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Other Jurisdictions...


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We love to moan, don't we? We complain about our health service, finance sector, political wrongdoings, immigrants and the cost of living. So just examine the following stories - all within the last week or so - and see what you think.



The scheme, which gives extra benefits to people who are ill for a long period of time, is to be reviewed.

It comes after some cancer patients were classified as being 50% fit and told they would only be entitled to get half their benefits.



A finance company and one of its former directors have been fined £100,000 after admitting offences under anti-money laundering legislation.

Caversham Fiduciary Services, Caversham Trustees Limited and Nicholas Bell admitted not checking the identities behind money paid into a Trust.

The companies were fined £65,000 and Mr Bell was fined £35,000 for failing to comply with money laundering rules.

He has been told to pay up within 28 days or face six months in prison.



Four defeated candidates in a poll have claimed the ballot was unfair.

Julian Bernstein, Jeffrey Hathaway, Thomas Jordan and Stephen Pallet have written to claim they have seen documents which suggest poll winner Sean Power should have been ineligible to run because of a criminal court case in France.



Information about how ministerial government will work is being printed in Polish and Portuguese. The guide explains how the new system will work after the vote on 5 December for the island's first chief minister.

The council of ministers will be chosen three days later and will then begin their work.

According to the last census there are more than 5,000 people with Portuguese or Madeiran backgrounds or ancestry living in the island.



A study into why food prices are higher than in the UK has blamed a combination of labour and transport costs, plus a lack of competition. The authority said island prices were "definitely" higher, with many products between 10% and 17% more expensive. It mentioned major inefficiencies in island farming and production.


All of these stories were from Jersey. And I'm sure they were fully investigated by the ONE newspaper that serves the population of 87,000 - the Jersey Evening Post - which "is part of the Guiton Group, an organisation which has interests in publishing, retailing and information technology in Guernsey, the Isle of Man, and the Isle of Wight as well as Jersey."

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I have been keeping this post in the back of my mind for over a week now, and feel able, now, to respond...


We have had a person from Jersey in our office for the first of two weeks. He is seriously thinking of moving over here and wants to "test the waters". Chatting to him last week, he voiced many concerns about the deterioration in the quality of life in Jersey; the existence of a two tier society where only the finance sector is thought about; the concentration of power and influence in a small number of people; the housing market; the grip of Dandara; the political misdeeds; etc etc. All pretty familiar stuff.


We briefed him about the IOM housing market; the political misdoings; the MEA and other high profile fiascos. The week ended with him asking if the weather was always like this and we had to say, not always but when it does, it does!


Anyway to cut a long story short, he hired a car over the weekend and the verdict this morning? He thought the IOM was a very special place, no where like it in the British Isles (his words), the IOM Govt was far more open and provided more information than Jersey; loved the open spaces and the fact that you could go to places where there was absolutely no-one else around; loved the variation in countryside etc. etc.


But his main point was the quality of life, he felt that there really was quality available to all, and he was born in Jersey so you would expect some kind of innate prejudice! But no, he was disappointed at how his Island was turning out. Even the current IOM fiascos did not faze him one iota!


I have to say, that he did make reference to the quality of restaurants, the climate, the accessibility to France etc. in Jersey but, all in all, his view was that we don't know quite what we have got and that makes me very PLEASED!

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