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I personally hate Thatcher for two reasons.


Firstly her stupid policies indicated that the UK was giving up the Falklands which led the Argentinians to invade. She then took all the glory from the success of the military to stay in power. An amazing PR exercise. She causes the invasion and then revels in getting the islands back. She even ordered the unneccessary storming and subsequent deaths at Goose Green for political reasons. At the end of it instead of giving the islands up as was the original intention they now cost a fortune and will continue to do so!


Secondly she was the first British PM to look out exclusively for that segment of the population that voted for her. The rest could go hang. Now I would agree that things were not good and a lot needed doing but she did it with no regard whatsoever for the social cost. Simply because those affected would never vote for her in a million years.


Basically she had no scruples whatsoever about staying in power for the sake of it. I hope she burns in hell.


Those who Maggie appealed to for votes loved her. The rest of the population mattered jack shit.


Chinahand says that privatization was good for Britain but this is only obvious if you look at the immediate results. In the long term they meant higher prices, same old crappy service and generally no competition.


The 70's were not a good decade politically but choosing Maggie was a reactionary choice. Of course, yes, she stopped the strikes but at a huge cost which small mining towns and other manufacturing communities haven't recovered from today.


Your last sentence is put so nicely.


Maybe I'll buy some fireworks and party poppers for the big day!

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You're not a very nice person in many ways but being happy that someone is ill and hoping it kills them i thought may have been below even you....


If Sadamm Hussaine, Pinochet or Stalin (yeah, I know he'd dead) were ill uyou may secretly be wishing they'd die too. I would group her in the category just below these guys.

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I don't know I can take much more of the cutting wit and repartee as demonstrated in this thread. I personally like Le Grand Fromage and clearly other posters here really have strained their grey. Take the wonderfully amusing efforts above, some rare classics not.


Thank God it's Friday lunchtime. Syonara.

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