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The ports I'd agree with, hardly a good use of the hardware. Same with most cross platform ports.


The PGR shots there are worthless, they're replay shots and not 'in game' shots. Even the original article says pgr does look like a next gen game.

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That's not much of an improvement (yet), but graphically things can't really get much better than the current systems anyway, can they? I was always impressed with PGR2, and Resident Evil 4 on the GC is very nice to look at.


You may mock being impressed by wireless controllers with on/off buttons, but it's developments like that that are making consoles more user friendly, and more likely to sit in people's living rooms.

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Well considering that pretty much all 360 games at the moment are either ports or are also being released on the original XBox, where's the point in spending all that cash on a 360 right now?

That was all my original point was, man.


Sames true for any new console. You can't expect a library of uber games on release day. The 360's got some stonking and unique games like pgr3 and perfect dark. It's also got some shitty ports from EA. So what, so did the ps2. Doesn't make it shit value for those people who want to play pgr3 and perfect dark right now. Doesn't make Camp-bell right for calling those people idiots because he can't blag a free one.


Listen, I'm not paying 300 quid for one either, but I'm not about to piss on those that can afford it. It's a stonking box, its got great specs, its sexy, its got a few good games, if you've a hdtv and a bunch of cash then good luck to you. Not sure why you can be arsed in a tirade against it.


Edit: Camp-bells also been pretty selective with those shots eh? Missing NBA Live which looks amazing on the 360? Call of Duty 2, which looks, according to 1up better on a 300 quid xbox360 than on a grand worth of pc. Quality journalism that.

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If I was to add any dissappointment to the 360 it would be the fact it doesn't have a HD DVD Drive (or so I've read).


Doesn't matter right this second but if some HD DVD titles start rolling out, some punters may feel hard of having to shell out for a HD DVD Unit (which do exist incidently although at a premium for the pleasure).


Apart from that I think it will shape up to be a superb console once some of the major titles start rolling in.


I can understand both sides of the arguement but like with anything it's up to the person what they buy and it's just plain rude to slag them off for making a decision to buy one.


As long as it's legal anyone should have the right to do what ever they want with their lives, no one has to agree with it but then I don't see the point in slagging them off either.


Valuewise, like any product in the world, it's worth as much as someone will pay for it.

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The releases from microsoft have suggested that there will be a hddvd version of the console in the future. The complaints have been because it's likely to be a hddvd for movies only, and not for games, which will be on regular dvd's for backwards compatability.


Can't really blame em, hddvd is hardly what you'd call mainstream and the consoles expensive enough as it is.

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Can't really blame em, hddvd is hardly what you'd call mainstream and the consoles expensive enough as it is.


I agree I just remember reading it and thinking "oh I wonder how that will pan out?"


Plus they need to get all the money they can for the console considering the losses they run at.

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Ha ha, i saw an auction for just the box.........imagine how funny it would be giving someone that for xmas and them opening the box with nothing in it apart from some stones you put in for weight :lol:


Well at least if you had a box full of stones, you'd actually have something worth playing with.



Ooooh, that was a cheap shot :lol:

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