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Manx Radio


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My criticisms of Manx Radio remain:

Manx Radio is exactly like its website. The design and concept remains lousy and the news reporting is vague and badly written. Some here and on other threads have said that the website doesn't matter because the funding is about radio. I disagree. I think that the lazy website exactly reflects the current poor quality of the station's daytime reporting and programming.


I'm with Simon on this....

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My criticisms of Manx Radio remain:

Manx Radio is exactly like its website. The design and concept remains lousy and the news reporting is vague and badly written. Some here and on other threads have said that the website doesn't matter because the funding is about radio. I disagree. I think that the lazy website exactly reflects the current poor quality of the station's daytime reporting and programming.


I'm with Simon on this....


In that case I withdraw the comment :)

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OK I know this is slightly off thread but it does concern a certain Mr Peters


I'll have a pint of whatever you boys are on..


When I heard that some Antipodean girl was going to be on your show I listened. Mmmm I think you ought to sack the script writers Stu, Rock God? I gave you the benefit of the doubt, then switched off.


Give us some rock for the over 40's please.


I know I should have sent this as a PM but I'm a lazy sod.

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Also i have noticed that the amount of adverts on the station seems to have exploded, are MR offering cut price advertising to boost its operating costs.


has anyone noticed that in the main the ad's are all done with voices that sound as though they have been dragged in from the street ...no enthusiasm...I thought they had a section up staffed with people that was doing professionally scripted and produced adverts...have they been made redundant too?? how much do MR adverts actually cost?? are they in an advert war with other stations? I hope they aren't using taxpayers subvention money to artificially lower the cost of adverts in an attempt to attract advertisers at the expense of other stations 'cos wouldn't that be unfair competition?? are there rules against that sort of practice???

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My first time on here but could not let some of the comments on here go without reply.


I went to report on the fire at Quine's Corner last night when it became obvious it was a major incident. A report from the scene featured in the 7o'clock news....and confirmation that a man had died was reported from the next Manx news at 10pm.


This was achieved despite the fact we were having a News team Christmas bash - paid for by those who attended and not the station!


There were no other reporters from any other media outlet at the scene of the fire, but a photographer did appear.....possibly having heard about the story on Manx Radio.


As for Manx Radio News just sitting around and waiting for things to come to us - what utter tripe!


For example, the issue of the T.T. Course licence requirement has been driven and pushed by Manx Radio. Two live interviews with David Cretney, rider Barry Wood, Clerk of the Course for the T.T. Neil Hanson and Autocycle Union Chairman Jim Parker.


If you don't believe Manx Radio has been setting the agenda on this story, take a look at some of the hundreds of posts on T.T. related websites or the A.C.U. website. There are many other examples I could go into.


Manx Radio News deals with facts - not rumour or fiction.


I understand completely why Manx Radio comes under the spotlight from time to time. However, I wish I knew some of the jobs people who appear on here did so I could write how bad they are at it on here, for no good reason!


An appeal - just think before you slag off Manx Radio again for no good reason. You are writing about human beings who work odd and long hours.

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On the MR web-site:-



Jailed for grand theft


A 41-year-old man who stole nearly £18,000 from elderly people has been jailed for 12 months.Philip Brian Varney was supposed to be buying hearing aids, but his clients never received their goods.


The court heard, how the Baldrine man used to be employed by a UK hearing aid company but was sacked last year after cash discrepancies.Varney continued to work from the Island, talking cash from the elderly who never received their goods.


His Advocate said, 41 year old, had severe financial problems and deeply regretted his actions. The Deemster, said there had been a severe breach of trust.



so what is grand theft as oppossed to just theft?? is someone trying to sex up a story headline and got carried away after playing a well known video game??


- just heard Chris Williams doing a promo for the Radio Rendezvous at the Railway but judging by the web-cam there is only ever one person in there and he's been there since 12 November - god he must be bored why doesn't he get up and leave..or is he being held against his will and receiving some sort of sleep deprivation torture???????


I notice Tim Glover on-line - does he know who the dude is at the Railway..and if not why not??????

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An appeal - just think before you slag off Manx Radio again for no good reason. You are writing about human beings who work odd and long hours.


good on you Tim for signing up and putting your comments on...


but hang on a sec...okay so you work odd and long hours and seem very committed to doing what you do as professionally as possible...but aren't you very very well paid for doing exactly that and isn't a large proportion of your pay part of the taxpayers subvention....


....and don't you choose to do the job?????????, knowing what it entails...


I guess we will have to presume that you must be paid well enough and have enough perks to more than compensate for the unsocial hours..otherwise you wouldn't do the job would you.......

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Personally I think this topic is getting tiresome, anyone else think the same?


Nope. I find the Manx Radio threads interesting.


But you don't have to read them. And they aren't being funded with your tax money.


I've noticed that the local radio supporters seldom seem to accept that there is anything which Manx Radio could do better. Where as, by contrast, I don't think that any of the critics here has ever suggested that they are getting everything wrong.

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Do our mods have nothing better to do? If you aren't interested in a thread then don't post.

I asked the question to get the general consenus of the forum. It has nothing to do whether the topic interests me or not.

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Well done Tim for putting your point over.


I am a supporter of Manx Radio, it is the only station that has a vast amount of Manx content, either by going out and doing various articles on Manx related topics or presenting programmes on Manx wildlife, culture, sport, etc, etc, etc.


Do the other radio stations do this??? No they don't.


We are all entitled to our opinions and mine is that Manx Radio do a first class job and are 100% better than their so called rivals.


Keep up the great work guys.


Last Ten.

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I think Stu Peters does an excellent job. The interview with Bruce Hannay was particularly interesting :) Stu lead the interview from the start and took no rubbish, firmly and politely at the same time. Most of us would run out of things to say so why the knockers?

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My first time on here but could not let some of the comments on here go without reply.


I went to report on the fire at Quine's Corner last night when it became obvious it was a major incident. A report from the scene featured in the 7o'clock news....and confirmation that a man had died was reported from the next Manx news at 10pm.


This was achieved despite the fact we were having a News team Christmas bash - paid for by those who attended and not the station!


There were no other reporters from any other media outlet at the scene of the fire, but a photographer did appear.....possibly having heard about the story on Manx Radio.


As for Manx Radio News just sitting around and waiting for things to come to us - what utter tripe!


For example, the issue of the T.T. Course licence requirement has been driven and pushed by Manx Radio. Two live interviews with David Cretney, rider Barry Wood, Clerk of the Course for the T.T. Neil Hanson and Autocycle Union Chairman Jim Parker.


If you don't believe Manx Radio has been setting the agenda on this story, take a look at some of the hundreds of posts on T.T. related websites or the A.C.U. website. There are many other examples I could go into.


Manx Radio News deals with facts - not rumour or fiction.


I understand completely why Manx Radio comes under the spotlight from time to time. However, I wish I knew some of the jobs people who appear on here did so I could write how bad they are at it on here, for no good reason!


An appeal - just think before you slag off Manx Radio again for no good reason. You are writing about human beings who work odd and long hours.


Tim I was the first on the scene after being told of the fire, A photographer from an other news station was also on the scene some one hour before you arrived, you had a quick look, made a phone call and returned to the Railway, I also told you the name of the dead man, we had the report on the National TV before MR, sorry mate

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