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Plea To Dog Owners...

Trinity 23

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It is proven that children who are brought up in houses which are not meticulously cleaned (not your actual hovel - just homes which are not disinfected with surface cleaners regularly etc) have far more efficient immune systems, as they are gradually exposed to a variety of bacteria which builds up good levels of immunity.

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I heard on the radio the other day that some ppl clean their work desks so infrequently that they can actually have more bugs present than your average toilet.




The "cleaners" in our office should be fired. It's not as if they have an overly complex job to do (wipe desk for a few seconds) but they can't even manage to do this one simple thing.

Despite the fact they shuffle your mouse mat & drinks coaster (as if we need one!) around the desk each night I thought it looked the same a day later at one point, so I strategically placed a selection of crumbs across my desk before going home on several occasions.

Surprise surprise the next day each time, sure enough the mouse mat etc had been moved around to make it obvious they'd "cleaned", except for the fact that all the crumbs were still in the same place so they obviously hadn't.


I don't actually give a flying fook about a few crumbs or a bit of dust on my desk but I do object strongly to lazy f**ckers who have a very basic job they're being paid to do, but can't even be bothered and pretend to do instead. :angry:

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StuartT Wrote


Dog and Cat crap irritates me intensly. What a lot of dog owners sem to fail to realise is that not only is crap messy, it can also potentially cause blindness.


No sh!t Sherlock, it wouldn't be called toxocariasis by any chance would it? :whistling:

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Yes, nicely googled

Actually It wasn't googled, I do know what it is as I expect most people on the forum do.


Anyway you get the point :blink:

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From reading some of the posts here, it would appear you are sadlymistaken in that assumption. Let's hope they will read this, and be nelightened to the potential consequences of their actions - a lot more than just a messy shoe


Yes lets hope so.

I'm sure the other members have been truly enlightened and will be eternally in your debt. I know the other members will want to thank you personally, I know I do.


Thank you so much StuartT, cheers dude.

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By the sounds of things, you might be one of those people who leaves the place like a pigsty (at least with that attitude).  So it's not always as easy being a cleaner as you might like to imagine. 


Plus when someone has a pile of work on their desk you're not sure if you should move it, or not (or do you not have enough workload to have any left on your desk at the end of the day)


Ok, so insults are the way to go here even though I've not even spoken to you? Or insulted cleaners in general, just our particular lazy ones? If that's how you want it.


Amazing you've managed to surmise from me saying it's annoying having the items on my desk scattered about, and that after placing specific crumbs on my desk to catch out our lazy cleaners you can tell my desk is a pigsty? Watch out Mystic Meg, you're job's in danger.


Do you not think that if my desk was such mess to begin with I wouldn't actually need to "strtategically place crumbs" on it? Do you think I would give a hoot about the cleaners moving my stuff around and not putting it back because they're too lazy?


Our work space has to be tidy at the end of each day and any paper needed goes in a desk tray so that the simpletons such as yourself can manage to move their cloth around the deesktop without too much trauma even though they still fail to do that.


Oh and the bit about not having time to "clean" all the desks is certainly crap where our cleaners are concerned as it'd literally take them a couple of seconds more to wipe the dedsk surface if they can already manage to move stuff on the desk about. Even the thickest person would realise that's sort of defeating the object. :rolleyes:


Try and keep your assumptions to yourself when they're so incredibly far from the mark it's laughable.

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Yes, nicely googled

Actually It wasn't googled, I do know what it is as I expect most people on the forum do.

I didn't know it was called that :huh: ..............but I do now, you learn something new everday! :)


I knew that cat poo was dangerous, particularly to pregnant women. My friend's really upset today because she has to have her cat put down because it's so unwell :(

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Yes, nicely googled

Actually It wasn't googled, I do know what it is as I expect most people on the forum do.

I knew that cat poo was dangerous, particularly to pregnant women.

Isn't that what happens to Tommy in trainspotting? Getting infected by cat poo?

My friend's really upset today because she has to have her cat put down because it's so unwell  :(

Bummer. :(

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Isn't that what happens to Tommy in trainspotting?  Getting infected by cat poo?


I think that's what killed him, but having AIDS makes you a little more susceptible to stuff like that.

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I must admit I thought the infection (parasite) led to toxoplasmosis. Is this one and the same thing? I think there may be a slight difference, though both are the result of consumption of larvae which have been expelled in contaminated faeces.


However, this risk is not limited to direct contact with contaminated faeces, (hence always being advised to thoroughly wash salad-type produce etc) I believe that contamination of surfaces can take place anywhere the infected animal comes to rest, rather than specifically where it soils. With this in mind, the key point for consideration must be to ensure that domestic pets are wormed regularly rather than focussing purely on the location of their toilet habits. It is estimated that a huge proportion of the popluation will already have been infected at some point or other.


I will have to Google the difference between the two parasitical infections (if there is one?).

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