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Plea To Dog Owners...

Trinity 23

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If anyone really wants to freak themselves out, google "zoonosis" - there are many diseases in animals that can be passed onto to humans. Campylobacter is a classic, very common one.

Holy sh1t!.....Well spotted purrrrrrrrrrry, you might just have saved us all!


I've no idea what they all mean or how to pronounce half of them, but how many more reasons are needed to despatch all the mangey little turd bags to the great litter tray in the sky?



Diseases Acquired From Cats


* Afipia felis

* Anthrax

* Bartonella (Rochalimaea) henselae

* Bergeyella (Weeksella) zoohelcum

* Brucella suis

* Campylobacteriosis

* Capnocytophaga canimorsus

* CDC group NO-1

* Chlamydia psittaci (feline strain)

* Cowpox

* Cutaneous larva migrans

* Dermatophytosis

* Dipylidium caninum

* Leptospirosis

* Neisseria canis

* Pasteurella multocida

* Plague

* Poxvirus

* Q-fever

* Rabies

* Rickettsia felis

* Salmonellosis

* Scabies

* Sporothrix schenckii

* Trichinosis

* Toxoplasmosis

* Visceral larva migrans

* Yersinia pseudotuberculosis




Jay - I am really, seriously disappointed in you.


You elected to cut and paste a list of diseases aquired from cats - why? There is an almost comparable list that relate to dogs, but you chose to ignore that, instead trying to use the information in what is now your quite evident Cat Paranoia (or what else do you suggest I call it now??)


I'd have honestly ben more impressed if you had at least attempted to present a more balanced view.


FYI fella:


Leptospirosis is can be found in dogs too, but is wayyyyyyyy more commonly spread by r-a-t-s.


Why do you think it's so important to cook your food thoroughly? To make it taste good? Look good? If it's a meat or fish product it's often to ensure that the parasites it might contain DIE. (Tapeworm anyone?)(one slice or two?)


Some human beings have no apparent regard for the potential transfer of highly infectious bugs that are transmitted from human to human. So don't go all righteous about kitty cats and dogs and gerbils. (Hmm, maybe even seagulls?)


Even as I type, numerous folk are sharing bodily fluids with ppl they may or may not remember the name of in the cold light of day. (If the encounter actually lasts that long, that is)


The potential outcome of that is far more of a certainty than if Tiddles or Fido may be harbouring something.


So - get real honey.


You know you really want to.


Just breathe innnnnnnn......

and let it alllllll out.............


"My name's Jay, and I'm afraid of cats"


You know it makes sense :)

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Great post Purrrrrry. I've had dogs & cats as pets all my long life (plus the occasional horse, gerbil, hamster, rabbit and various birds) and the only ailment I've ever caught was from other human beings (the nastiest ones being from men!).

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Jay - I am really, seriously disappointed in you.


You elected to cut and paste a list of diseases aquired from cats - why? There is an almost comparable list that relate to dogs, but you chose to ignore that, instead trying to use the information in what is now your quite evident Cat Paranoia (or what else do you suggest I call it now??)


I'd have honestly ben more impressed if you had at least attempted to present a more balanced view.


FYI fella:


Leptospirosis is can be found in dogs too, but is wayyyyyyyy more commonly spread by r-a-t-s.


Why do you think it's so important to cook your food thoroughly? To make it taste good? Look good? If it's a meat or fish product it's often to ensure that the parasites it might contain DIE. (Tapeworm anyone?)(one slice or two?)


Some human beings have no apparent regard for the potential transfer of highly infectious bugs that are transmitted from human to human. So don't go all righteous about kitty cats and dogs and gerbils. (Hmm, maybe even seagulls?)


Even as I type, numerous folk are sharing bodily fluids with ppl they may or may not remember the name of in the cold light of day. (If the encounter actually lasts that long, that is)


The potential outcome of that is far more of a certainty than if Tiddles or Fido may be harbouring something.


So -.........

...............sychophantic babble....



Oh purrrrrrrrrrry, you are a tease!


Sure, there was a list of nasties attributed to lots of furry things, cats are the ones that sh1t in my garden though, not elephants, Llamas, Aardvarks or even dogs.


It was an attempt to highlight the possible danger to the well being of people due to the thoughtless actions of irresponsible cat owners. Simple really.


My failure to impress you has left me seriously underwhelmed, although I'm not totally surprised by your quite predictable reaction.

Like most cat owners, you don't seem to give a damn whether your pets cause unnecessary misery or suffering to others.

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You don't. Can you read? I already said if I HAVE to ever spit when I'm in a public place then I'll do it where it won't look horrible, like for instance, a bin, the sea, a hedge maybe but basically not just down on the street for everyone to see/step in etc.
when do you HAVE to spit? I was brought up NEVER to spit and never have. yes I think your disgusting for spitting in public, people cut hedges, swim in seas and empty bins. What if your in a meeting and you HAVE to spit? You swallow it down (meaning = you don't HAVE to spit) and so you should outside too you minger. theres no excuse for spitting in public, even if you do glance round in case someones looking. disgusting gross creature.


oh and jay how much thought do you give to your own crap jay. where does that end up and what do you do to keep it from harming anyone else. feck all thats what

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