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The former Tory leader, Margaret Thatcher, has been admitted to hospital after feeling faint.


Maggie, if you don't remember, was responsible for the destruction of British society, unemployment of millions, creation of section 28, end of the UK manufacturing industry and many other evil deeds. She is possibly the reason why people today no longer feel safe in their neighbourhoods and don't trust politicians. She is the reason why people are still disinclined to vote Tory. The IRA's attempt to assasinate her in the eighties failed and the British public had to endure her for many more years.


Thatcher is evil. What other reasons are there to hate her...?

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How can you say that about a person? People have faults, whether they are really bad or not. Hate is such a strong word.


I agree that it is such a strong word but it's reserved for people like her. I believe she destroyed Britain and British society.


As the saying goes - you either love Thatcher or hate her. I've yet to meet anyone in between.

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Maggie should not be a hate figure even if you disagree with many of her policies. The British people supported her at every election she contested.


However I would say that she was fortunate in winning the Falklands War. Without that she would have lost the premiership much sooner.


As for the I.O.M. I will always maintain that our tourist industry seriously declined after 1980 because of her policies decimating much of the U.K.'s manufacturing industry. It may well be it would have happened in any case but the speed of change and fortunes were very painful for the Isle of Man and others in the affected areas in the U.K.


It is obvious that this nightmare has had long lasting repercussions for many people.

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Unfortunately the IRA's attempt to assasinate her in the eighties failed


that's an awful thing to say - you hate her that much you wish her dead?


I would be inclined to say yes. However, the people of Ireland would probably have suffered even more if she had been assasinated.


They may have been terrorists but Thatcher had many connections to terrorists and rouges especially Pinochet. She was also strongly against devolution to occupied parts of the UK like Scotland and Wales.

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Very poor taste, regardless of how you feel about her governing.


I addition to my earlier posted comments I should add that she also more-or-less destroyed the Trades Union movement, humiliated the miners, introduced the poll tax, reduced taxes for the richest whilst raising them for working people, ended free milk in UK schools (Thatcher, milk snatcher - remember?), sold off council housing without replacing them, privatized essential industry, led a corrupt cabinet, attacked single mothers, immigrants, the elderly and unemployed. The list of her crimes against Britain is endless.

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Makes me think how i would feel if Pres Bush was assasinated? schadenfreud? hoist in his own petard?


Maggie? i hated her politics while admiring her won tons, probably the UK's most succesful PM of the 20th Century. I wish her no ill.

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Makes me think how i would feel if Pres Bush was assasinated? schadenfreud? hoist in his own petard?


Maggie? i hated her politics while admiring her won tons, probably the UK's most succesful PM of the 20th Century. I wish her no ill.


She was the most successful. In my opinion this was because she appealed to the higher and middle classes because of tax policies, anti-union opinions, etc. She also managed to appeal to some working class people because of her lies and deceit.


She is the British George W Bush - loved or hated.


Urban Dictionary contains some nice definitions of her - some positive but, not suprisingly, most negative: Urban Dick

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Something tells me you don't even know what facism is.


It's a shame you have so much rage about things that happened before you were even born and are still yet to understand.


Dammit. You beat me to it.

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