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Plea To Dog Owners...

Trinity 23

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Aww shucks. Thanks dude! I'm flattered. :)


I don't mind people insulting me if they have good cause to and I deserve it, but it makes my blood boil when dim, holier than thou hypocrites just start name calling because they've nothing better to do.

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Someone who says they have never spat in their life is quite simply a liar and no amount of them protesting to the contrary will convince me otherwise.

In public I meant moron, seemed to me that was obvious. I forgot, theres always one who needs the simplest thing spelt out.


So I'm going for a swim in the sea (heaven forbid) what would I rather encounter: a) a blob of saliva (that would have long since dispersed so I wouldn't actually encounter it anyway, or b ) One of your used sanitary products that's floating around the bay?  I think I (and most people) would certainly say the former.  That, therefore makes you far more disgusting than me by your pea-brained rationale.  Well done - give yourself a big clap.

So – now you’re assuming I flush my used sanitary products? Give yourself a pat on the back for such assumption gumption. Never have, never will. Ever flushed a condom big boy?

You might have heard that these days, people use these amazing products known as 'bin bags' so that they never come into contact with the contents of their bins.  I realise you're stupid but if you ask the nice person in the supermarket next time you're there (or Jeeves the butler) I'm sure they can explain to you how they're used, as I fear I would quickly become exasperated trying.
what a ridiculous paragraph. spit in your own bin all you like, but dont try to tell me that spitting in a public bin is not disgusting - it is - and your getting such a big hard on about your reply only proves that deep down, you know it is :)


Have you ever kissed anyone?  Unlikely I realise but guess what's in their mouth?  Yes,  saliva, and all the bugs they might have too.  I suppose that's equally disgusting?
Oh it’s unlikely I ever kissed someone because I think you’re gross for spitting? Big huge assumption there matey. Still your obviously used to making them. It isn’t the saliva that’s disgusting you simpleton, it’s the green bile that yobs like you inflict on us all because you think its 'normal'.


I'm assuming from this comment that you must have some kind of 'eco-toilet' of your own that renders your own waste completely harmless & clean without affecting the environment in any way whatsoever?  No?  Thought not.  So the fact you're whinging at Jay about this makes you one of the worst kind of people - a hypocrite.  One single day's worth of your waste is FAR more disgusting, environmentally damaging & offensive than if I were to collect all the spit that I've ever discretely done in public so get the hell off your high horse, you equally minging, and unbelievably thick simpleton.
Nope, but then Im not the one whinging about cat crap polluting my atmosphere – again I would have thought it was obvious, but my point was we pollute the whole effing world man, complaining about a little cat poo is ridiculous. basically my point was that jay is being a hypocrite you unbelieveably thick fool.
Ever been in the same room as someone with a cold when they've sneezed?  Yes, maybe they managed to put their hand over their mouth but they've still loaded the nearby air with germs far more than I could with a 1000 spits.  What's that?  They carry a hanky?  Then they're harbouring and encouraging a bacteriological community that's tons worse still. 
Im sorry, but I will never agree that someone sneezing into their hanky is worse than some scally bloke like yourself hawking up a greeny then spitting it out in public.


I pity you if you think a tiny bit of saliva in the sea/a dustbin/or a hedge for instance is the root of all evil when every day you (and all of us) are doing much, much worse!

Plus bearing in mind the fact you think spit is so delightful that everyone will be so eager to swallow their own down, why the bloody hell are you making such a fuss about it?!

I pity you for being so easily wound up, especially as its obvious your as disgusted as me by people spitting in public, but so far in denial you cant see your just the same as them :)

oh an I never claimed it was 'the root of all evil' so do get over yourself.


Your lack of cognitive function, (not to mention punctuation) is far more offensive to me than a tiny bit of my spit that you'd never encounter anyway could possibly be to you.  So unless you're prepared to actually think about the rubbish you're polluting this thread with instead of being an immense hypocrite that just throws insults about for want of the brains to reply properly, I'd rather you didn't hassle me with your moronic whinging.
and Im throwing insults? its that denial again.


Rank though, I agree. Whoever is doing it.
At last you see! I agree too. if only we could make them see too, but there all in denial. :P


I don't mind people insulting me if they have good cause to and I deserve it, but it makes my blood boil when dim, holier than thou hypocrites just start name calling because they've nothing better to do.
Haha! Want to look at your own postings big boy?


Here’s the insults you used: dim, holier than thou, hypocrite, liar, pea brained, stupid, thick simpleton, moronic, retarded.


and the reasons for the insults? because I think spitting in public is minging and people who do it are foul. oh dear.


Whose the holier than thou hypocrite now?

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Kelly, much though these continuous posts (both ways) make a humourous read - I do think that you missed the original point. Cret has always been in agreement that spitting in public places is anti-social and foul behaviour. Any dispute that has arisen between the two of you originated from your initial post which called him a disgusting 'minger' or similar, having appeared to have misinterpretted his post.

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I'm trying to eat my lunch, all this spit/poo/sanitary products talk has quite put me off now :(


Although I don't like to see anyone spitting in public I do think there's a bit of difference between some disgusting pig who just spits in the street for no apparent reason other than thinking it's cool or big, and someone who has maybe had a cold and coughs up a bit of phlegm.


My lunch has now gone in the bin!

