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Having come home from our Christmas bash slightly refreshed, I see there's another spate of 'expert' opinion here...so allow me to comment, after which I'll probably stop posting for a while (again) rather than keep scratching at this sore...


as for news more than a week old...how come the Manx Radio Rendezvous web-cam is locked off...so no-one can see what's happening at Railway these days - and particularly to-night (Friday) (which just happens to be the MR Christmas Party - co-incidence or by design?? ) ??


The Railway WAS NOT the venue for the newsroom Christmas party tonight. As with the rest of your posts, this is based on erroneous supposition.


But these calls for immediate reporting of everything are silly IMO. I wouldn't want to broadcast something about a dead child until I was certain that I'd got it right. And it wouldn't be responsible reporting. Even if another station had managed to get to the story earlier. Some of the stuff on this thread (IMO) deflects from useful criticism of the tax funded station which refuses to ask tough questions or to encourage journalism. And that tax funding should be put up for tender IMO.


My criticisms of Manx Radio remain:


Manx Radio is exactly like its website. The design and concept remains lousy and the news reporting is vague and badly written. Some here and on other threads have said that the website doesn't matter because the funding is about radio. I disagree. I think that the lazy website exactly reflects the current poor quality of the station's daytime reporting and programming.


Thank you Simon for the first point you make. The others are less helpful, but of course you're perfectly entitled to your view and I respect that. All that I WOULD say is that it's much easier to be a critic than someone at the coal face, as it were. I don't know what qualifies you to make these assertions either, but c'est la vie. I'm assuming you're close to one of the other stations if you want the PART (important distinction) funding put out for tender, but that's only a guess.



The story this Desperate Dan was referring to, was reported by the other stations when the information was released, whilst Manx Radio, as usual sat waiting for the world to come to them! Before you come back with a smart answer ask tiny Tim about the football results!!!!!!!!!!!


That's either MR Peters or Stu to you, 'Biker'. I don't know the circumstances of this story - or how and when it broke. But we wouldn't sit on something this important unless we were awaiting official confirmation (for the sake of those directly involved or for legal reasons), or maybe the story broke when the newsroom was unmanned. And I haven't the slightest interest in football. 14 people in the newsroom - I wish! But since you know how to do the job better than we do, come on down and give it a go...I'll pay you myself!


Bring back the Mannin Line twice a week but encourage new callers and tell them to keep it short. Many of the people on the forums would be great but I for one don't want someone going on for about 15 minutes on their pet topic.


A new time is needed. 1.15 p.m. Sunday is not convenient for me (thank goodness you'll say) as I'm getting my lunch .


We need more entertainment. At least Marge- God rest her soul - made me laugh even if she infuriated others with her politically (in)correct views.


Who are these people on the Sunday opinion programme who are always having to dash to another meeting on Sunday? Pull the other one - they can't face the public.


Thank you Charles. Fact is, 'many people on the Forums' wouldn't phone in, nor would 99% of the people who signed Roy's petition. So inevitably it would be the same old people. And if they were on for 15 minutes while I was running the Mannin Line, it was because NOBODY else was waiting to go on. Perception and reality are two VERY different things. People now have numerous opportunities to raise issues on Manx Radio, but in a small comminity like ours, few of them have the balls to actually identify themselves and make a valid point on air. I understand that, but please don't believe the conspiracy theorists who say that free speech has been stifled (by whoever) - the reality is that VERY few people are prepared to stand up and be numbered.


My biggest problem with MR and IOMN is that they our posts on ManxForums to make some of their news


That's how 'news' happens. I'll happily admit to looking here (and lots of other places) for story leads - but I can't broadcast them without going into them properly, for the reasons already stated.


Cheesemonster - my rock show is on Saturdays 9pm until 1am Sunday. Apart from that, it's the 'day job' with Mandate Mon-Fri 0730-0830 and 1230-1330.


Night all.

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Thank you Stu - points taken.


Some of the critics on these Forums would have to change their tune if they were to use their own names but then perhaps they would be less honest in their opinions. Who knows?


Hope all of you enjoyed your bash. You deserve it as I am amazed at the amount of work which you have to put in. It's hard work trying to keep afloat and keep both Government and public reasonably satisfied!

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Well i guess MR has had a bit of flack over the last few months but it is only because manx radio has never said to us the tax payers what we would like to have on the station.


I would love to see a mid week mannin line, i agree the old format was getting tired but a mannin line say on a wednesday would be a good thing i think for all.


Also i have noticed that the amount of adverts on the station seems to have exploded, are MR offering cut price advertising to boost its operating costs.


I think that Stu's programs are good and i would rather listen to him than the rest of the Cheese brigade, at least stu has got the rock show back after rodger hung up his earphones.


P.s what ever happened to MANX DJ's seeing as its Manx Radio

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Mr Peters,

Apologies, the Mr was left off my post by accident …….. anyway I must return to this thread. I worked for Manx Radio long before you appeared on the scene, so your kind offer to work there must be declined. The newsroom at Manx Radio has always been over staffed for the amount and quality of the news bulletins.


A lot of rumours start to circulate on the Island about all sorts of stories, therefore prompt responsible reporting can stop a lot of distress by making the facts clear.

