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Trinity 23

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Seagulls are ace Cret, you should read Jonathon Linvingston Seagull..... very intelligent and beautiful and interesting creatures they are, one of the reasons I love living in Douglas is being near them :)

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They're gulls - not seagulls.


And they should be out at sea doing what they're good at - eating the peanuts out of poo and other such stuff. They only come into town because they've learned what dirty buggers we humans are and so they come in to 'tidy up' after us making one hell of a mess in the process.


If you don't like them - stop feeding them and, when you're disposing foodstuffs, make sure they're put somehwere where the gulls can't get at it.


The sea would be a damn sight cleaner too.

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They're gulls - not seagulls.


And they should be out at sea doing what they're good at - eating the peanuts out of poo and other such stuff.  They only come into town because they've learned what dirty buggers we humans are and so they come in to 'tidy up' after us making one hell of a mess in the process.


If you don't like them - stop feeding them and, when you're disposing foodstuffs, make sure they're put somehwere where the gulls can't get at it.


The sea would be a damn sight cleaner too.


ROFL, eating the peanuts out of poo and other such stuff.

Oh I haven't laughed so much in ages.

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Can't you blow gulls up if you feed them bread covered in bicarbonate of soda?


Yes or you can stuff a piece of freshly caught mackerel. The seagull usually swallows it whole, takes off and boom it's stomach blows up.

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Once when my sister was at Silverdale she saw a gull come down and take a duckling away. It's only nature and I'm sure it happens everyday but she was really upset and I haven't liked gulls since.


Maybe we do enough sh*ts and leave enough half eaten kebabs lying around to keep them satisfied.

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They're gulls - not seagulls.



I think you'll find they're Herring Gulls rather than just Gulls, but Seagulls is less hassle and everyone knows what a seagull is anyway.


I hate them so much because of the amount of sleep I lose for something like 6 months of every year when these flying scumbags decide they're going to scream their heads off on a nightly basis at random times throughout the night. The fcukers scream all day outside my office too - they're doing it now.


I hate them because they sh1t all over everthing, probably a nice health hazard in its own right.


I hate them because they 'attack' people who have the audacity to live in a house they've decided to nest on top of.


I hate them because they kill off lots of the songbirds that actually make a pleasant noise rather than non stop howling that's more nerve grating than a city full of car alarms going off. They don't kill these poor creatures to eat them, I've seen them pick young chicks up, get to a decent height, then drop them.


I hate them because there are basically far too many of them because they're protected for some absurd reason. If they lived on cliffs & the like and not on my neighbours roof it wouldn't be a problem but they have infested douglas.


I hate them because despite the wretched, disgusting, habits they have they manage to maintain a pristine white appearance which fools some people into thinking they're nice somehow.


They have no redeeming qualities as far as I'm aware besides looking fairly clean & tidy, only negative qualities yet some buffoon has protected them, enabling them to expand to ridiculous numbers.


The only thing worse than a seagull is someone who feeds one. I hate them twice as much.


Blackback gulls, Fulmars, Terns, any other kind of seabird or bird in general are fine because they're not present in numbers far more than is natural and because they don't make the same unholy racket. Birds in general are ace but seagulls are satan's envoy and I wish they did not exist.


A valid point about humans being varmints too though Kelly.

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Can't you blow gulls up if you feed them bread covered in bicarbonate of soda?

The fcukers scream all day outside my office too - they're doing it now.

Make some bicarbonate of soda butties for your lunch tomorrow and feed them to the gulls outside your window at work. Make sure you shut the window before they blow up though, don't want a nasty mess on your desk!

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Don't tempt me Minnie. I'd love to!


Problem is that despite how much I loathe & detest those airborne pricks I don't like making animals suffer even if they're causing me shedloads of grief.

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