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3x Over Limit - 1000gbp Fine


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In this day and age everyone knows that drinking and driving is very dangerous and stupid. Now that Christmas is upon us we'll get the usual messages about the dangers. After reading Manx Radio's website I see that a local man, Mr. ..... was found guilty of driving with an alcohol reading of 226mg (legal limit: 80mg). He was given a ban and a 1000GBP fine. He was noticed by the cops driving erratically so it's not like he was able to handle that much alcohol.


When Moyle is willing to jail pot-users why can't he put someone who's actually dangerous to others as well as himself in jail?


Manx Radio News


* edited as i think filth may be a little impolite for cops?

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Nearly 3 times over the limit should mean prison, car taken away, heavy fine and a life long ban - there's simply no excuse for doing it whatsoever..


IMO, it should count as "attempted murder", but then - we Germans can be a bit extreme at times...

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Nearly 3 times over the limit should mean prison, car taken away, heavy fine and a life long ban - there's simply no excuse for doing it whatsoever..


IMO, it should count as "attempted murder", but then - we Germans can be a bit extreme at times have some good ideas ...


Fixed your post !


Just a fine and a ban is taking the piss - the only good thing is that their insurance company will cripple them when they want to drive again. Or will that just encourage them to drive without insurance ??

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In this day and age everyone knows that drinking and driving is very dangerous and stupid. Now that Christmas is upon us we'll get the usual messages about the dangers. After reading Manx Radio's website I see that a local man, Mr. ..... was found guilty of driving with an alcohol reading of 226mg (legal limit: 80mg). He was given a ban and a 1000GBP fine. He was noticed by the cops driving erratically so it's not like he was able to handle that much alcohol.


When Moyle is willing to jail pot-users why can't he put someone who's actually dangerous to others as well as himself in jail?


Manx Radio News


* edited as i think filth may be a little impolite for cops?



Do we know if said "local man" was a friend of said prosecutor - its happened before! ;)

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I do not agree with prison for drink drivers, a ban and fine is enough.


If he'd caused some sort of accident then he'd deserve more, but otherwise, this sentence is fine.

As for noticing them driving erratically - standard cop excuse for pulling over anyone they like.


A big fine and long ban are plenty. IMO.

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I do not agree with prison for drink drivers, a ban and fine is enough.


If he'd caused some sort of accident then he'd deserve more, but otherwise, this sentence is fine.

As for noticing them driving erratically - standard cop excuse for pulling over anyone they like.


A big fine and long ban are plenty. IMO.


Driving whilst under the influence of alcohol is one of the most dangerous things I can think of. Prison is the only answer for a second offence or for when the driver has drunk so much as in this case. Maybe it's time for a zero limit for drink driving so everyone is aware that if they've had a drink they can't drive.

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Zero Limit would not work on the IOM or UK as it take 24 hours for alcohol to clear in a persons body, all the police would have to do is test every driver in the morning and have a field day. One of the best little things Ive ever bought was a Breath tester from boots and if ive been drinking the night before I will test myself to see if im over the limit and Ive had a few shocks from the results.

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Studies have shown that talking on a mobile phone whilst driving is more dangerous than being over the legal limit - shall we jail those too? Stands to reason that talking to your screaming brats in the back of the car, or your chatty mate in the front, singing along to loud music etc etc are also equally as dangerous.


People are drink driving all the time, especially those in the masons or older people who don't stand much of a chance of being pulled over. It used to be the norm, and the main offenders are those who did so in those days with no problems. I know loads of people who still do so regularly, so where are all the accidents?


I'm not suggesting it shouldn't be illegal, or that it isn't dangerous - but some perspective is needed. Prison is supposed to be about rehabilitation rather than punishment isn't it? What good does jailing someone do anyway? Apart from cost to the taxpayer, lose the person their job, income, possibly home and family...


If we really want to tackle drink driving we'll sort out a proper public transport system, and stop the taxis charging £20 for a five minute drop off.


Prison should be reserved for violent criminals IMO.

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A zero limit policy is too draconian considering that simple things like mouthwash are alcohol based and can cause a reading to register. Hell, even eating a traditional piece of Christmas cake would put you over the limit. It does take time for alcohol to disappear completely from the system and not enough people take that into account by driving into work at 8am after a heavy night boozing. I wont even touch my car until 12 hours after I've finished if I've been on a session and even then, there are going to be trace elements.


I also think that prison should be mandatory for drink driving. It's not a secret, it doesn't happen by accident and if you've had a drink, just don't drive. How much simpler could it be?

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lose the person their job, income, possibly home and family...


And who's fault is it? Really? If you're aware of the consequences, you don't do it. How hard is that to comprehend.


I don't care if they make drink driving a hanging offence, I know it will never affect me as I'm not stupid enough to drink drive. Idiots, the lot of them.

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If he'd caused some sort of accident then he'd deserve more, but otherwise, this sentence is fine.


Think you are missing the point here.


There is no justification for drink driving and he could of very easily killed someone.

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