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Manx Radio


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Well perhaps you should have given Manx Radio a ring then, with some substantiated facts, and they might have been able to cover it. Or start your own station?????


The constant berating of Manx Radio is really SO boring now.

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The constant berating of Manx Radio is really SO boring now.

I totally agree.


I listen to Manx Radio from time to time and if I want local news that's the station I listen to.

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I'd love to agree with Stu, Obs and WilDDog too but I fear someone will just shout "cover up" or "brown envelopes" or "conspiracy" so fuck it, you're all a bunch of cunts and I'm going with the others on this one...





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Mission ! Mission ! . . . . . . . . . such language is totally uncalled for (like you know . . . . totally uncalled for !!)


If Mission is using such base language then we all may as well give up on these forums. IMO anyway. He really is such a pleasant chap.


So anyway, yes, Manx radio is pretty good. Very good in fact. The website is fine. I think as has been explained, a misunderstanding regarding weekend news was afoot but it has been explained.


Keep on yer toes Stu, but pleeeeease don't chummy along with your interviewees. It makes you so, so, well . . .common really. Which you are not.

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Manx Radio news have it easy these days, their news is one hour behind energy's news. I reckon they record it and put it out in the next hour. like this morning i heard a news item in which manx radio said that at prsent they couldn't reveal the facts, I go to energy's website and there are the facts. obviously the facts were there and the sausage bap order for the morning was the high priority phone call. although energy local news is only up til 1pm and again after 5 locally it still is up to date. 3fm just love repeating press releases by the sound of it, news that is days old but the facts must just have arrived by e-mail or fax!

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Lets just see what happens with MR news over the week-end (beaqring in mind they are all on a Christmas party piss up tonight, Friday)

- over Saturday and Sunday will they be able to broadcast any new stories or will they feed in "news" that actually originated during the week ??

- will the web-site languish as previously commented upon and not be up-dated?


one small test might be the fire at Quines Corner Douglas in the Corpy flats that required an initial turn out of four appliances and the roads being closed off - bearing in mind all the MR reporters are at the Railway surely they will be able to put a piece on the web-site witha photo??? then again they sent along Tim Glover the sports reporter!!

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Manxchatterbox, you're such an idiot that I'm afraid I've had no option but to have your internets turned down further. This is for your own safety, but means that whatever you see on your screen is at least a week old, which should ensure more high quality posts from you.


I've also had a word with my pals at the papers on Peel Road - instead of making you your very own issue of the Examiner every Monday with news only from that day, they're going to include stories that they've had on their desks for maybe two or three days in future.


Don't moan to me about it, I'll be pissed in the Railway...


Oh, Desperate Dan. Too much cow pie? You're wrong, and you clearly don't understand the concept of responsible journalism. See, if I saw you on fire on Strand Street, I could phone in to a programme live from my moby and get a scoop by yelling excitedly about an apparently immolated village idiot threatening to burn all the shops down - but think how many families would be upset or frightened unnecessarily. So I'd rather wait until the police or fire service gave me the correct details.


I'll have a pint of whatever you boys are on...

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Hey Stu - no worries - but lets just see shall we what happens over the week-end with "news" coverage??

and 'cos I think youv'e perhaps already had a few youv'e forgotten and lost track of Manx Radio having HOURLY bulletins every day whereas the IOM Examiner only comes out once a week - So perhaps instead of teh Railway you need to go into a dark room, lie on the floor and think about it 'cos it makes MR look even worse 'cos how may reporters do the newspaper have? and how many stories do they publish on a Monday for an entire week? compared to how many reporters does MR have? and how many stories does MR air during a week?


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But these calls for immediate reporting of everything are silly IMO. I wouldn't want to broadcast something about a dead child until I was certain that I'd got it right. And it wouldn't be responsible reporting. Even if another station had managed to get to the story earlier. Some of the stuff on this thread (IMO) deflects from useful criticism of the tax funded station which refuses to ask tough questions or to encourage journalism. And that tax funding should be put up for tender IMO.


My criticisms of Manx Radio remain:


Manx Radio is exactly like its website. The design and concept remains lousy and the news reporting is vague and badly written. Some here and on other threads have said that the website doesn't matter because the funding is about radio. I disagree. I think that the lazy website exactly reflects the current poor quality of the station's daytime reporting and programming.

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The story this Desperate Dan was referring to, was reported by the other stations when the information was released, whilst Manx Radio, as usual sat waiting for the world to come to them! Before you come back with a smart answer ask tiny Tim about the football results!!!!!!!!!!!

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Manxchatterbox, you're such an idiot that I'm afraid I've had no option but to have your internets turned down further. This is for your own safety, but means that whatever you see on your screen is at least a week old, which should ensure more high quality posts from you.


I've also had a word with my pals at the papers on Peel Road - instead of making you your very own issue of the Examiner every Monday with news only from that day, they're going to include stories that they've had on their desks for maybe two or three days in future.


Don't moan to me about it, I'll be pissed in the Railway...


Oh, Desperate Dan. Too much cow pie? You're wrong, and you clearly don't understand the concept of responsible journalism. See, if I saw you on fire on Strand Street, I could phone in to a programme live from my moby and get a scoop by yelling excitedly about an apparently immolated village idiot threatening to burn all the shops down - but think how many families would be upset or frightened unnecessarily. So I'd rather wait until the police or fire service gave me the correct details.


I'll have a pint of whatever you boys are on...


You sound like my kind of radio presenter. When are you on air? I'll try and listen in...

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Bring back the Mannin Line twice a week but encourage new callers and tell them to keep it short. Many of the people on the forums would be great but I for one don't want someone going on for about 15 minutes on their pet topic.


A new time is needed. 1.15 p.m. Sunday is not convenient for me (thank goodness you'll say) as I'm getting my lunch .


We need more entertainment. At least Marge- God rest her soul - made me laugh even if she infuriated others with her politically (in)correct views.


Who are these people on the Sunday opinion programme who are always having to dash to another meeting on Sunday? Pull the other one - they can't face the public.

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