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Bearing in mind 19 guests are viewing this thread right now, I'd be willing to bet it's the some guy that runs the forum linked on Page 2. I presume there's a link or something to this on his forum.


Edit: Yup, lots of linkage in that thread. Seems like a load of fawning fanboys over to watch their 'leader' in action. I vote we send them manxchatterbox in retaliation.

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I have done, Captain Payattention. I'm the chap linked from page 2. And I'm a journalist, not a fucking PR whore. I'll "woot up" progression when I actually see some, not when Microsoft, Sony or anyone else tell me to.


Ah yes, the link where you said "and most of the time I watched other people playing rather than having a go myself"?


I know I'm wasting my breath talking enthusiastically about games to a washed up cynical old games journo cunt like you, but can't you even try to appreciate the 360 launch? Almost simultanious woldwide launch, a very powerful console, some really nifty new features like the ability to play mp3's off a usb drive and the power on button on the controller, the fact it comes loaded with Lllamasoft gear on rom, none of this is worthy of praise?


And the launch lineup, Project Gotham 3, Perfect Dark Zero and Kameo may not be perfect, but they're not shit games. PS2 launch list? The Bouncer, Smugglers run and Fantavision? Dreamcast may have had Soul Calibre, but it was backed up with what, Pen Pen Tricelon?


Seems to me you're just a miserable shit who can't afford one on his meagre journo salary and wants to make the rest of us suffer in your misery, eh?

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Spot on Slim. You beat me to it.


Obviously Worldofcockendstuart is completely correct and every other journo in the world is wrong........

Which mag do you write for?? If you still do that is.


Do you count writing a blog as journalism?

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I know I'm wasting my breath talking enthusiastically about games to a washed up cynical old games journo cunt like you, but can't you even try to appreciate the 360 launch? Almost symultanious woldwide launch, a very powerful console, some really nifty new features like the ability to play mp3's off a usb drive and the power on button on the controller.


You seem to have forgotten the main purpose of a games console, there. What is it again? It's slipped my mind, but I'm pretty sure it's not a fucking "power on button on the controller". PGR3 is a perfectly decent game. Specifically, the perfectly decent game it is is PGR2. If shinier, more reflective paintwork on the cars is enough for you to fork out £300 on a new console to play the same game again, all I'm suggesting is that maybe your perspective is shot to bits, and maybe it's not games that you actually like at all. Your list of great 360 features seems to back that assumption up rather strongly.


Project Gotham 3, Perfect Dark Zero and Kameo may not be perfect, but they're not shit games


I absolutely assure you that Kameo is. REALLY shit. As for the PS2 and DC lineups, you're quite right. I criticised those then like I'm doing with the 360 now, and you know what? Fanboy idiots like you were lining up around the block to desperately justify their expenditure then as well.


Hey ho. Be happy. I look forward to the post-coital phase, due about nine days from now, when forums everywhere are swamped with people saying "I haven't switched my 360 on in a week, I feel a bit stupid now", just like they were with the PSP. I'm off to look for a better class of debate.

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Hello, Spanna. My name's Stuart. I'm a professional videogames journalist, and have been for the last 15 years or so.


Hello Stuart, my name is Mike and I couldn't care less.


I suggest you eBay half your games collection and with the cash, pop along to your local BUPA clinic and grab a personality transplant - maybe you'll have enough to get an XBox 360 too.


I'm not a games journalist (or a miserable bastard) so I'm probably looking for something else when choosing to buy a 360; stunning visuals, a great future, compact unit, and a whole bunch of well thought out usability 'extras' I'd genuinely expect from Nintendo before Microsoft.


Of course, I'll also most likely grab a PS3 when they arrive too - as these consoles really do represent a massive upshift in immersive entertainment (sorry, 'videogames') that I - and millions of others - find hugely attractive.


I would, if I were you, perhaps concentrate on garnering some social skills and keeping your rabid outbursts within the confines of your own perculiar mental squalor - although you should know that your posts provoke a genuine emotional response when I read them.





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I'm really enjoying this. All we need now is the bandana clad Dave Perry of Gamesmaster fame to complete the collection of long forgotten gaming journalists.


How come the rev's views haven't appeared in the gaming press. Is he employed anywhere these days or is he like one of those drunken tramps who shouts abuse to anyone who dares walk past?

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How come the rev's views haven't appeared in the gaming press. Is he employed anywhere these days or is he like one of those drunken tramps who shouts abuse to anyone who dares walk past?


I gather he runs an internet forum about 'What Stuart did today' where legions of hangers on grasp helplessly to his tattered coattails. Oh, his forum is named after him too.


I bet he refers to himself in the third person as well when he's talking to his reflection.


