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Plea To Dog Owners...

Trinity 23

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you should tell them to turn their face before coughing then whilst having hold of thier nads lol  :P


I do, believe me! Even the female patients!


Umm, well I make sure I get out of the way anyway!


(Whew, I am sooooooo relieved to see on re-reading this that I decided to not include my Sputum Horror Stories. Given that they have most nurses hoying, its probably just as well :lol: )



I got home tonight and went to put my wheelie bin away. I wheeled it up the path at the front of the house, opened the gate at the side of the house and proceeded through it, shutting it behind me and making my way up the path where, about a third of the way down, I was greeted by a pile of poo! I'm guessing it's from next doors elderly cat as there's no way a dog could clear that fence. It wasn't nice to see but that's the first time in 3 years that I've found such a package in my grounds and I'm surrounded by houses with cats as pets. I really don't have a problem with cats at all, they're friendly little fella's and don't make much noise (apart from the odd cat scrap at some ungodly hour).  I thank my lucky stars each and every day though that my previous neighbours on the other side moved out a couple of years ago (they had the three noisiest dogs I've ever come across).


Awww Mission, I wish most ppl saw it as you do.


Yes cat crap, dog crap, bird crap is potentially annoying, but hey - in the grand scheme of things? Jesus, if the most annoying thing of my day was a small poo in a place I'd rather it wasn't, I'd be WELL happy.


Happy as a pig in poo! :P


(Oh c'mon, how could I resist??!)

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Woman hit by 'meteorite'


A woman hanging out the washing in Suffolk could have become the first in Britain to be hit by a meteorite.


Pauline Aguss, 76, was struck on the arm in the garden of her Lowestoft home, reports The Sun.


She felt a sharp pain in her arm and looked down to find a deep cut. Her husband Jack then found a small, brown metallic rock where she'd been standing.


Neil Bone of the British Astronomical Association said it was "quite possible" it was a meteorite, but added: "They're pretty rare and the chances of being struck are tiny."


The last record of a meteorite causing injury was the death of a dog in Egypt some time in the last century.




Oh c'mon Jay, we all know it was you, returning her Jay-modified cat-crap to her!!


Fess up!!!

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Jay's Love of Cats


Keep a cat as a pet? No bloody way!

Unless it's stuffed and on display.

You can call me heartless, cruel and nasty.

Just don't let your moggie anywhere near me!


No consideration when nature calls.

Wretching and coughing up nasty furballs.

Scratching the furniture, they're really the pits,

And don't start me on the fact that they lick their own bits!


Stinking cat food, foul litter tray,

I'll tell you now, if I had my way......

Cute little Tiddles would get a foot up the ass

If I caught him crapping on my lovely green grass.


Buy a cat? Oh, I really think not.

I'd sooner wallow in a bath of snot,

Pluck out my eyes, get a kick in the knackers!

Have a cat? Do you think I'm crackers?




(I hope none of the cat lovers in the forum take offence to this :unsure: )

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(Whew, I am sooooooo relieved to see on re-reading this that I decided to not include my Sputum Horror Stories. Given that they have most nurses hoying, its probably just as well  :lol: )



Me too as I would gag just reading them!


It always fascinates me that so many people think it is perfectly acceptable to leave horrible (cold & sticky..... shudder!) blobs of bodily matter that contain enough bacteria to create a small forest if smeared in a petri dish.


Interestingly, there are way more bacteria in a human mouth than in a dogs (the fact they lick their bums all day might indicate something eh?) and therefore a human bite will be viewed more seriously than a (superficial) dog bite.


Spitting is totally gross and in my view is just as bad as animal fouling - in fact it's worse, as humans are supposed to be an intelligent social species.

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Yes occasionally when I'm in public I might feel like I need to spit if say I have a cold and have accidentally coughed up something foul, or cleared my throat etc.  But I'll always try to make sure there's i) no-one in sight to see me doing it because it's embarassing, ii) try to spit into a spot where it won't look disgusting if at all possible.

that is effing gross you minger. try carrying a tissue? or swallowing your own vile secretions, why should we have to put up with seeing it on the floor, not to mention the germs. your as bad as all of them

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the fact they lick their bums all day might indicate something eh?


I shudder to think what, though!


Well..... my thinking goes like this :-)


Most people are appalled at dog pooh on the street/in their gardens etc yes? Aforementioned dogs spend a lot of time licking the area from which the offending matter originates yes? AND YET a human mouth contains more harmful bacteria than a dogs mouth (despite all that licking and even though they do not limit their licking to just their own orifice :-P and partake in the licking of other dogs bums should the opportunity present itself)


Yet we hardly bat an eye at the stuff omitted from human mouths that also litters the areas we do not like to see fouled by animals.

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Yes occasionally when I'm in public I might feel like I need to spit if say I have a cold and have accidentally coughed up something foul, or cleared my throat etc.  But I'll always try to make sure there's i) no-one in sight to see me doing it because it's embarassing, ii) try to spit into a spot where it won't look disgusting if at all possible.

that is effing gross you minger.

No. It isn't. It's actually quite polite & considerate to not do it when other people are around. And my looks have nothing to do with it thanks.

or swallowing your own vile secretions
Why on earth would I want to swallow a "vile secretion"? That would be as delightful to me as it would be to you if I spat it in your face! Go figure.
why should we have to put up with seeing it on the floor

You don't. Can you read? I already said if I HAVE to ever spit when I'm in a public place then I'll do it where it won't look horrible, like for instance, a bin, the sea, a hedge maybe but basically not just down on the street for everyone to see/step in etc.

not to mention the germs.
You just did. Einstein.
your as bad as all of them

As bad as all of who? If you mean yobbos who just spit in front of everyone as they walk down the street then you're saying because I try to ensure: 1) The action of spitting is not actually seen, and 2) The resulting 'loogie' is not actually encountered by anyone, I'm as bad?


So the fact that the elements you find disgusting (that I also do) have been removed from the equation and there's nothing for you to actually complain about doesn't make me any better than someone who does it in on the street in front of everyone?

Aye righto, with such a well thought out post as yours I feel well and truly put in my place.


You either can't read properly, or can read but don't quite understand what the words mean. <_<:rolleyes:

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