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Ban This Sick Filth!

K.os Theory

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So Doom 3 is released today, and already Sky have jumped on the bandwagon calling for violent games to be banned.

I feel for the mother who's son was murdered but for her to call for all violent games to be banned just strikes me as wanting to place the blame...

I've been playing video-games since the early eighties and have never had any murderous thoughts, been arrested, killed anyone. Anyone got any opinions on this subject..

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It's not just these first person shooters that should be banned, but every other game too.


This morning I was running late for work, and just couldn't help myself from forcing the other cars off the road by throwing banana skins in their path, and then chuckling as they span off. If I had some lightning with me nobody would have been safe.

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I clicked on that link hoping for one of your silly piccies and all I got are some bloody links. Most crap.


Mo beats, move away from the frogs! My son plays Ratchet and Clank or rather he did until he beat the game - if that's the right expression - so now he just sees how many bolts he can get.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wish the press and other people would shut up about violent games influencing young people. You must be a complete freak if you play a game like Manhunt and come out all derranged and warped by it, its not real. I read somewhere that two children were re-enacting an execution scene from manhunt all I can say is what a complete bunch of absolute dipshits. If there minds are that fragile in the first place then it is not the games fault.

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