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hey Stu - go back and read the script you quoted from me again and again if necessary until you can comprehend that it doesn't in fact say the MR Christmas Party was at the Railway Rendezvous...you see you have just jumped to an incorrect conclusion - which is how some of the stuff that gets on air must be - and in any case again you have deliberately avoided answering the questions..'presumably 'cos you just don't have a clue as to what the answers are......and I hope the Managing Director's taxi back to Sulby hasn't been paid for as an expense picked up by the taxpayers subvention....

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Chaps, chaps, just calm down! No need for a slanging match!


IMO, on the whole, MR does a good job. It is the national radio station and has to observe certain protocols, particularly in view of the size of community it serves, not least it has to be sure that it has the correct story. Do we need immediate, approximate news, or factual, considered reporting?


Yes, there are things that make you wince a little, but in general I think the station does a good job in its role as community broadcaster.


I've posted before on how wearing the constant griping about things Manx can be. As has been said to me, we have something special here (the IOM in general) so why not some constructive, rather than continually destructive, criticism?

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As with the rest of your posts, this is based on erroneous supposition.

That's mcb's second name :)


Chaps, chaps, just calm down! No need for a slanging match!


IMO, on the whole, MR does a good job. It is the national radio station and has to observe certain protocols, particularly in view of the size of community it serves, not least it has to be sure that it has the correct story. Do we need immediate, approximate news, or factual, considered reporting?


Yes, there are things that make you wince a little, but in general I think the station does a good job in its role as community broadcaster.


I've posted before on how wearing the constant griping about things Manx can be. As has been said to me, we have something special here (the IOM in general) so why not some constructive, rather than continually destructive, criticism?

Very much seconded!


It appears to me, as if most people these days have been thouroughly spoiled by the constant number of "breaking news" and "up-to-the-minute reports" the mainstream media are throwing at us 24/7, reported by oh-so-affected correspondents, that seem to be able to teleport themselves and their perfect, yet momentarily subdued, smile and their bomb-proof haircut to any great story within seconds from it happening...


And even the big guns don't get it right all the time.. ("Terrorist" with "padded jacket" running towards a subway, anyone?)


MR does not have the resources or funding that the BBC or CNN have, and I much rather read or hear about stories that have been positively confirmed, instead of sharing the latest creation of the Manx Rumour Association, which clearly seems to have a lot of members...

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Cheesemonster - my rock show is on Saturdays 9pm until 1am Sunday. Apart from that, it's the 'day job' with Mandate Mon-Fri 0730-0830 and 1230-1330.


Night all.


Fantastic, I'll listen out for it. When I'm on the island I like to watch TV as there's not much in English out here. When I'm in Poland I like to find radio online to listen to. Rock Show will make a refreshing change from what's played most of the time on most stations.



P.s what ever happened to MANX DJ's seeing as its Manx Radio


Surely an Irish, British or any other person can do the job just as well as a Manxperson. If there are high calibre DJs available on the island then priority will go to them but if not it will go to the best person for the job.

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Manx Radio news have it easy these days, their news is one hour behind energy's news. I reckon they record it and put it out in the next hour. like this morning i heard a news item in which manx radio said that at prsent they couldn't reveal the facts, I go to energy's website and there are the facts. obviously the facts were there and the sausage bap order for the morning was the high priority phone call. although energy local news is only up til 1pm and again after 5 locally it still is up to date. 3fm just love repeating press releases by the sound of it, news that is days old but the facts must just have arrived by e-mail or fax!


Im I correct in thinking that Desperate Dan holds a position at one of the other Island based radio stations?


If so maybe he should let us know. Just been checking his postings which seem to have come from the bash Manx RadioPress Office!

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Chaps, chaps, just calm down! No need for a slanging match!


I've posted before on how wearing the constant griping about things Manx can be. As has been said to me, we have something special here (the IOM in general) so why not some constructive, rather than continually destructive, criticism?


My constructive suggestion: it would be great if they could find daytime slots for repeats of Agenda, Countryside, Shiaght Laa and Perspective. Late morning perhaps.


Abandon the "further afield" filler report on Mandate. Start the show at noon and move 'Island Life' to 13:30.


Bring back the 'Mannin Line' - say 14:00 - 14:45 a few days each week. But research some of the calls in advance to make it more issue based and campaigning. Like Joe Duffy on RTE1.

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.. but please don't believe the conspiracy theorists who say that free speech has been stifled (by whoever) - the reality is that VERY few people are prepared to stand up and be numbered.


For the sake of this forum we cannot discuss the reason why Manx.net and Manxonline.com forums were closed down.


But I think it would be a useful article for Manx Radio to do. It's about time that hot potato was out in the open.




/cue ans saying we have done this subject to death.


But we haven't.

We haven't even scratched the surface.

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Stu, how about having ManninLine at 9/10am on a Sunday when most of the Bar room Politicians are still fired up from the previous night and still half pissed. Oh before you do invest in a new BleepBleep machine Id think you may need it.

And for another good idea which should make the hair on the back of the neck stand up, get the Neds and the Builders in for a live show :)

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Stu, how about having ManninLine at 9/10am on a Sunday when most of the Bar room Politicians are still fired up from the previous night and still half pissed. Oh before you do invest in a new BleepBleep machine Id think you may need it.

And for another good idea which should make the hair on the back of the neck stand up, get the Neds and the Builders in for a live show :)



And 15 minutes from one person puts everyone else off calling. We need of the cuff opinions on a talk show not something which has been thoroughly researched all week before going on air.


If the caller is wrong it will be an opportunity for others to come on air and tell us so.

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