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Plea To Dog Owners...

Trinity 23

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Whoops! Looks like you were wrong Obs! Here's Cret saying that depositing in bins, the sea, hedges is ok - ewwwwww! Hello Cret - it's NOT! So you can hog in a bin? Kinda dismisses your other persona that seems to readily suggest you are a real catch!  :blink:


I've loved reading Kelly's responses here, and I don't like her being given a load of xxxx when what you say was a two-way process suddenly stopped being so.


Cret was inflammatory, not to mention gross, and gave his fair share of insults too.


Keep it fair FFS. I know what it's like to be on the receiving end of such BS and it's not fair on Kelly or anyone else who reads this forum.




Purrrrrrrrry - don't really want to argue with you because you also seem ok but I'd love to hear why spitting into a dustbin that has a binbag which will be tied shut etc etc etc (ie see responses to kelly) can be so bad? It honestly isn't.

A mouldy bit of food in a bin is worse.


I don't think I was inflammatory at all to be honest, nor gross (when?), and as I've already explained to the blinkered and incredibly hypocritical kelly, yes I have taken glee in insulting her but merely in return for her original tirade of schoolyard style insults which she needlessly kicked things off with. "your an effing minger you are you scally minger disgusting blah blah go directly back to school, do not pass go, do not collect £200".


If some oaf decides to launch a completely unecessary attack on me calling me all sorts of things simply on account of having spat once or twice in a manner that could never ever upset anyone aside from the fact I'm honest enough to admit it then they can expect a lot of grief in return for it. Especially when they have the audacity to do so in the manner of a chimpanzee that's been lobotomised and never quite learnt to communicate properly with other beasts.


She got what she started, plain & simple as most people seem to be in agreement with.

You're entitled to your opinion of course though and aside from you calling me gross without quantifying the statement I'm not offended by your opinion. :)

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and ans, if you need an example of the kind of gubbins Cret referred to, just let me know.


You really don't seem to understand just how gross that stuff is.


And what 'gubbins' do you mean? I've mentioned having to spit when I've really felt the need to, not hocking up some lumpy, green, blood strung mouthful of sputem & bile. Just a bit of spit.

It's not exactly satan incarnate especially when it's somewhere you'll never, ever encounter it anyway.


Never mind. So one or two people disagree with me. I can live with that I suppose. They're entitled to be wrong. ;)


Forgot to add:

your other persona that seems to readily suggest you are a real catch!

Thanks! Very kind of you to say so, I'm touched. :)

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If cats are so intelligent and manipulative why do they still think they can pass off mortally wounded mice and birds as currency for their lodgings?


Seeing a small rodent limp across the kitchen floor with a trail of blood isn't going to encourage me to give the cat a saucer of milk and a prime spot by the fire.

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If cats are so intelligent and manipulative why do they still think they can pass off mortally wounded mice and birds as currency for their lodgings?


Seeing a small rodent limp across the kitchen floor with a trail of blood isn't going to encourage me to give the cat a saucer of milk and a prime spot by the fire.


They do it as a warning. Ever seen the horses head in the Godfather?

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thank you Purry, I gave up responding to the incredibly revolting yob as anyone who thinks they can justify hawking up and spitting it out in public disgusts me and isnt worth my time (especially if their chosen method of explaining their foul antisocial actions is just to slag off anyone who calls them up on their mingingness)


Cret try hawking in a public dustbin (or hedge) when theres a copper about Id bet you would be arrested for it, see how sympathetic a judge would be to your pathetic sqeals of 'oh I HAD to your honor, and I though noone was looking honest'.

Ill wait for your usual reply of 'your so stupid, thick, ugly, stupid, thick, ugly, yada yada'

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Cret try hawking in a public dustbin (or hedge) when theres a copper about Id bet you would be arrested for it

I doubt you'd be arrested for that. I don't like people spitting as public, as I've already said, but so long as it's not done blatantly in front of me or right in the middle of the pavement/street but done in a dustbin (where I'm sure there's far more foul things than a bit of spit) I wouldn't make a fuss.


Kelly, people in glass houses etc etc, you started the insults, if you can't take it don't dish it out in the first place.


Jeez, I thought I stirred up emotions with the breastfeeding topic, this is starting to beat it hands down! :rolleyes:

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I hate the people who seem to have no qualms whatsoever about hocking up a huge loogie blah blah blah, then flobbing it out in the middle of the street right in front of everyone. It's disgusting blah blah... Yes occasionally when I'm in public I might feel like I need to spit if say I have a cold and have accidentally coughed up something foul, or cleared my throat etc.  But I'll always try to make sure there's i) no-one in sight to see me doing it because it's embarassing, ii) try to spit into a spot where it won't look disgusting if at all possible.

The above post, Cret's first on the subject, quite clearly demonstrates that he does not support gratuitous spitting in public places and that he is in agreement that it is offensive behaviour. He does, however, allow for the fact that there might be exceptional circumstances when it might become necessary to spit in a controlled manner. There is nothing offensive or personal in this post.


that is effing gross you minger. try carrying a tissue? or swallowing your own vile secretions, why should we have to put up with seeing it on the floor, not to mention the germs. your as bad as all of them

Similarly, Kelly's first post on the subject is an offensive and personal attack that implies that Cret advocates spitting in public places.


Kelly, much though these continuous posts (both ways) make a humourous read - I do think that you missed the original point. Cret has always been in agreement that spitting in public places is anti-social and foul behaviour. Any dispute that has arisen between the two of you originated from your initial post which called him a disgusting 'minger' or similar, having appeared to have misinterpretted his post.

Blah, blah....I've loved reading Kelly's responses here, and I don't like her being given a load of xxxx when what you say was a two-way process suddenly stopped being so. Cret was inflammatory, not to mention gross, and gave his fair share of insults too. Keep it fair FFS. I know what it's like to be on the receiving end of such BS and it's not fair on Kelly or anyone else who reads this forum. :D

I haven't given Kelly a load of xxxx, accepting entirely that there has been an exchange of insults both ways. I have, however, pointed out that the exchange resulted from her initial unfounded attack. Most forum members would be inclined to respond as Cret did, or at least in a similar manner, had they be the subject of her initial aggressive remarks.


thank you Purry, I gave up responding to the incredibly revolting yob as anyone who thinks they can justify hawking up and spitting it out in public disgusts me and isnt worth my time (especially if their chosen method of explaining their foul antisocial actions is just to slag off anyone who calls them up on their mingingness) Cret try hawking in a public dustbin (or hedge) when theres a copper about Id bet you would be arrested for it, see how sympathetic a judge would be to your pathetic sqeals of 'oh I HAD to your honor, and I though noone was looking honest'. Ill wait for your usual reply of 'your so stupid, thick, ugly, stupid, thick, ugly, yada yada'

At this point, I give up highlighting the many issues contained therein. The above says it all really.

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Minnie...... if only I'd known that my plea to the spitters of the world would have resulted in this.


I've beaten your breastfeeding hands down me thinks.



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yeah well if you could catch it from brown nosing half the people on here would too 'ooh cret your reply is SO clever'

TB can still be caught from spitting.




What brown-nosing, when?


I was making a throw away, light-hearted remark, that with consumption you'd be hacking up all over theplace.


Oh, I'll get back to talking about cats

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er minne and observer if by starting the insults you mean telling him spitting in public is gross, disgusting and only mingers do it then yes.

At least it was relative to the discussion where as ‘your stupid, thick, pea-brained, unbelievable thick simpleton, hypocrite, moronic, retarded’ is just throwing playground insults for no reason and with no relation to anything.

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