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It's a shame you have so much rage about things that happened before you were even born and are still yet to understand.


You mean he doesn't remember the Labour government that she replaced? The winter of discontent where London's parks were used as rubbish dumps and the dead were stored in commercial freezers because of all the strikes and secondary picketing.

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Something tells me you don't even know what facism is.


It's a shame you have so much rage about things that happened before you were even born and are still yet to understand.


He's not the only one!


facism was not found in the Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary


What is 'facism'? Some official policy against faces you don't like? :D

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Considering he was born in 1980 or 81, he wasn't even alive under that Government and he was a whopping 9 or 10 when Thatcher's reign ended.


I think it's safe to say he's just parrotting what someone else has told him without fully understanding anything about it but it's cool to rage against the machine! It's pretty much not cool to wish ill health and death on somoene you don't know though, that's pretty pathetic and very immature.

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Considering he was born in 1980 or 81, he wasn't even alive under that Government and he was a whopping 9 or 10 when Thatcher's reign ended.


I think it's safe to say he's just parrotting what someone else has told him without fully understanding anything about it but it's cool to rage against the machine! It's pretty much not cool to wish ill health and death on somoene you don't know though, that's pretty pathetic and very immature.


I'm fully aware of history and politics Ans. Yes, you're right that I wasn't alive before Maggie's rule but her effects are still being felt today and many people are aware of it.


At least Jonty also finds the news uplifting.

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As for the I.O.M. I will always maintain that our tourist industry seriously declined after 1980 because of her policies decimating much of the U.K.'s manufacturing industry. It may well be it would have happened in any case but the speed of change and fortunes were very painful for the Isle of Man and others in the affected areas in the U.K.


One of the main downfalls of the IOM tourist industry was Erie going over to the Punt , it made it far to expensive for the Irish familys to come to the Isle of Man.


Don't know if Maggie's policys made much difference IMO but only being a snip of a lad at the time i didn't really care as long as i got my ice cream!!

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I'm fully aware of history and politics Ans. Yes, you're right that I wasn't alive before Maggie's rule but her effects are still being felt today and many people are aware of it.


It's one thing being aware of something and a whole other thing to understand it. Instead of repeating catchphrases and buzzwords you've heard or read from other people, why not try explaining to us all exactly how Thatcher was a facist, and enlighten us all as to the reasons why you feel so strongly about her policies that you wish her dead now, 15 years since she's been out of power.

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One of the main downfalls of the IOM tourist industry was Erie going over to the Punt , it made it far to expensive for the Irish familys to come to the Isle of Man.


Cheap air fares to the like of Spain didn't help either. Not many people in the Uk wanted to still come here when the could go to Spain.

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It's one thing being aware of something and a whole other thing to understand it. Instead of repeating catchphrases and buzzwords you've heard or read from other people, why not try explaining to us all exactly how Thatcher was a facist, and enlighten us all as to the reasons why you feel so strongly about her policies that you wish her dead now, 15 years since she's been out of power.


If you'd read my previous posts in this thread you'd have seen that I have listed many of her evil policies which are resented by many.


If you feel so strongly that she is a Tory Angel then tell us why.

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If you'd read my previous posts in this thread you'd have seen that I have listed many of her evil policies which are resented by many.


You've listed a bunch of policies without actually explaining why they were bad and what was so wrong with them. Please, feel free to dazzle me with your political nouse and your vast knowledge of the economic and social impact of Tory policies throughout the Eighties.

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If you'd read my previous posts in this thread you'd have seen that I have listed many of her evil policies which are resented by many.


Is council tax any better or worse than the curent "poll tax"? Is imprisoning pensioners a good idea?


Many people did resent her but many more kept re electing her as they didn't want to go back to Labour

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Is council tax any better or worse than the curent "poll tax"? Is imprisoning pensioners a good idea?


Many people did resent her but many more kept re electing her as they didn't want to go back to Labour


Council tax is better but not much better - it still needs tweaking. The Lib Dem's local income tax policy looks most interesting but still needs to be fully explained to avoid fears of highers taxes.