"Stuart is a gaming God. Bow before Stuart"

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You seem to have forgotten the main purpose of a games console, there. What is it again? It's slipped my mind, but I'm pretty sure it's not a fucking "power on button on the controller". PGR3 is a perfectly decent game. Specifically, the perfectly decent game it is is PGR2. If shinier, more reflective paintwork on the cars is enough for you to fork out £300 on a new console to play the same game again, all I'm suggesting is that maybe your perspective is shot to bits, and maybe it's not games that you actually like at all. Your list of great 360 features seems to back that assumption up rather strongly.


Racing games have been surviving for years on shinier reflective paintwork, what else they gunna give you? And guess what, not every 360 owner is an xbox owner. There's a few million ps2 players who never bought an xbox, so wont have played pgr2.


I actually thought Toms summary on Eurogamer summed it up quite well. "It's like playing PGR2 on a system that can do it justice". Then again, Tom, a mate of mine, manages to be a games journalist without being a jaded miserable bastard.


I absolutely assure you that Kameo is. REALLY shit. As for the PS2 and DC lineups, you're quite right. I criticised those then like I'm doing with the 360 now, and you know what? Fanboy idiots like you were lining up around the block to desperately justify their expenditure then as well.


Pay attention "captain", I've not bought a 360. I can't afford to be an early adopter. I am grateful to em for buying it and helping it become cheaper though. Just because I can't afford it doesn't make it shit.


Hey ho. Be happy. I look forward to the post-coital phase, due about nine days from now, when forums everywhere are swamped with people saying "I haven't switched my 360 on in a week, I feel a bit stupid now", just like they were with the PSP. I'm off to look for a better class of debate.


It's a new console for fucks sake, you expect an instant library of classics? Whatever, fuck off back to Worldofstuart where your peons will lick your tool, hopefully your fanbois will think again before crosslinking that tosshole to somewhere with independant thinkers.

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I actually thought Toms summary on Eurogamer summed it up quite well. "It's like playing PGR2 on a system that can do it justice". Then again, Tom, a mate of mine, manages to be a games journalist without being a jaded miserable bastard.


He's only new, he'll learn in time. You might be excited to know that the very game session described in my forum thread, incidentally, took place courtesy of... Tom from Eurogamer. Nice chap. Next time I see him, I'll be sure to ask him if you're as much of a twat as you sound.


I love you all. Goodbye!

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I actually thought Toms summary on Eurogamer summed it up quite well. "It's like playing PGR2 on a system that can do it justice". Then again, Tom, a mate of mine, manages to be a games journalist without being a jaded miserable bastard.


He's only new, he'll learn in time. You might be excited to know that the very game session described in my forum thread, incidentally, took place courtesy of... Tom from Eurogamer. Nice chap. Next time I see him, I'll be sure to ask him if you're as much of a twat as you sound.


I love you all. Goodbye!


You off then? See ya then. I look forward to reading your next article probably slagging someone off for buying a new plasma telly when real 'hardcore' telly watchers like yourself know the only way to watch tv is on a little piddly black and white portable.


How dare somebody buy a new console and be happy with their purchase. You sir are a twat of the highest order and always were even when you were a proper journalist. Piss off back to the obscurity of your highly popular website (640 members in 2 1/2 years for a man of your fame. Well done).


And no. I do not have a 360 yet. I am waiting for a few more games to emerge but would not describe early adopters as idiots. I reserve that tag for you.

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I have to say in all the time I have been reading these forums I have never read some much incoherent bolox in all my life, you really are one bitter and twisted person Stuart, and I really pity you, what happened did one of the PR people from one of the Console companies refuse to give you an obligatory fluff in exchange for a nice review.


My opinion and it is purely my opinion of a decent journo of any kind is to have a total unbiased approach, you seem to have a bee in your bonnet about Microsoft , gives me the impression that little baby didn't get what he wanted from them when he once threw his toys out his pram.


So you own 37000 games how many did you actually buy, and how many where given as a review copy? out of how many of those do you actually play i bet it goes no further than double figures if that.


You own consoles that we have never heard of, go on then what consoles, and did it ever enter your single minded little brain that the reason you have them is because they were shit, and not worth having in the first place, so what did they do, they though, "i know give em to that plank Stuart, he takes any old crap"


Tom may only be new, but to me having someone give reviews with enthusiasm and vigour sure would give me a better idea of a game either way, instead of you cynical opinion of everything i have read so far.


If you are gone from here then so be it, i aint gonna cry in my chips for some washed up games journo, and just because you are a journo, doesnt make you all knowing, or even hardcore. You are just self obsessed with your own self being, which is a shame.


ta ta!


my soap box is getting weaker.


And Ans, sometimes your opinions do annoy me but as of now i apologise, you have been beaten by a better man/boy/thing/it.

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