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Manx Radio News (weekend Website Update)

local skeet

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At least this thread shows that not only do people listen to Manx Radio (News) at the weekend but also monitor when the website is updated.


I must say that at weekends the website updates are usually slow and happen on Monday, (if at all . . . . . ) although I am surprised that some of the 'News' is reported at the weekend when it is to do with, say, Tynwald matters. Who of course meet during the week and not last thing Friday night or Saturday morning.


For example, the item about the Moorhouse Farm/Bradda Fire (redress of grievance) was reported yesterday. It is still not on the website. No problems with that as such as I understand el webmaster might be on a 5 day week, but I take it that this item won't be buried because it was reported at the weekend, ie someone 'forgets' to put it on the website because it is 'old' news from the weekend.


I have noticed that Mr Grumble is pretty nifty when it comes to matters of broadcasting and is always very quick to dispel any conspiracy theory or the slightest criticism.


A bit too quick if you ask me . . . . . .

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Maybe it's not the newsreader's job to update the website...I'm sure Sir Trev doesn't load pages for ITV.com...

Maybe it isn't their job to upload the news onto the website, but this inconsistency only happens when this particular newsreader is on duty over a weekend which leads me to believe that it is their job!


In that case, allow me to be the first to congratulate you on being completely, utterly, insufferably wrong.


the old crinkley man says he was told its the job of the news editor to publish the web news and he's only a Monday to Friday guy - and the management won't allow others to put news on in case they say too much and make the news sort of like interesting



Again, that is absolutely incorrect. Has 'the old crinkley man' been talking to 'a bloke down the pub' by any chance?


I could go into great detail about who puts the stories on the site, how and when they do it...but I won't, it's nobody's business but the station's. Feel free to complain if there are errors, omissions or you don't think it's updated often enough, but I'd ask you to refrain from making vacuous personalised accusations against my colleagues for not doing a job they're not employed to do!

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Manx Radio only report what they are told to


That is complete, utter, crass, offensive bullshit. In 2½ years working in the M.R. newsroom nobody has EVER so much as SUGGESTED I shouldn't follow a particular story, or 'warned me off' either within the station or without. IOM Government does NOT control our news output any more than it does the newspapers, Border TV or the other radio stations (i.e not at ALL).


Fact of the matter is that politics drives the news agenda, and politicians love to spread the good word. When we interview them, we know that they are grown-up enough to have considered the legal implications of what they say - unlike some of the more childish digs we see on here. But then, it's much easier to have a pop at someone from behind a pseudonym, isn't it 'Crumlin'?


The media has to act more responsibly, and we're all aware of, and abide by, the laws of sub-judice, libel and slander. I'll let YOU guess the words I'd use to describe your posts if we didn't...


And Roy Gough is a sound bloke, I've spoken to him on and off-air numerous times. But he's the first to appreciate that you can't make accusations without being able to substantiate them in a court of law.

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Crumlin, let me say this slowly and without shouting. VARIOUS people have no doubt TRIED (your word!) to kill bad news stories. The only way it would happen on the Isle of Man is if there was a legal gag imposed.


A head to head with Roy about WHAT fer chrissakes?


Nipper - yes I do talk to him from time to time. Happy now??


Manxchatterbox. Big word for you...insomnia.

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Crumlin, let me say this slowly and without shouting. VARIOUS people have no doubt TRIED (your word!) to kill bad news stories. The only way it would happen on the Isle of Man is if there was a legal gag imposed.


Nipper - yes I do talk to him from time to time. Happy now??


Um, forget the Mr Grumble thing. What about telling us why certain items are reported on a Saturday when they could (should) have been reported in the week. And can you confirm those items reported during the weekend will be itemised on the website on Monday.

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Prove it have a head to head with Roy Gough Live if you have the Balls, sorry if the Government let you


I see your dare and I raise the stakes to include you proving this 'FACT' that MR news is Government filtered.


Either that or shut up with your continuous stream of unsubstantiated allegations.

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The programme would be as bland as bland can be...Roy knows the rules, FCMR would be bleeped and sent to the naughty corner, and Roly probably can't afford to say anything remotely contentious.


Again, suspecting mischief - even knowing of it - is one thing. Being able to prove it is another entirely.


Anyway, I'm going to bed....

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