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Plea To Dog Owners...

Trinity 23

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Glad to hear it. My apology stands. :)


The fishing rock in perwick is one you can walk to at low tide (about maybe half way along the beach) but once the tide comes in it covers most of it you're either swimming back or getting in a boat! The seaward end always seemed to be bountiful in good sized Ballan and some small Callig but I've not fished there for many a year.

Never noticed footholds but maybe they're more recent. Sounds like the same rock anyway mate.


I also am familiar with 'shag rock' as we called it, which is further out and to the left as you look out to sea. Never tried fishing from it though.


We used to keep a littel red rowing boat down there for many a year but I don't think it's there any more. It got nicked by local prick scallies on more than one occasion.... :angry:

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I now know the rock you refer to and they are different.


There is (was?) a house at the PSM end of Perwick Bay that had a small wooden bridge leading to a small stack (just how sad is that? Claiming a postage stamp area of rock as your own.) Anyway, the way down to Bone Rock is on the PSM side of the house. If you didn't know it was there you would never find it.

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Why do people need to keep cats and dogs as pets?

I don't think anybody should be allowed to keep an animal unless it serves a useful purpose. Sheep dogs, police dogs etc would be ok, guide dogs too.


Cats should be rendered extinct.... Worthless little sh;t machines.


You're scared of them aren't you Jay?


Don't be - Tiddles isn't really giving you the evil eye, he just wants you to scritch his head for him.


(Unless he's seen you preparing 'gullfood', in which case he really is giving you the evil eye. Hmm, maybe he'll sneak into your bedroom one night and suffocate you? :o Or at least barf a hairball where you'll step in it :lol: )



Like Rox I find the very-thinly veiled suggestion of animal/bird abuse repugnant, not funny. To be honest I'm suprised that any of you who found it amusing and - worse - have actually done it yourselves, have admitted so on a public forum - duh! :blink:

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Why is it that some men start talking they have to stop what they are doing??!!! huh.gif laugh.gif


Why is it when most women start talking , most men ....just..... drift........off..............?


It's back to the multi-tasking issue:


How can you possibly expect a man to listen and stare at your chest??


Such simple creatures...bless


(No wonder Jay gets freaked out by cats! :P )

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Like Rox I find  the very-thinly veiled suggestion of animal/bird abuse repugnant, not funny. To be honest I'm suprised that any of you who found it amusing and - worse - have actually done it yourselves, have admitted so on a public forum - duh!  :blink:

The suggestions had to be thinly veiled with an extra large portion of "tongue in cheek"

ott humour in case some pea brained numbskull thought it was meant to be serious.


What I find repugnant is the "couldn't care less" attitude shown by some animal owners who allow their pets to wander, usually onto the property of others, where their little darlings leave piles of sh1t all over the place. :angry:


Such people show no regard or respect for their neighbours.

That some of them have demonstrated such contempt for other people on a public forum, beggars belief.

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Jay Wrote


What I find repugnant is the "couldn't care less" attitude shown by some animal owners who allow their pets to wander, usually onto the property of others, where their little darlings leave piles of sh1t all over the place. 


Such people show no regard or respect for their neighbours.


I don't suppose you're talking about cats and their owners are you?

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There is nothing irresponsible about letting your cat be free, its keeping it in which is cruel. some people dont even have gardens jay, maybe you should just be thankful you do instead of complaining about animals doing what comes naturally. you will be complaining the birds are singing too loudly next. or has cret done that to death already

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I think the point Jay is making is that cat owners don't seem to be particularly bothered about the mess their pets leave in other's gardens. Of course there's not a lot anyone can do about cats roaming but it does anger some people just as I'm sure certain things, that you have no control over, anger you. We can't all be cat lovers. "Complaining about animals doing what comes naturally".............of course animals have to sh*t, but it's still not nice to find the mess in your garden. I'm sure you'd complain if a dog owner allowed it's dog to crap in your garden and didn't clear it up.

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