller though...

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I like nintendo, they have always been innovators when it comes to video games. PS and Xbox games are mostly franchises: need for speed megaburnout 6


My mother has a nintendo DS ( shes always been into video games....weird ), very impressive little machine. One fo the games, nintendogs, uses voice recognition to give the dog orders, a little marvel of a machine.

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I must admit I was going to purchase the Xbox 360 (already have Xbox) when it was announced way back, as I had always steered clear of the Sony products. Now I've changed my mind. I got the PSP a while back, what a machine for on-the-go gaming :D , it's laughable to say it is not very good. I'll also be waiting till the PS3 arrives.

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I bought a jap psp before the release here. I'd sold it by uk release date. I think it's a nice looking gadget, but it's not really very good at all. It's very flimsey, the screen is too shiney and easily scratched. The analog control is almost useless too. I actually prefer the DS, as it's clamshell so quite a bit tougher than the psp and has more games I want to play.


Not sure how the psp is relevant to the 360 though, it's like comparing apples to oranges!

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