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Mind you, I'd rather be a "suckling fanboy" than part of the braindead MF clique.


Nobody makes you post here.


I actually agreed with you in this thread, and I agree with most of what Campbell says. He's still a chimp though Actually going to the effort of registering a new account on a forum simply to strike down at someone barely able to spell, to boast about how 'hardcore' he is (despite one of his rabid fanboys eschewing the notion of using such a term except in jest. I guess he'll be punished), to brag of his status as a games journalist (where the reality is that he has very few friends left in the industry) really says more about him than anything anyone could say here.


And the fact that you're all most likely applauding him and telling him how he 'stuck it to them', really sums up that little community.

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He's one of those irritating games journalist who've forgotton their role. He basically hates everything, and begins from that standpoint. There's a whole load of miserable shit he's written that I think he believes is straight talking journalism which is really cynical miserable bollocks. Games aren't art. Games are overpriced (despite being much cheaper in real terms), new consoles are over priced (again despite being far far cheaper in real terms), everyones ripping off a game idea he had in the 80's, nothings new apart frim him, blah blah. I mean, he even slagged off Soul Calibre, the fucking finest launch game ever, so why would anyone value his opinion ever?


Because perhaps some people want an objective view of things instead of being smacked down by the hype. I bet you ran out and bought every game that was reviewed by the kids on gamesmaster - "I like this game...it has good graphics, good sound, and is good."


If your paid to review products you should start from a standpoint of enthusiasm because that's where your reader is coming from. Dicks like Campbell start from the bottom and work up.


Says fucking who? YOU? You mean like the people on the Shopping channel when they review products? - if we all followed the above we'd be all debt ridden to fuck. Oh wait.


The 360 aint perfect, but there's a lot to like. There's the small innovations I mentioned before that the WoW sheep seem to think are funny, there's the nifty stuff like the ability to leech small games on live, the voice over Ip stuff, the maths just dont lie:


Well you said it, it aint perfect, and i hardly see how leeching games/VOIP/power button on controller can convince people to spend a pant load of cash on something that clearly has faults and really isn't that great in terms of game playing.


You actually went through the process of registering here? For that? Well done.





You actually went through the process of reading it? Well done you, as well.

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You actually went through the process of reading it? Well done you, as well.


Go back to your own forum of circle jerking and hero worship of your glorious leader. I doubt he actually wants any of you over here defending his worthless name.

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You actually went through the process of reading it? Well done you, as well.


Go back to your own forum of circle jerking and hero worship of your glorious leader. I doubt he actually wants any of you over here defending his worthless name.


I don't remember for one minute ever claiming to come from the WOS forums, but then that's the general knee jerk reaction alot of you in this thread seem to be jumping to when someone actually agrees with what Stuart says.

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//warning, non-gamer post//


So basically this guy is living on past glories? And he decided to conduct a little bit of a forum invasion...just to defend himself to the people on manxforums?


He would have been a success had he just posted his spiel and walked away, unfortunately he re-appeared and then all his hangers-on came over and started tossing themselves off at his "brilliance". He has lost an argument that was virtually un-loseable. Boi got skillz!


BTW I have over 37,000 drawing pins....and i stand on them every day, i am more hardcore than you!

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As for why I cross-posted this thread over there (and vice versa), not withstanding the fact that the concept of linking is arguably one of the most impressive and dynamic aspects of the internet in the first place, I just figured it'd be nice for people to take a look at a different point of view on a single subject.


That's such bollocks.


It was a classic piece of text book trolling - linking to debates from different forums and waiting for someone to take the bait.


The only surprise was that it the "journalist" and his cronies who bit and registered accounts here, rather than the gullible idiot with too much cash going over there to justify his outlay.

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Personally I'm going to wait a while for more titles to come out but there's no doubt I'll give it due consideration.


I'd probably be more tempted if they weren't as short in supply so I could just trade in my original XBOX.


Just out of interest do all the old games play on the new one or just certain titles? If all the old ones do then that's a pretty good reason for trading up?


The trade in value of the old XBOX will be higher nearer to the initial launch than further down the line.


To keep you XBOX haters entertained here's a video by some very strange Americans:



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Not all of them work Rich. About 200 i think it is

But you need the Hard drive and to be linked to Xbox live to download the updates.


ps. As for the Hardcore comment about 4 pages ago, that was an intentional windup aimed at Chopley since he was blabbing complete bollocks and having a go at Kitty for saying her boyfriend like PGR3!

(oh nooo how dare a lad like a game that Stuartcockend and his bumboys dont like)


As wind ups go that one has been extremely productive! I thought it might get Chopley as he was so impressed with himself but not to this extent. Great stuff.

I love pissing off complete wankers.

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Stuart has plenty of friends in the industry, unfortunately just not many who can actually commission him as a writer, since he has absolutely refused point blank for his entire career to give a game an artifically high review score in return for advertising, be persuaded by all expenses paid trips abroad to exclusively "review" a new game, or basically do anything other than deliver his clear and honest opinion.


Wow, conspiracy theorist bollocks, that's what he told you? I worked for some years as a freelancer on several magazines, was the online editor for pc gaming world and have written for some of the same rags as stuart, CTW for example. I've reviewed many games and still have direct contact with lots of pr chaps from various companies. Never one have I come accross any kind of manipulation on scores, other than them refusing to send a shit game to you before release day because they know it's going to get a shit score and they want to fleece release day buyers.


And as you said yourself earlier in this thread ans, the games press doesn't want honest opinions of its lacklustre shite, it wants rabid fanboys like Slim and spanna to get all excited about wireless controllers WITH ON/OFF BUTTONS ON THEM and hype everything through the ceiling in return for freebie reviewer kits.


Bless you and your bullshit. How much time have you actually spent with a 360?


As for this tired old "he's a washed up cynic who doesn't like anything" argument, read his review of Out Run 2 at the main WoS site - I guarantee you'll be hard pushed to find a review anywhere on the web where the reviewer's love for gaming and the game he's reviewing at that time is more apparent, and it's all done without gushing about the latest new toy that he was given for free by a rabid PR department.


OK, so he likes the occasional thing. Most of the tripe he spews is negative bollocks. That's not honest consumer reviews, that's just a miserable jaded old get.

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Bitter and twisted sh1te is what that is.


You sound like a complete clone of that campbellcockend.

Do you get "goodies" from your "leader" for going round forums and spreading his word/bol0x?


I noticed my question wasnt answered several pages ago.

What magazines does he write for now?

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Well judging by your contributions to this thread, that's because you're a simpering sycophant who thinks journalists are paid to like what they're told to like, rather than make the games/consoles/whatever the subject of independent and objective scrutiny.


Hardly, I'm not being paid to write anything currently, I found the pay was too pants. You'll have to find some other deranged conspiracy theory to explain my celebration of the new consoles. That I simply am a geek and a gamer who enjoys the way games get flashier and more wizzbang with each hardware revision, means I am not about to piss on anyones chips for paying a premium to have it early.


It's very easy to like stuff when you're given it for free, it takes a bit more discipline to say to yourself, "Hang on, I'm recommending these consoles and games to people who actually have to use their own money to buy them, perhaps I'll put my proper reviewing hat on and take the PR bitch hat off......"


Close, but not quite. It's actually easier to hate the stuff you get given for free. When you play and write about games all the time it's hard to maintain an enthusiasm for the subject that your readers may have because of the volume of games you're looking at. That's the difference between quality games journalists like Tom Bramwell from Eurogamer and his review of the 360 to Miserable shitbag Campbell who wrote his bleating wank after apparently the same xbox 360 experience in the same room.

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