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Huge Blasts In Hertfordshire


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Another example of how easy it is for accidents to happen at these installations.

I know this is Oil, but did I hear somewhere the UK want to build more Nuclear power stations or was I imagining it?

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The UK are considering it. And rightly so.


If nuclear power is safe, and I'm not an expert so I don't know, then the UK should build the new stations in the centre of major populated areas - London, Manchester, Birmingham and Glasgow - rather than, as they've done in the past, put them out of the way and nearer to other jurisdictions like Ireland and Mann.

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on a what if basis...what if something disasterous happended to the Manx Petroluems fuel depot...what other supplies are there??

is there a contingency plan to allow for fuels to be brought in at Ramsey or somewhere else??

how long would the petrol at the stations last ..a day ..not long...Does Govt have a reserve supply?? is it sufficient??

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on a what if basis...what if something disasterous happended to the Manx Petroluems fuel depot...what other supplies are there??

is there a contingency plan to allow for fuels to be brought in at Ramsey or somewhere else??

how long would the petrol at the stations last ..a day ..not long...Does Govt have a reserve supply?? is it sufficient??

Getting ideas are we?

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on a what if basis...what if something disasterous happended to the Manx Petroluems fuel depot...what other supplies are there??

is there a contingency plan to allow for fuels to be brought in at Ramsey or somewhere else??

how long would the petrol at the stations last ..a day ..not long...Does Govt have a reserve supply?? is it sufficient??


They're stock-piling bicycles.

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They're stock-piling bicycles.
How about sand, for sticking their heads into?


Spoke to a friend of mine in Wycombe today. The explosion woke him up, and the air is thick with oily fumes.

It's like living next to a taxi driver :D


When there was all that kerfuffle about petrol a few years ago, didn't the Island pride itself on not being affected? mainly cos it comes in on boats, and the blockade was done by trucks.


Just out of interest, how much does it cost to build a nuclear power station?

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on a what if basis...what if something disasterous happended to the Manx Petroluems fuel depot...what other supplies are there??

is there a contingency plan to allow for fuels to be brought in at Ramsey or somewhere else??

how long would the petrol at the stations last ..a day ..not long...Does Govt have a reserve supply?? is it sufficient??


Having worked at both oil terminals on the island the answer is if one went up the other could in theory take over since the Total plant in peel was recently shut down for a week and Shell supplied all the Total stations,


I was surprised by the pictures as the tanks in Peel all flood with foam in the event of a fire which should prevent the huge explosions seen on the news.


If nuclear power is safe, and I'm not an expert so I don't know


Best shut up then!

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