During the eighties Labour were in the same position as the Tories today - unelectable. This helped Maggie a lot imo.


You've listed a bunch of policies without actually explaining why they were bad and what was so wrong with them. Please, feel free to dazzle me with your political nouse and your vast knowledge of the economic and social impact of Tory policies throughout the Eighties.[/quote


Section 28 was a disaster because it prevented education authorities from mentioning homosexuality. The policy may not have forbid this but because it was so vague many steered clear of talking about these topics whatsoever. It was a personal attack on a minority of the population.


By selling off council housing she ensured that future generations of poor people would have to rely on the private sector for their housing needs (houses were not replaced by the same numbers). Private companies and housing groups are soley there to make profit at the expense of the most vulnerable.


Hospitals and schools suffered under Maggie. Hospitals were underfunded because of the Tory parties lack of spending on public services. Today they are still in a mess but gradually improving.


She led the way with privatization which didn't benefit the population through lower prices or better services. British Telecom was privatized and remained an effective monopoly afterwards ensuring that they could charge as much as they like and invest as little as they like. Other important industries were privatized also under Maggie or at least she proposed their privatization. Privatization is a good idea in many cases but only if it leads to competition. Privatizing a monopoly will not benefit the people at all.


The ending of free school milk may not have been hugely important but symbolically it showed Maggie to be willing to cut costs in places where it least affected her votes.

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It's one thing being aware of something and a whole other thing to understand it. Instead of repeating catchphrases and buzzwords you've heard or read from other people, why not try explaining to us all exactly how Thatcher was a facist, and enlighten us all as to the reasons why you feel so strongly about her policies that you wish her dead now, 15 years since she's been out of power.


If you'd read my previous posts in this thread you'd have seen that I have listed many of her evil policies which are resented by many.


If you feel so strongly that she is a Tory Angel then tell us why.


When Thatcher cane to office as PM the UK was bankrupt.


We had income tax at punitive levels to support subsidies that saw us mine coal that cost more than it could be sold for, we had manufactured product that cost more to make than it could be sold for apart from being horrible quality and technologically in the dark ages as investment went into the pay packets of the workforce, we had nationalised industries that were held ransom by unionised workers, in short we were a basket case nation.


And that is just for starters. Union power blackmailed both government and industry, closed shop agreements resulted in fascist power over work forces by ultra-left wing and frequently communist funded union bosses, the Winter of Discontent where the dead had been left unburied and vermin infested refuse had been left in the streets, inflation was rife, our currency was continually falling – there was talk of the $ - £ parity – or even less than parity, in short the arse had fallen out of the nation.


Thatcher did what had to be done. People suffered but it was the pain of recovery. Many people never worked again but they had been working in non-productive jobs before and being paid by those of us IN productive jobs, the power of the unions was broken – they were not destroyed, they were right-sized, a local tax was introduced that was both just and defendable – the community charge, WRONGLY called a poll tax which it was not, in fact all sorts of good things got done.


Council houses were sold to qualifying tenants at a sensible discount so enabling people to get a stake in the country as well as a buy in to its prosperity and relieving local councils of a cost burden that was one they should never have bourn anyway, utilities were privatised so creating a new share holding sector as well as permitting modernisation to occour, modernisation that could never have taken place whilst they were still nationalised, in short the British economic miracle was started. What a dam(n) shame that brown has thrown it all away since NuLabour got in but that’s another matter.


And the EU. Thatcher was instrumental in steering the establishment of a common MARKET, again something that has since been corrupted to a monolithic European state, a thing that the British people NEVER voted for but were presented with by successive governments failing to stand their ground,


And the IRA. Under Thatcher real progress against those pigs was achieved. What a shame Bleahs way of making progress is capitulation and the destruction of the Union.


No, Cheesey, you really don’t know much less understand what Thatcher did for the UK, She was probably the best PM that the UK has had in modern times, on a par with Churchill and arguably slightly better all things being considered.


To slag off Thatcher is like slagging off the surgeon who has saved you from cancer because he had to perform an operation that hurt.

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