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Smoke Fetish


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One should exercise caution when inviting a lady to smoke, otherwise the consequences can be dire.


For example, when Bill Clinton offered Miss Lewinsky a cigar, she took it completely the wrong way :o ............ and just look at the trouble it caused him!

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These were doing the rounds at the time, so a quick trip down memory lane:-



It's a grand and glorious political debate we have going on now in the United States.


Half of the country wants to see the President hung.


The other half already has.







More jokes than you will ever need on this subject.


Hilary Clinton is in charge of hiring interns.

First one she hired was Lorraine Bobitt.


Al Gore one orgasm away from the presidency.


Gallup poll of female White House interns.

78% said job left bad taste in their mouth.


They are changing the name of the Oval Office to the Oral Office.


Clinton says that oral sex is not cheating. If he can get that law passed, every man in the country will insist he serve another term.


Instead of the 1st Lady, Hillary is now known as the 5th of 6th Ladies.


FBI is calling Monica Lewinsky "the unisucker".


This gives a whole new meaning to "Head of State".


It was announced that Clinton's plan to help build a bridge to the 21st century will be as part of a Federal Penitentiary Work Release Program.


Clinton didn't tell her to lie in the deposition.

He told her " Lie in this position."


The Surgeon General has reported that not only can you get AIDS from sex. You can get sex from aides.


Clinton on marijuana: "I didn't inhale."

Clinton on cheating: "I didn't insert."

Clinton on making love: "I didn't come."


What did Clinton say to Paula Jones at the deposition?

"Now you open your mouth."


Did you hear about the game Clinton teaches his interns?

Swallow the leader.


What does Clinton ask his new interns?

"Do you want to see the executive branch?"


Hillary says her husband is not guilty of anything.

He was sucked into it.


The F.B.I. reports that Monica Lewinsky was part of a Polish Terrorist

Team with orders to blow up the president.


Gallup poll asked Americans if the latest sex scandal hurts Clinton's credibility.

97% said "What credibility?"


Why Clinton doesn't remember having sex with Lewinsky?

After all these years of not inhaling he has brain damage.


What was Clifton’s last gift to Monica?

Spot remover.


Did you hear Clinton is declaring a new National Bird?

The Spread Eagle.


What was Lewinsky's position at the White House?

Either: Marital Aide or Under Secretary.


What did Lewinsky say when she left the White House?

"At least I won't have to see that Prick again!"


JFK: "Ich bin ein Berliner"

Nixon: "I am not a crook"

Reagan: "Tear down that wall, Mr. Gorbachev"

Bush: "Read my lips"

Clinton: "Suck my cock"


What did Gore say after the Lewinsky story broke?

"I guess they won't be calling me the stiff man in the White House anymore."


Why was it difficult for Clinton to fire Monica Lewinsky?

He couldn't giver her a pink slip without asking her to try it on first.


What do Monica Lewinsky and Bob Dole have in common?

They were both upset when Bill finished first.


What is Bill's definition of safe sex?

When Hillary is out of town.


What is the difference between Clinton and the Titanic?

Only 350 women went down on the Titanic.


How does Bill keep Monica Lewinsky away from the White House?

He keeps offering to get Ted Kennedy to give her a ride home.


President Clinton looks up from his desk in the Oval Office to see one of his aides nervously approach him.

"What is it?" exclaims the President.

"It's this Abortion Bill Mr. President, what do you want to do about it?" the aide replies.

"Just go ahead and pay it." responds the President.


So it's about Bill Clinton's new revelations about his sex life.

Seems today he finally admitted that he had sex with Gennifer Flowers a couple of times....but he didn't come.


What does Bill say to Hillary after a romantic interlude?

"Honey, I'll be home in 20 minutes."


Why does Bill Clinton cheat on Hillary?

He wants to be on top.


How did Bill Clinton paralyse Hillary from the waist down?

He married her.


How does Bill Clinton teach a woman to golf?

He starts with the irons and ends up in the woods.


When did Clinton realise Paula Jones wasn't a Democrat?

When she didn't swallow everything he presented.


What's the difference between Bill Clinton and a gigolo?

A gigolo can only screw one person at a time.


What's the definition of an Arkansas Virgin?

A girl that can run faster than the Governor.


What does Teddy Kennedy have that Bill Clinton wishes he did?

A dead girlfriend.



This is from a contest on Long Island in America. The requirements were to use the words Lewinski and Kaczynski (the Unabomber) in a limerick. Here are the 3 winners:


Entry #1:

There once was a gal named Lewinsky

Who played on a flute like Stravinsky

'Twas "Hail to the Chief"

On this flute made of beef

That stole the front page from Kaczynski.


Entry #2:

Said Bill Clinton to young Ms. Lewinsky

We don't want to leave clues like Kaczynski,

Since you look such a mess,

Use the hem of your dress

And wipe that stuff off of your chinsky.


Entry #3:

Lewinsky and Clinton have shown

What Kaczynski must surely have known:

That an intern is better

Than a bomb in a letter

Given the choice of how to be blown.

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