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Energy Fm At The Villa


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Of course you can Drink in the Villa Marina, the night is in association with WKD.

we are pleased to say ticket sales are doing very well, was a bit panicky last week but they're flowing out now, something different for a Saturday night and only £6.

Should be a good weekend for everyone in the club scene... lots going on!

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  • 2 weeks later...

A good night all in all, a few there people who can't behave themselves but by far less trouble than your average club night.


We could easily have sold another 1000 tickets, we had about 900 phone calls trying to reserve tickets after we had sold out. sorry to all those who were unable to get a ticket. We'll be back with another one some time in the next year.


Thanks to everyone who attended and for everyone involved for there extreme hard work... DJ's, Energy Management, Villa staff and management.

We had to have the place totally clean for 8am as there was some gig on for Jehovah's Witnesses!, the place wasn't that dirty but loads of equipment and decor to dismantle.

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I had a really good night on Saturday, but there were a few points that they need to address, the wait for the bar was horrendous, it took us ¾ of an hour to get a drink when we first got in there, and as per usual there was a few idiots that tried to spoil it, most people seem to obey the no smoking rule until late on when I noticed a few inconsiderate people lighting up. But all in all was good fun.

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