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Should The Iom Be Connected To Uk And Ireland By A Road Tunnel?


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whereas a catapult really is fantasy....a tunnel isn't...


just think back to when electric motors first got developed and it was suggested a horse-less carriage rail system should be built from Douglas to Ramsey...bet there were people then who boo hooed it ...but it got built..


and then say the Loch Promenade sunken gardens and land reclamation behind the sea wall..bet loads of Douglas people then said no way it'll never happen...but those with forethought and vision saw it through...


or further afield JFK's vision for the USA "getting a man to the moon within the decade speech"...


so doesn't it just take the right leadership and anything is possible?

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I say go even further. Build a dam between Wales and Ireland and another between Scotland and NI and drain the sea.


Just imagine how many flats there could be built on the newly reclaimed seabed. Plus I might find the pound coin I dropped over the back of the King Orry many years ago

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whereas a catapult really is fantasy....a tunnel isn't...


just think back to when electric motors first got developed and it was suggested a horse-less carriage rail system should be built from Douglas to Ramsey...bet there were people then who boo hooed it ...but it got built..


and then say the Loch Promenade sunken gardens and land reclamation behind the sea wall..bet loads of Douglas people then said no way it'll never happen...but those with forethought and vision saw it through...


or further afield JFK's vision for the USA "getting a man to the moon within the decade speech"...


so doesn't it just take the right leadership and anything is possible?


Of course anything is theoretically possible but, more importantly, is it economically viable?


The answer, bearing in mind the minute population of the Isle of Man, has to be a resounding NO.

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does economic viability enter into the calculations if EU structural development funding is used??

....'cos surely big EU funded schemes are done looking at the very very long term..

.i.e what about that huge new bridge in the South of France...its not a toll bridge and yet it got built... to link the two sides of some big valley...??

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I wouldn't want a tunnel, Whats the point its stupid and is a waste of time + it would just bring crime, Because you just have to nick something, drive through a tunnel to England or Ireland and you wouldn't ever see your stuff again.


Although on the other hand.................. No! can't think of any good points its just stupid!

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does economic viability enter into the calculations if EU structural development funding is used??

....'cos surely big EU funded schemes are done looking at the very very long term..

.i.e what about that huge new bridge in the South of France...its not a toll bridge and yet it got built... to link the two sides of some big valley...??


The Isle of Man can't claim any EU fund so it's unlikely that the EU would approve funding for something that went outside of the EU when it would be easier to simply connect two EU states.


The EU may be a money black hole but they're not this stupid.

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has anyone ever looked closely at an overlay of a map of the London Underground on the street plan and seen how the tunnels bear no resemblance to going directly between stations....same for Ireland to Wales..surely to include the IOm would be just a small detour in the overall scheme..and think of how much cheaper it would be to bring in petrol by roaqd tanker and other business commodities etc...instead of having to ship at the expensive convenience of IOMSPco...surely a tunnel would be more convenient - no matter how long it would be ??

The London Underground map is just a graphic representation to show how to get from one station to another without the bends and without scale between stations. Its not meant to be an accurate representation of the network layout. From memory, the map was devised in the early 20th century to simplify negotiating the network for passengers. No-one cared what actual route was taken provided the stations and changes were marked in clear order.


It was, and still is, a landmark in graphics, but it didn't make the construction of the network any cheaper!

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but the most part of the construction cost would be via the EU funding Ireland via the outer regions fund..that's what its for isn't it?

and the Irish are sure to apply for the handout cos isn't it EU funding in the main that is driving the Irish economy which they can't afford to lose??


Aye it may have been but today Ireland gets nothing like the kind of money and support it once did. They have the fifth highest average income in the world so there's no way Bruxelles is going to increase their funding.

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but the cost would be in the scope of the EU budget and be spread over a number of years...which wouldn't be a lot would it?


and think how much cheap bacon, butter, Guinness etc we could get from Ireland??


(which reminds me time to go for a quickie..drink that is and see whats being said by "the man in the pub" in case StuPeters needs something for his prog tomorrow)




back in an hour or so..lets see what the scoop is??

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Why not build a giant catapult to launch cars across the Irish Sea?



That's your answer to everything.


Affordable space travel for all? Build a giant catapult!

Cloudy Day in August? Disperse them with a giant catapult!

Cliff Richard releases another Christmas single? Fire him to the North Pole from a giant catapult.


Have you cornered the World's supply of elastic, and y shaped trees, or something?

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hmmm...russian sub crashes into undersea tunnel...so that'll be the secret sub that's also able to bore towards the earth's core?? didn't I see some film about some sort of earth boring vehicle being developed in Area 51 or somewhere?? will have to think about that one.....


meantime...how long is the tunnel in Japan that links the mainland with the northern island of Hokkaido? that must be some drive!!

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