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Plea To Dog Owners...

Trinity 23

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However, I saw the funniest thing the other day in Laxey ..


There is a message board located at the shelter/near the shop on the front shore..with Laxey Village Commissioners poster


"There was a dog fouling incident - Did you witness anything?"


I saw a dog pissing on that sign - obviously a critic!

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that was it then i phoned the police to see if there was anything they could do about it, but as the dog hadnt done anything on my property and i wasnt 100% sure excalty which house this guy lives at.
Follow him home next time, then call the fuzz back, I thought it was an offence to let your dog foul in public, or is it too much bother for them to get off their arse and do something about it?


I think the police have got lazy, "keep you motorists on your toes, that's enough for me matey"


Why on earth should the police get involved in an instance of dog-fouling in the garden of an empty house? You should be booked for wasting police time.


And of course it's not an offence to let a dog foul in public - it's not that easy to predict when a dog wants a crap you know. It's an offence not to clear it up on pavements and places where there are byelaws, but that doesn't include public roads for example.


Hiaght mollaghtyn ort.

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Indeed miss Trinity good topic...We were just saying the other day how 'minging' dog pooh is.

Its nasty but, its not like the street hygine people couldnt clean it up. All they do is fanny around with one of those extended claw things old people with arthritus use.


Wouldn't help where I live - the owners let their dogs foul the alley between Demesne Rd and Kensington Rd, which just happens to be where the entrance to my flat is :angry:

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that was it then i phoned the police to see if there was anything they could do about it, but as the dog hadnt done anything on my property and i wasnt 100% sure excalty which house this guy lives at.
Follow him home next time, then call the fuzz back, I thought it was an offence to let your dog foul in public, or is it too much bother for them to get off their arse and do something about it?


I think the police have got lazy, "keep you motorists on your toes, that's enough for me matey"


Why on earth should the police get involved in an instance of dog-fouling in the garden of an empty house? You should be booked for wasting police time.


And of course it's not an offence to let a dog foul in public - it's not that easy to predict when a dog wants a crap you know. It's an offence not to clear it up on pavements and places where there are byelaws, but that doesn't include public roads for example.


Hiaght mollaghtyn ort.

you`re having a laugh arent you? it`s ok to let the dog crap in the garden coz nobody lives there?


it`s not going to be very nice for the new residents is it, the grass is that long it will need strimming , imagine the mess that would create. Or how about my 3 year old boy, say he kicks his footy over there and runs into get it back??

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I came across the biggest dog turd ever today whilst walking across the swing bridge to my car in Ramsey after work tonight. It was fresh too and someone had obviously not spotted it (how they didn't is beyond me) and tramped straight through the middle of it. Now, it wasn't a normal cigar shaped turd, more a cow pat type and there was a nice trail of brown footprints for 15 feet or so after it too.


Bet they wished they'd opened their eyes before setting off on their journey now. ;)

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I came across the biggest dog turd ever today whilst walking across the swing bridge to my car in Ramsey after work tonight. It was fresh too and someone had obviously not spotted it (how they didn't is beyond me) and tramped straight through the middle of it. Now, it wasn't a normal cigar shaped turd, more a cow pat type and there was a nice trail of brown footprints for 15 feet or so after it too.


Bet they wished they'd opened their eyes before setting off on their journey now.  ;)


That did make me chuckle somewhat!

Cigar shaped indeed.


Haven't seen an archetypal curled one for years though!!


Snaipyr - so because cats generally are free to come & go as they please and that's generally accepted, that means it's ok for someone in control of a dog to let it leave a nest of dogs eggs where they like?


Yes cat dump is minging but if you're actually in the proximity of the animal be it cat or dog one would hope the owner would be responsible enough to ensure said creature doesn't hatch one in a place where it shouldn't, or at least have the decency to clean up after it (even if I think it's helluva funny seeing someone step in doggy doos).

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I can remember that explosives expert on the telly, Blaster Bates, telling how he was called to someones house in Yorkshire, they had discovered a stick of gelignite in the coal shed, thought to have been dumped there along with the coal from a nearby open pit.


After evacuating the neighbourhood and some three or four hours carefull probing, it was discovered it wasn't gelignite, it was one of those white dog turds!

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the fact the house is empty is irrelevant
you`re having a laugh arent you? it`s ok to let the dog crap in the garden coz nobody lives there?


You think the police should get involved when a dog shits in the garden of an unoccupied house?


Right now, I am thanking our Lord Jesus Christ that neither of you are in control of spending my taxes.


Thank you Jesus.


Thank you.

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the fact the house is empty is irrelevant


you`re having a laugh arent you? it`s ok to let the dog crap in the garden coz nobody lives there?
You think the police should get involved when a dog shits in the garden of an unoccupied house?


Right now, I am thanking our Lord Jesus Christ that neither of you are in control of spending my taxes.


Thank you Jesus.


Thank you.


Never mind all that. What happened to a real (dog) bona fide, curly cable?! They're more rare than white doggie dumps these days!

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Kid owners should be just as responsible as dog owners, there's many a time I've almost trod on disposable nappies left in public places.

What????? You must walk in some very strange public places!


Well, sometimes parents attempt an effort at putting the said items into a bin.


I find it discusting when they're left on top of, or next to litter bins.


I've found them on beaches and sliverdale glen.


Maybe we should have "kiddie bins" next to the dog ones???

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