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I was replying to your point about the graphics are no different to Pgr2.


Look at your own post #29 point 1 ffs.


Interesting you think a hardcore gamer needs to buy a DC off ebay

when in reality a hc gamer would already own one and will have done since launch day!!!!


Your a weekend gamer mate. Nothing to be ashamed of though, each to their own.

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In my 25 years of being a gamer, I've only ever once bought a new system on launch. The mighty SAM Coupe.




This 'Super Spectrum' was a great little machine, designed by enthusiasts and visionaries. I got mine the day it launched (From Aldridges) and raced home. After I played the single game it came with for a few hours, I toyed with the new BASIC structure for a bit, then played with the paint package. After two days, I was running the supplied Spectrum emulator to play all my old Spectrum games. Two days after that, I skipped the middle step and just used the Spectrum.


I didn't fully use the machine until about three months later when decent software started to come out which wasn't just a port of Spectrum software with attribute clash taken out. During that time, the price of the machine fell by about 25%, they included a joystick and 5 games in the bundle.


I never, ever, bought another system on launch date and never ever will again. There's a diffference between a 'hardcore gamer' and someone with money to burn and a cock to wave in the air at their 'l33t MSN buddies'

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Hordcore gamers don't play consoles, they play PC games, and although they have the "uber l33t" latest graphics card, they still insist on playing in 640x480 with all the graphical detail turned down so it runs at 666fps!


(or am i missing the point? ;))

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I bought a dreamcast on launch day, lordy Soul Calibre was the dogs danglies! You can't beat that first day excitement and to some the extra dosh is worth that.


I'm not buying a 360 though, I think it's to expensive and the launch lineup too 'meh', especially the pc conversions that look exactly the same as the pc versions.


I'll buy one after the initial rush, let the prices cool a little and get some quality releases out.

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Interesting article on ign about console launch costs


360 stacks up extremely well


NeoGeo launched in 1990 for $699.9............$1041.12 in 2005

3DO launched in 1993 for $699.95...............$920.30 in 2005

Atari VCS launched in 1977 for $249.99....... $811.21 in 2005

SEGA Saturn launched in 1995 for $399.99...$497.66 in 2005

SEGA Genesis launched in 1989 for $249.99.$389.67 in 2005

PlayStation launched in 1995 for $299.99.....$372.01 in 2005

NES launched in 1985 for $199.99............... $354.91 in 2005

PlayStation 2 launched in 2000 for $299.99...$333.15 in 2005

Jaguar launched in 1993 for $249.99............$328.69 in 2005

Xbox Launched in 2001 for $299.99............. $325.34 in 2005

Xbox 360 launched in 2005 for $299.99........$299.99 in 2005

Super Nes launched in 1991 for $199.99.......$282.21 in 2005

Nintendo 64 launched in 1996 for $199.99.....$242.75 in 2005

GameCube launched in 2001 for $199.99......$216.89 in 2005

Dreamcast launches in 1999 for $199.99......$228.09 in 2005


Look at the 3DO!! I will bow down to anyone who still has one of them!

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Interesting you think a hardcore gamer needs to buy a DC off ebay

when in reality a hc gamer would already own one and will have done since launch day!!!!


Your a weekend gamer mate. Nothing to be ashamed of though, each to their own.


Hello, Spanna. My name's Stuart. I'm a professional videogames journalist, and have been for the last 15 years or so. I own pretty much every videogame console ever made, including an awful lot that you've never even heard of, and at the last count I owned somewhere in the region of 37,000 different videogames.


You're not a "hardcore gamer". I'm a "hardcore gamer". You're a silly little hype monkey who'd buy a runny dogturd in a box as long as you thought it was the next big thing and would make the other kids in the playground think you were bare cool.


The Xbox 360 may well be a great games machine one day, when somebody writes some great games for it. Right now, all it is is a convenient idiot indicator. Got one? Then you're a gullible twat with more pound notes than brain cells. That's how it works.

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You're not a "hardcore gamer". I'm a "hardcore gamer". You're a silly little hype monkey who'd buy a runny dogturd in a box as long as you thought it was the next big thing and would make the other kids in the playground think you were bare cool.

The Xbox 360 may well be a great games machine one day, when somebody writes some great games for it. Right now, all it is is a convenient idiot indicator. Got one? Then you're a gullible twat with more pound notes than brain cells. That's how it works.


Yes, you're right all 360 games suck shit...



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Or if you'd actually played it you might realise it's simply a fucking awsome game? Patriotic American? Bizzare Creations is a british dev innit?


Shouldn't a hardcore uberpowered ninja pro games journo be wooting up new consoles rather than pissing on progression? Without these early adopters, the good games wouldn't come, the price wouldn't lower, the thing wouldn't ever become mainstream. Hard to understand why a games journo wouldn't understand these fairly basic facts of the hardwire lifecycle.


Unless you're just some stupid fucking troll of course...

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Yes, you're right all 360 games suck shit...




Nice review, but have you seen the screen-shots? I'm not impressed at all.


Will have to see it running first tho I guess.


BTW I'm not bashing, I'll just have to try before I buy. Agreed that I'll wait to see how it pans out. I remember pissed off mates when PS2 dropped their price a couple of months after release.

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It looks amazing running on a hdtv. I've not got the telly, or the dosh, but I would if I could.


Bought a pair of DS's for me nippers this year instead :)


Sure, it'll drop in price. An early adopter is usually prepared to pay the premium. They're hardly idiots, they just like the new stuff. Without them I'd never be able to afford the thing, so good on em.

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