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Plea To Dog Owners...

Trinity 23

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thank you Purry, I gave up responding to the incredibly revolting yob as anyone who thinks they can justify hawking up and spitting it out in public disgusts me and isnt worth my time

I assume you're not referring to me seeing as I've repeatedly explained to you VERY CLEARLY that this is not something I do.


If on the other hand you are referring to me then why are you still bleating on about me if I'm not worth your time? Obviously I am.

(especially if their chosen method of explaining their foul antisocial actions is just to slag off anyone who calls them up on their mingingness)
The only person I've slagged off here is you dear. Not 'anyone' as you say. The reason I have slagged you off is because that is EXACTLY what you did to me with your first post to me. Surely even you can realise that you're making yourself look rather stupid by insulting me more & more with each reply and complaining when I throw them right back at you with interest?


Have you not heard the phrase before that you shouldn't start something you can't finish? Remember, you're the only person here who's come on flinging insults at me out of the blue and accusing me of being a minger, disgusting, a scally (priceless!!), and now a yob too, on account of such a minor, pathetic thing which as I've repeatedly explained at length you would never actually know about or encounter. Something which on its own makes your medieval witch hunt/anti spit crusade all the more laughable since I'm not giving it any susbtance (pun intended). If you STILL can't understand that I pity you.


Ill wait for your usual reply of 'your so stupid, thick, ugly, stupid, thick, ugly, yada yada'

That's not my usual reply at all petal. Simply one I thought you might understand because you've never actually given any kind of good argument, merely ignored all the facts I have given you and continued with each post towards some kind of shrieking crescendo of absurdity.


You've single handedly managed to make a mountain out of a molehill which is made all the more impressive by the fact there wasn't actually a molehill there to begin with.


Now you're simply making yourself look even more daft than people already cottoned onto a while ago, and having to resort to insulting other members of the forum besides me. Proof in itself that you're on a losing streak. If anyone else on here is now being insulted by this tantrum chucker and they feel it's my fault they've been 'dragged into it' then I apologise to them.


You might note also that whilst Purrrrrry has chosen to express her disagreement on the matter she managed to do it in a civil manner instead of jumping in with schoolyard style insults from the word go (as you chose). I have no problem with her because of this - it's called 'discussion' and that's what these places are for.


Cret try hawking in a public dustbin (or hedge) when theres a copper about Id bet you would be arrested for it, see how sympathetic a judge would be to your pathetic sqeals of 'oh I HAD to your honor, and I though noone was looking honest'.


I'll close this one by saying I think it's time now that you got back in your spaceship and return to the planet you came from. Either that or please stop taking whatever chemicals you're taking because it appears they aren't good for your sanity.


You ARE the weakest link. Goodbye.

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doing my best mission, even without yobby old cret to defend himself hes got many a brown noser to intervene on his behalf


Yobby old cret. That's a gem. I'm almost tempted to do an opinion poll on this for a laugh.


It's been fun so far but you sound like a broken record. Quite possibly one that got broken frankly because it was sh1t and not worth ever listening to in the first place.


Every post you make on here is becoming a successfull exercise in self degradation and whilst people might think I'm stupid for still responding to your dismal insults it's amusing watching you get more & more out of control, insulting all & sundry in the process because you won't close your trap and skulk away quietly having realised you've kicked a viper's nest.


You amuse me in the manner of a mentally deficient wasp. One that keeps trying to sting someone but hasn't figured out how, and simply winds itself up more & more each time. Buzz off will you.

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thank you Purry, I gave up responding to the incredibly revolting yob as anyone who thinks they can justify hawking up and spitting it out in public disgusts me and isnt worth my time

I assume you're not referring to me seeing as I've repeatedly explained to you VERY CLEARLY that this is not something I do.


If on the other hand you are referring to me then why are you still bleating on about me if I'm not worth your time? Obviously I am.

(especially if their chosen method of explaining their foul antisocial actions is just to slag off anyone who calls them up on their mingingness)
The only person I've slagged off here is you dear. Not 'anyone' as you say. The reason I have slagged you off is because that is EXACTLY what you did to me with your first post to me. Surely even you can realise that you're making yourself look rather stupid by insulting me more & more with each reply and complaining when I throw them right back at you with interest?


Have you not heard the phrase before that you shouldn't start something you can't finish? Remember, you're the only person here who's come on flinging insults at me out of the blue and accusing me of being a minger, disgusting, a scally (priceless!!), and now a yob too, on account of such a minor, pathetic thing which as I've repeatedly explained at length you would never actually know about or encounter. Something which on its own makes your medieval witch hunt/anti spit crusade all the more laughable since I'm not giving it any susbtance (pun intended). If you STILL can't understand that I pity you.


Ill wait for your usual reply of 'your so stupid, thick, ugly, stupid, thick, ugly, yada yada'

That's not my usual reply at all petal. Simply one I thought you might understand because you've never actually given any kind of good argument, merely ignored all the facts I have given you and continued with each post towards some kind of shrieking crescendo of absurdity.


You've single handedly managed to make a mountain out of a molehill which is made all the more impressive by the fact there wasn't actually a molehill there to begin with.


Now you're simply making yourself look even more daft than people already cottoned onto a while ago, and having to resort to insulting other members of the forum besides me. Proof in itself that you're on a losing streak. If anyone else on here is now being insulted by this tantrum chucker and they feel it's my fault they've been 'dragged into it' then I apologise to them.


You might note also that whilst Purrrrrry has chosen to express her disagreement on the matter she managed to do it in a civil manner instead of jumping in with schoolyard style insults from the word go (as you chose). I have no problem with her because of this - it's called 'discussion' and that's what these places are for.


Cret try hawking in a public dustbin (or hedge) when theres a copper about Id bet you would be arrested for it, see how sympathetic a judge would be to your pathetic sqeals of 'oh I HAD to your honor, and I though noone was looking honest'.
I'll close this one by saying I think it's time now that you got back in your spaceship and return to the planet you came from. Either that or please stop taking whatever chemicals you're taking because it appears they aren't good for your sanity.


You ARE the weakest link. Goodbye.

wow cret mad post, Im impressed. how can you see my three eyes and green skin from way over there?

anyway, have you seen that little button 'check post length'? its so you dont write such a long and boring post no xxxxxx bothers reading it.

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anyway, have you seen that little button 'check post length'? its so you dont write such a long and boring post no xxxxxx bothers reading it.


Is that why you quoted the whole thing you dismal little pisswitch?

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wow cret mad post, Im impressed. how can you see my three eyes and green skin from way over there?

anyway, have you seen that little button 'check post length'? its so you dont write such a long and boring post no xxxxxx bothers reading it.


Nothing mad there. I merely highlighted what others have about you being the one who began all this nonsense, but that you appear too dim to understand or accept it even after it's been proven. :rolleyes:


If you know the post was boring then that means you read it. That makes you the very expletive you've had blotted out, whilst simultaneously ignoring everything once again.


You're not related to Einstein are you.


Keep coming and I'll keep knocking you down again. (Yawn)

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