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Government Buildings


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By way of formality I post an example link Manx Radio item of the massive costs that are being 'thrown' at the Government Buildings refurbishment.



If the additional costs had been:


£2,000 Yeah I can handle that. Things get a little out of hand sometimes and often there are unforeseen circumstances in any project.


£20,000 hhmmm well, yeah ok, We are a small Island with it seems inadequate people sometimes running the sweetie shop. We can only have a piss with the dick we've got sort of thing.


£200,000 Now this is moving into a category of taking the fucking piss. Big Style.


£2,000,000 Words fail me. They fucking well fail me. Even swear words. Sorry, but you are going 10xxx too far. You thievin' robbin' bastards. And I am of course talking to our establishment. Our society. Many in our government.


You see, "dry rot" is not, I say again IS NOT, is fucking not, a mystery. Or a black art. It is easily detectable. Can I say that again? It is fucking easily detectable. With a surveyor with average eyes, good training and perhaps a moisture detector costing less than a £100.


I of course assume that a survey was carried out before we chucked a few £million at this fucking project. If it wasn't, then the fuck who was responsible for not thinking about commissioning a (simple) dry rot survey into the obviously smelly old damp building that it was should be ashamed. Bury the cunt.



So, moving on . . .Asbestos.

ASBESTOS. Oh shit.....


. . . .but no, not really. Use a fucking surveyor - See the description of surveyor above.



Your average building surveyor can spot this a fucking mile away. Ok he may need to be asbestos trained but it is the most basic of basic surveying tasks. Fucking basic.


This fucking Island sucks. You are all being taken for a fucking ride. But you can't see it because you are all doing "ok". You can afford a night out once a week and a few beers to keep you chilled. Big deal.


Give it 10 to 20 years and you will understand where the money has gone. The phat phukkers will have moved well away to sunnier climes. Well before you realise you have been well and truly shafted.


That's YOU by the way.

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