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Insulting? Or Realistic?


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It is realistic that people in receipt of this sort of payment would use it towards Christmas if given it in December, of couse they would.


Therefore a voucher system is a good idea so the money goes where it is meant to go in the first place.

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Perhaps I did misunderstand you, SF, sorry. But I still hate that attitude of 'hardworking taxpayers keeping and paying for people on benefits'. As long as people have that attitude there will always be a stigma attached to claiming benefit.


For a one-off payment such as the fuel allowance, though, I do think some sort of voucher scheme would be a better option.

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Therefore a voucher system is a good idea so the money goes where it is meant to go in the first place.

Knowing our government though, it'd probably cost as much issuing the vouchers as it would in the actual value of them!


Just give them the cash and if they do choose to spend it on an Xbox 360 and lager then tough shit, no extra hand outs because they've spent it and let them freeze. They might remember for next year and learn to prioritise their spending.

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What's the biggie about claiming benefits? It's a service provided for those who need the assistance. It's when people like you start saying things like "Have you ever experienced the humiliation of having to claim a benefit?" that people's esteem is going to get low. There is nothing wrong with claiming and there is no stigma attached to it unless people make a big deal about it.


Sorry for the rant.



There's absolutly no problem with claiming benefits, my God iv'e helped enough people to do it in my time.


Its not nice having tell a faceless person all the details of your personal life, from aspects of your illness or disabilty, to your financial situation to your family circumstances.


Believe me going to a supermarket, and asking if they take milk vouchers whilst stood in a queue, is quite humiliating, the looks on people's faces etc.


Hopefully, its a better experience for you in the IOM, but its a pretty depressing experience in the UK.


What Rodan said was wrong, he's pre-judging vunerable people.


As for the cries of 'Its fucking tax-payers money'


Well a large majority of benefit claiments, have paid taxes and NI at some point in their lives.


How many of us have done a bit of 'Creative accounting' on our tax returns?

Are not a lot residents, there for the very reason of lower taxes, than those of the UK?


Stigma tends to come from narrow minded comments, made by people who have not been in the unfortunate postion of having to claim.


People's views on here don't really matter.

But when someone in a senior postion as Mr. Rodan is (Iv'e met chap, and i'm really suprised by his comments) makes these kind of comments, it does little to break the stereo-typing that we so often see.

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I agree, I hate comments like 'it's taxpayers money' that's the way things are run.


Perhaps my attitude towards things of 'I don't care what people think' makes me unconcerned about giving my details to faceless civil servants, but I can see how some people could be affected by those who think they are so great at the supermarket.

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but it is tax payers money,like it or not.

without the taxpayers there would be no benefit for the poor dears to claim


a stigma is good too,as it means ppl want to get off benefits as soon as possible as drag there lazy asses to work

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a stigma is good too,as it means ppl want to get off benefits as soon as possible as drag there lazy asses to work


Of course, they can indeed 'Drag there lazy asses to work'......dragging their paraplegic legs behind them..


.....its all so simple when you put your 'mind' to it.

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but it is tax payers money,like it or not.

without the taxpayers there would be no benefit for the poor dears to claim


a stigma is good too,as it means ppl want to get off benefits as soon as possible as drag there lazy asses to work

God, you're such an arsehole! You do realise that some people who claim benefits both work and pay tax, don't you? Benefits aren't just for the unemployed. Like marcus said earlier, many claimants have previously worked and payed tax/NI.


And, I know it's a cheap shot and very pedantic, but.....learn some basic grammar and punctuation, people may take you a bit more seriously then.

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are u trying to say that paraplegics cant work ?


your attempts to rebuff patronising comments are worse than the originals, god help anyone who has u for a carer


Of course i'm not.


But your comments insinuate that everyone on benefits is lazy and should go to work.


Please don't make assumptions when you know nothing about me.

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but it is tax payers money,like it or not.

without the taxpayers there would be no benefit for the poor dears to claim


a stigma is good too,as it means ppl want to get off benefits as soon as possible as drag there lazy asses to work

God, you're such an arsehole! You do realise that some people who claim benefits both work and pay tax, don't you? Benefits aren't just for the unemployed. Like marcus said earlier, many claimants have previously worked and payed tax/NI.


And, I know it's a cheap shot and very pedantic, but.....learn some basic grammar and punctuation, people may take you a bit more seriously then.

and your a fat middle aged,middle class slag,but whose pointing that out ?
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and your a fat middle aged,middle class slag,but whose pointing that out ?

Awww, thanks :wub:


I've got some spare dummies here, I always have some in for the babies I look after.....pm me your address and I'll be sure to send one on to you.

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