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Huge Blasts In Hertfordshire


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No power source or system can ever be 100% safe. There will always be accidents - that is simply a fact of life. I would suggest, however, that although an accident such as the one at Buncefield is costly and may cause a few injuries or even deaths, it wouldn't compare with the kind of damage that can/will be done by a nuclear plant when the inevitable accident occurs.

Until such time as they are made completely safe (i.e. never!) nuclear power stations should not be considered as a viable energy source.

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We are about 7 miles from what is left of the depot and the sky to the south of us is just black. The worst thing is the M1 traffic is all over the place so it clogged everything else up. It took me an hour to get in this morning - major bummer!

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The column of smoke has diminished but it's still huge. Our main distribution and supplies centre for London was virtually next door and is in the exclusion zone. Today all the folks from there were shoe-horned in with us and our contingency plans are nearing completion. I was chatting to one of them, he thinks he has lost his job. Basically the building is so badly damaged it is probably going to be demolished which means the contingency setup will most likely become permanent - without them. Dixons had a regional distribution centre there and not only is it damaged but the sprinklers keep going off. Lloyds of London must be bricking it. Apparently the first Pikeys are appearing to see what they can loot as well. Merry Xmas everybody!

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Yeah the reports this morning said they estimated the damage at 10's of millions but they didn't really have any accurate figure until they could get in to assess the damage.


Feel sorry for those that will lose their jobs, not great at any time of the year but especially bad around Christmas.

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