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Kelly wrote


Ever flushed a condom big boy?
Oh it’s unlikely I ever kissed someone




and your getting such a big hard on about your reply only proves that deep down, you know it is
Haha! Want to look at your own postings big boy?


Are you sexually frustrated? :P;)

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Blah, blah, hot air, yada yada, whiny crap, crying, dummy spitting  & rattle throwing

The only bit of that compendium of verbal tat you've posted that's worthy of me replying to is this:

Haha! Want to look at your own postings big boy?


Here’s the insults you used: dim, holier than thou, hypocrite, liar, pea brained, stupid, thick simpleton, moronic, retarded.



Yes. I've used insults back at you after you've made personal attacks at me and insulted me yourself to begin with you utter, utter, beneath contempt IMBECILE!


Others have already said without me needing to that you clearly don't understand what you're reading here so stick to the Peter & Jane books and you might be ok dear. :)


PS to bring things a bit closer to your level I'll finalise by saying get a life, and grow up a bit.

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You should be flattered, Cret, that's twice in one post she called you big boy!  You'll be getting quite a reputation amongst the ladies!


PS Again, well said with your last post!  :)



Ta dudes & dudettes.


Maybe the Mrs has been bragging again and word's got around. ;)


I'm bored with this one now anyway. I haven't the energy to continue this and I've got a myriad of thickos at work to deal with too so I'm going to focus on what I ought to be doing now.

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Jay - I am really, seriously disappointed in you.


You elected to cut and paste a list of diseases aquired from cats - why? There is an almost comparable list that relate to dogs, but you chose to ignore that, instead trying to use the information in what is now your quite evident Cat Paranoia (or what else do you suggest I call it now??)


I'd have honestly ben more impressed if you had at least attempted to present a more balanced view.


FYI fella:


Leptospirosis is can be found in dogs too, but is wayyyyyyyy more commonly spread by r-a-t-s.


Why do you think it's so important to cook your food thoroughly? To make it taste good? Look good? If it's a meat or fish product it's often to ensure that the parasites it might contain DIE. (Tapeworm anyone?)(one slice or two?)


Some human beings have no apparent regard for the potential transfer of highly infectious bugs that are transmitted from human to human. So don't go all righteous about kitty cats and dogs and gerbils. (Hmm, maybe even seagulls?)


Even as I type, numerous folk are sharing bodily fluids with ppl they may or may not remember the name of in the cold light of day. (If the encounter actually lasts that long, that is)


The potential outcome of that is far more of a certainty than if Tiddles or Fido may be harbouring something.


So -.........

...............sychophantic babble....



Oh purrrrrrrrrrry, you are a tease!


Sure, there was a list of nasties attributed to lots of furry things, cats are the ones that sh1t in my garden though, not elephants, Llamas, Aardvarks or even dogs.


It was an attempt to highlight the possible danger to the well being of people due to the thoughtless actions of irresponsible cat owners. Simple really.


My failure to impress you has left me seriously underwhelmed, although I'm not totally surprised by your quite predictable reaction.

Like most cat owners, you don't seem to give a damn whether your pets cause unnecessary misery or suffering to others.


Now you REALLY are talking crap Jay...


I am a responsible cat owner, and I would argue that my cats give nothing but pleasure and joy - as for most cats, and for those that aren't scared of them ;)


If the owners nr you don't seem quite so responsible, maybe you need to look to yourself?


TBH if I thought one of my neighbours was as ridicuously negative as you have shown yourself to be, and one of them crept over the fence and dumped in your garden, why - even I would be thinking "good job!" (irony fully intended) and laughing my arse off.


You, dear fella, have really honestly and truly got to learn what is really honestly and truly important in life.


And if cats are leading the way by their cat poo - well, need I really say more??


Stop being misguided, be guided by the feline instead...


Never mind the fact that men should be in touch with their feminine side - if anything at all it should be their feline side.


I bet you would recognise that a lot too, Jay?


-takes no $hit (heeheh!)

-completely and totally individual

-eyes you could lose yourself in

-arsey in a totally appealing way

-instant verbal and bodily response to touch...


etc, etc, etc... ad infinitum...




You don't. Can you read? I already said if I HAVE to ever spit when I'm in a public place then I'll do it where it won't look horrible, like for instance, a bin, the sea, a hedge maybe but basically not just down on the street for everyone to see/step in etc.


Kelly, much though these continuous posts (both ways) make a humourous read - I do think that you missed the original point. Cret has always been in agreement that spitting in public places is anti-social and foul behaviour. Any dispute that has arisen between the two of you originated from your initial post which called him a disgusting 'minger' or similar, having appeared to have misinterpretted his post.


Whoops! Looks like you were wrong Obs! Here's Cret saying that depositing in bins, the sea, hedges is ok - ewwwwww! Hello Cret - it's NOT! So you can hog in a bin? Kinda dismisses your other persona that seems to readily suggest you are a real catch! :blink:


I've loved reading Kelly's responses here, and I don't like her being given a load of xxxx when what you say was a two-way process suddenly stopped being so.


Cret was inflammatory, not to mention gross, and gave his fair share of insults too.


Keep it fair FFS. I know what it's like to be on the receiving end of such BS and it's not fair on Kelly or anyone else who reads this forum.



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