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Mariokart Ds - Playable Online Yet?


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Anyone else got a DS and tried playing mariokart online with it?


It's an awesome game but whilst I've played across wireless direct with another DS, I can't get it to connect online and I'm not if this is my setup ineptitude, or that the servers for it in the UK simply aren't online yet. I know the UK website for nintendo wifi isn't properly running so I'm hoping it's only because of this.


Anyone else had better luck?

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Bugger. :(


Must be me buffoonness then. I had to try doing mine manually and to be honest I think it's aggro with the router here that's the problem if the service works ok.


It wouldn't work automatically with the error given that the access point security settings aren't compatible with the DS. Then I manually entered some details & it said it couldn't get an IP address from the router (even though DHCP is on) so I gave it one and did it all manual stylee but now it says it can't get on the server. :(


I think the issue may be to do with the wep key so I will briefly try turning the wep encryption off & see if it works then as a test....

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Right it connects ok with the wep encryption turned off so it's obviously that but I can't leave it off as it's not mine and isn't the most sensible idea really.


It says on Nintendo's site that if you have more than one wep key to choose from you MUST use the first one which for some reason although there are 4 of them on the router, the 2nd one is in use and I can't see how to change this as the radio buttons for selecting the one you want are disabled. Can't see how to get them enabled...


The router is a draytech vigor 2600VG btw.

Second potential issue is that the site also says if the key shows as asterisks it will not work so you have to change the key. Easy enough but as soon as you come out of that screen on the router it hides the new key as asterisks so how to get round this?! Surely most routers do the same things for security purposes?


If anyone has ideas how to get round this I'd be grateful - cheers!

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Think I've solved it now...

The wep encryption was on but wpa was also switched on which locks the wep key you use, so setting it to wep only seems to have made it work now. :)


Huzzah! Now if it would just find me some opponents to race against... :rolleyes:


My code btw is 519 751 215 846 for anyone that wants a good hiding. :D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Won't work if WPA is turned on sadly, only WEP but I don't think it's a big deal really.


I know WEP encryption can be cracked but so could WPA if anyone specifically wanted to target you. As it is the odds are there'll be plenty of other wireless networks near you that would be equally likely for someone to try and hack, or even someone with an open network so I wouldn't worry about it. I tried using airsnort on the network at home here and it was way too much aggro - couldn't get it to work so I couldn't be arsed trying after long.

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Anyways - make sure you get seriously good at all tracks before playing online and potentially getting whupped by 12 year old foreigners!


Only good thing is they can't taunt you. Yet.


I am thoroughly addicted, but I've been a Mariokart addict since it first came out.

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