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Yeah! Woolworths did good, I came yesterday after noon.


I only preorder it 2 weeks ago, so well done woolworths you made my Christmas.


Shame on GAME for over ordering and then not getting the damn things in, ha!

I suppose thats the difference between buying a console from a sweet shop as opposed to a console shop!

Its the same all over, same every time a new console comes out too, demand is far higher than possible supply.

I'm waiting for the PS3, always had playstations,better games imo, and the "twice as powerful as the Xbox360" is a good selling point too.

Seems the Xbox hasn't made a big enough jump according to all the reviews i've read. Having said that, i don't think the PS2 or original Xbox has been fully explored yet anyway.

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Kitty you are bang on!

PGR3 is just an unbelievable game and playing it in HD is out of this world.

Apart from the mind blowing graphics, the superb DD5.1 sound, the addictive gameplay,

Its all the little additional things like the constant ticker tape telling you if any of your friends achieve anything and having friends leaderboards for every possible thing. It knits with Xbox live so well thats the key to this game I think.

This game has even converted a mate of mine to the racing genre and he has been playing games since the Spectrum. He hasnt gone near racing games till now.


This game is easily the best racer that you can buy and I believe I am qualified to say that since I own and have completed

GT4, GT3, GT2, GT1, PGR2, PGR1, MSR, WRC1, WRC2, WRC3, etc etc


Chopley, to not notice the difference in gameplay from PGR2 is quite strange. Are you a gamer?


Mission if you can get your hands on a 360 mate, do it. You will not be disappointed.

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Utter bullshit. It's standard early adopter stuff. You pay through the nose, sure. But for that you get the latest and greatest flashy wizz-bang console.


I'm not buying one, it's too much for me, but writing it off because it's expensive on launch day is fucked up.

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Chopley you keep going on about it being hundreds of pounds,

the core pack is 200 quid. In this day and age that is peanuts, my pcs graphics card cost more than that on its own!


Also wheres your source for saying smart money is to wait 12 months, Ive never heard or read that in the gaming press.


Back to PGR3 yes i do own it and its taking up about 95% of my 360 time at the moment. My friend who converted to it doesnt have a HD tv but still says it looks superb.


Considering the Brooklyn bridge alone has more polygons in it than an entire city in PGR2 or the interior of the cars in pgr3 have more polygons than a whole car in pgr2 then even without HD you still looking at far far far superior graphics than the xbox can do.


I get the jist from your posts that you couldnt get your hands on one on launch day then?

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Also wheres your source for saying smart money is to wait 12 months, Ive never heard or read that in the gaming press.


You mean the gaming press that's bankrolled by game advertisers and relies on a good relationship with the software companies to get access to pre-release games?


You get better value for money the longer a system has been out. That's obvious. Day 1 sales are only ever for fanboys. In a years time, it will be a chunk of change cheaper, have game bundles and include free second controllers.


Unless you're so desperate to have one on launch day, the smart money is always on leaving it until after the initial rush and picking up on the second wave marketing.

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