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So much discussion about a little box - fascinating...


Why anyone in their right mind would ever pay any more money to Microsoft than he absolutely positively has to in order to stay alive ( while dangling out of the burning wreck of an airplane, dangerously positioned over the edge of a cliff and overlooking a crocodile infested river), is beyond me btw... That XBox 360 thingy might be nice, but Mr Gates managed to piss me off so much with his products in the past, that I certainly won't buy one...


You, Mr Gates, have cost me countless hours of my life trying to recover lost documents, rebooting my machine, and generally losing it when windows crashed again for no apparent reason - you certainly won't get any more dollars of me - in fact, I believe that you owe me money for the stress and anger you caused in the past...


I got a SEGA Master System with loads of games for my last Birthday - the childhood memories that this brought up can never be matched by any shiny new console - playing Hang On or the Olympic game thingy is just awesome, not even mentioning Wonderboy...


When the PS3 comes out, I might buy one - once the price has come down a bit. Bought a slimline PS2 a few months ago - some mega-pack with one game, remote control, second controller and memory card, all in for 130 quid or so. When I took it out of the box, I remembered that the original PS2 was launched for 299 quid back then, with one controller and nuffin else - the waiting game pays out at times...


I think it's wrong to criticize someone for buying the newest gadget, though - a friend of mine pre-ordered the mentioned 299 quid PS2 when it was first launched, and he's still happy with it - the feeling of having the newest thing, and having paid for it with your own, hard-earned money is certainly a good one... Doesn't matter if it doesn't always make economical sense - neither does paying to get intoxicated at the weekend, yet people still do it, simply because they enjoy it... Different things for different folks...


Bearing in mind 19 guests are viewing this thread right now, I'd be willing to bet it's the some guy that runs the forum linked on Page 2. I presume there's a link or something to this on his forum.


Edit: Yup, lots of linkage in that thread. Seems like a load of fawning fanboys over to watch their 'leader' in action. I vote we send them manxchatterbox in retaliation.

I'm sure that would be against the Geneva Convention somehow...

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